Mrs. A. Johnson 1 grade - Room 104

Mrs. A. Johnson
1st grade - Room 104
Hello, Parents.
First grade is a busy and fun year! Please keep the following information for
your reference.
Classroom Phone Number (610) 627-7214
weekly log: great source for information
*** Feel free to call or email me with any concerns- do not hesitate!
About Me:
 B.S. from Millersville University in Elementary/Early Childhood
M.Ed. from Widener in Special Education.
20 years teaching experience in regular and special
9th year with Rose Tree Media School District.
Married with 2 children, ages 13 and 19 years. My husband
and I have foster-parented 13 children.
Room 104 - Daily Schedule
Arrive & Unpack
Morning Meeting
Language Arts
Quiet Time / Read Aloud
Core Extension
Social Studies/Science
Pack Up/ Dismissal
Room 104 - Encore Schedule
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Language Arts
Readers’ Workshop
In Readers’ Workshop we work on strategies that good readers use to create an
awareness of what students should do and think about while they are reading so they
can build good reading habits. These skills are taught through a mini-lesson and then
practiced during Independent Reading and Partnerships.
Independent Reading
After RW the students are asked to apply the strategies we have practiced as a group to
their independent reading books and to their reading partnerships. I circulate around
the room visiting with a few students each day to hear them whisper read to me, discuss
what they have read, spot check the skills card, give praise for strategies I see them
apply and offer suggestions for improvement. I also will have small strategy lessons
with partnerships or groups.
Your child’s reading level for independent reading is designed so each student’s books
will be easy, fast, and fun. If the students are struggling with too many words, it will
be difficult for them to apply the comprehension strategies necessary for reading. When
one step (15 minutes) is completed, students fill in one line of their logbook
regardless of how many books they read during that time. The students then share a
strategy they used while reading with their reading partner.
Writers’ Workshop
I begin each workshop with a “Think/Write Aloud” mini-lesson where I model what good
writers do. Sometimes I use students’ work as models, also. After we have writing time
at our desk students will often have the opportunity to share the writing they are
working on with a partner of the group.
Project Read
This is our phonics program. The students learn phonics sounds and pattern rules, and
these patterns build on each other throughout the program. There are no formal
spelling tests each week, but instead we practice our spelling skills daily with dictation.
Also, there are unit assessments that incorporate spelling patterns from previous units.
The workbooks for homework will come home in your child’s cloth reading bag and
homework will be assigned by your child’s Project Read teacher. Once taught, the
students are responsible reading and spelling words and sentences utilizing the Project
Read skills across the curriculum.
We use the Handwriting without Tears Curriculum. I have placed a letter formation
sticker on the green take home folders for parents to refer to while helping with
homework completion.
The district curriculum has changed this year to enVision Math 2.0, which is a Core
Standards, based program. The program focuses on fluency, problem solving, math
vocabulary, and comprehension of math concepts with a hands-on curriculum. There will
be math homework most nights Monday-Thursday.
We have three science units each year. They are: Animal Classification/Winter Animals,
Organisms, and Balancing and Weighing.
Social Studies
We will explore self, family, school, community, schools long ago, beginning map skills,
and famous American figures. Good citizenship will be stressed with our school pledge of
“Be Ready, Respectful, and Responsible.”
We will have morning meeting daily as a format for introducing and discussing many
social skills (Responsive Classroom). During this time, the students and I join as a
community to begin our day. We “pass around” a good morning, we discuss the
schedule for the day, and we may play a game or do an activity together. This becomes
a comfortable time to share things that are going well and to share any community
issues the students may have. We work as a group to brainstorm ideas to solve any
problems that may arise.
Core Extension
This block of the day is designed to support the students with small group and
individualized instruction for skill practice, remediation, and enrichment. During this
time, specialized instruction such as speech, PT, OT, and ESOL is also given.
Other Procedural Notes
Report Cards
3 report cards each year.
Conferences after the first two report cards. There is a new electronic sign up
procedure for conferences this year.
DIBELS 3x/year
Teacher’s College Running Records
Project Read Assessments
Math Program Assessments
Informal Assessments and Observation
Walkers and car riders are called to the main lobby and dismissed.
Bus students are escorted to the Husketeria and seated by bus number.
If your plans change, please be sure to e-mail me or write a note. If it is a
change after the school day starts please call the office to ensure I get the
message. Thanks.
30-45 minutes per night, Monday-Thursday
Reading only Friday – Sunday.
Independent Reading- 15 minutes = 1 step
Project Read - Assignments made by the Project Read teacher. Look for the
plastic sleeve in your child’s homework folder.
Sight Words- One sheet per week in a plastic sleeve in your child’s green
Math- Worksheets usually labeled “homework” in top right corner.
Individual assignments- as needed.
Behavior Management
High 5 tickets
 Earned for being Ready, Respectful, and/or Responsible.
 Every 10 tickets can be traded for a High 5 charm, which is fastened to students’
Traffic Light + Positive Reinforcement
Reminders given before each move up the traffic light.
Student moves own clothespin, records own behavior on the weekly newssheet as
a happy, so/so, or frowny face.
Please discuss behavior at home, but don’t be alarmed with a yellow or red. I will
call if necessary.
Classroom Management
Focuses in on a particular behavior or skill for the whole class.
Earns a reward for the entire group such as extra recess or our class pet.
Will be organized by the homeroom moms.
Please sign up to donate items or volunteer if you are able.
All foods must be from the Rose Tree Safe Food list and packaged in the original
Due to the healthy food policy and allergies, students can not bring in food treats
to share for their birthday. They can give out an alternative (pencils, stickers,
little prizes, etc.) if they would like to.
I will not pass out invitations or thank you notes for birthday parties at school
unless every child is invited in the class. The student directory can be used to
obtain addresses for individual invitations to be mailed
Volunteers- Please sign up!
I currently need volunteers to prepare book order forms, cut lamination, tear pages out
of math books, and sharpen pencils and help prepare other materials. I also may need
volunteers during the day on occasion. Please sign the sheet at Back to School Night if
you are able to help. If you are going to volunteer in the classroom on a regular basis
or would like to chaperone a field trip, please see the state requirement on the district
webpage involving clearances.
I look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night!
Mrs. A. Johnson
Top Ten Question to Ask Your Child Each Day
What made you laugh today?
How many cubes did the class earn?
What special did you have today? What did you do?
What book did Mrs. Johnson read today?
How many days have you been in school?
How many days until the 100 day party?
What is today’s date (month, day, year)?
What was the weather report today? Did the
weather change since then?
What did you do at recess?
10. Did you play any math games today?