Use Google Smartly O’Neal Tang Internet Fine-Tune Your Query with More Keywords •As many keywords as possible •Be descriptive •Sample Search for Either One Word or Another •Google defaults “and” between words in query •OR(uppercase) operator •between the two words •Sample •Cats dogs •Cats and dogs •Cats or dogs •Cats OR dogs Include Stop Words Stop words: "and," "the," "where," "how," "what," and "or" (in all lowercase) Google automatically ignores stop words Google also ignore single letters and single digits Stop words slows down the search + operator Include word in query Sample: Exclude Irrelevant Words • problematic when words has multiple meanings • - Operator • Exclude words from search •Sample •DDA –act •bass -fish -guitar -beer -shoes Search for Similar Words There are lots of different ways to describe the item Or somebody else describes this item using different words than you would ~ operator Searches for all pages that include word and all appropriate synonyms Sample ~elderly This find pages that include not just the word "elderly," but also the words "senior," "aged," "nursing homes," Tune Your Search with Other Operators Operator Use Usage allinanchor: Restricts search to words in the link text on web pages allinanchor:keyword1 keyword2 (with multiple keywords) allintext: Restricts search to the body text of web pages (with allintext:keyword1 keyword2 multiple keywords) allintitle: Restricts search to the titles only of web pages (with allintitle:keyword1 keyword2 multiple keywords) allinurl: Restricts search to web page addresses (with multiple inurl:keyword1 keyword2 keywords) filetype: Restricts search to files of a specified type filetype:extension inanchor: Restricts search to words in the link text on web pages inanchor:keyword intext: Restricts search to the body text of web pages intext:keyword intitle: Restricts search to the titles only of web pages intitle:keyword inurl: Restricts search to web page addresses inurl:keyword site: Restricts search to a specific domain or website site:domain Relate: display pages that are in some way similar to the related:site specified page Search for an Exact Phrase what you're searching for isn't described by list keywords but an exact phrase Google returns results that include all those words but not necessarily in that exact order enclose the phrase in quotation marks Google to search for the precise keywords in the prescribed order Sample: “Start wars” Use Google's Advanced Search Page Find results with all these words:Google's default search mode Find results with this exact wording or phrase:Searches for the exact phrase entered Find results with one or more of these words:Searches for either one word or another (identical to the OR operator) Don't show pages that contain unwanted words:Excludes words from search results (identical to the - operator) Results per page: Selects how many listings are displayed on the search results page Language: Searches for pages written in a specific language File type: Limits the search to specific file types of files Search within the specific website or domain: Restricts the search to a given site only Search Google's Other Sites Google Blog Search: Searches blogs and blog posts Google Book Search: Sarches the contents of current and out-of-print books Google Directory: Searches an editor-assembled directory of web pages Google Groups: Searches Usenet newsgroups and other user groups Google Image Search: Searches photographs and other online images Google Maps: Searches for and displays maps of street addresses and other locations Google News: Searches current news articles Google News Archive Search: Searches older news articles Google Patent Search: Searches for patent information Google Product Search: Searches for current pricing on selected products Google Scholar: Searches for articles and other scholarly information Google Video: Searches for specific YouTube videos Other functions Current Time time London time Shanghai Meaning of a Word define:brown bag Calculator 1+(2-3)*4/5 Convert currency, metrics, bytes, and more 1 pound in RMB 1 meter in inch Stock Information DJI 000001