Read a copy of the full speech here

Securing a safe,
sustainable rail
Michael Roberts
Chief Executive
We want to grow the role of rail in sustainable development
Driving a dynamic economy
Strengthening our social fabric
Improving the environment
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
We aim to achieve our goal by working with others over the
next 25 years to:
• Continue improving passenger satisfaction - to at least 90%
• Carry twice as many passengers as today, more quickly and
better integrated
• Put the railways on a more sustainable financial footing
• Deliver services that are among the most reliable and safe in
• Help Britain tackle climate change by moving towards a 50%
cut in CO2 emissions in the longer term
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Rail has a good green record but cannot be complacent
Rail CO2 emissions < 1 % of UK total and rail's carbon footprint has fallen by
around a third since 1990.
Average rail CO2/pass kms = 50% of cars and 25% domestic air
But forecast demand growth will put pressure on total rail emissions
Car technology set to erode rail’s green advantage in future decades
Room to improve rail local environmental impacts
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Our aim for future rail CO2 emissions
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Reducing rail’s own carbon footprint
Rolling programme of electrification
beyond recent announcements +
decarbonisation of UK power
More extensive energy efficiency eg
reducing transmission losses
Potentially second generation biofuels
Tackling station and depot emissions
(10% of total)
Accrington station
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Helping to cut transport’s carbon footprint
Growing rail’s market share by playing to its
market strengths
Increasing rail’s attraction by improving its VfM
Integration through
– Ticketing initiatives
– Better information
– Improved physical links
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
High Speed Rail has a contribution to make
HSR can be as energy-efficient as intercity
trains (capacity + load + ops + design)
Power de-carbonisation can improve HSR
carbon performance further
Scope for mode shift away from domestic
air and cars
Overall impact of HS2 broadly neutral
(Govt estimated saving of 4.6m tonnes)
Need to resolve HS2 issues of funding and
local impact
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Other environmental issues
Noise - industry working with government on
cost- effective and proportionate solutions
Air quality - New/re-engineered stock has less
polluting engines and the switch to low
sulphur diesel in 2012 will reduce pollutant
Waste - Many TOCs recycle on
train/station/depot waste as matter of course
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Industry reform agenda also supports rail’s green agenda
Franchise reform
Aligning train and track
longer, smarter franchises, allowing
the private sector to invest and
stronger alignment between operators
and Network Rail, focused on
Targeted, sustained investment
Smarter fares policy
need to keep investing in network and
train capacity as demand continues to
more flexible approach to fund
investment, reduce taxpayer support
and make better use of capacity
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Rail is integral to a sustainable transport network and continues to have
much to offer
Welcome vote of confidence in rail by this Government (CSR) and all main
parties (HSR)
No cause for complacency: electrification, energy efficiency, modal shift
Wider reform agenda can help support continued improvement in rail's
green credentials
Securing a safe, sustainable rail network
Michael Roberts
Chief Executive
020 7841 8001