Leadership 1 Presentation


GUTS Youth Leadership Corps


Know Yourself

Are Mentors Leaders?

• A leader is not a Boss but a Guide - a person who guides others toward a common goal.

• A leader is a person that is committed to carrying out the mission of the group.


Who Can Be A Leader

Do you have to be born a leader?

Do you have to have a certain personality?

Qualities of a Leader

Good Listener



Self Belief


Leaders have the 3 R’s

• Responsibility

• Respect themselves

• Right decisions


Understand Yourself

• Why do you need to understand yourself to be a good leader?

– So you can be Confident

Self Belief


– So you can have the 3 R’s


Respect themselves

Right decisions

Three Steps to Understand


Step 1: Understand Your Values

Step 2: Understand Your Personality Type

Step 3: Understand Your Reactions

Step 1: Understand Your Values

• Why do you need to understand what you value?

– Should govern your actions, responses, speech, motivation for doing things and decisions

– Makes you feel good about these things

– Understand why you feel good about some things and not about other things

– Helps you decide what is important in your life

• Clarity

• Focus

Where do you get values?


• Family

• Friends

• Experiences

• Where you live

• Things you have seen or read


• Some you may be born with

Find out what you value

• Identify your values

– Use the Values list and online resources to identify a list of your values

– Narrow it down to a maximum of 10

– What do they mean to you?

• Make it Graphic

– Mandala Activity

– Graphic Words

– Other Format – You choose

Why are Values Good

• Help you feel good about the things you do

• Help you know what you should do

• Help you know when you are doing a good job\

Step 2: Understand Your Personality Type

• Why?

– Can tell you things about yourself

• Why you like certain things

• Why you dislike certain things

• Why you do certain things

• What motivates you

– Can tell you about how you interact

• With people

• With certain environments

Personality Tests

• There are many different types.

• All have some value

• All have some problems – personality

Activity – Take the test

Take the DOPE Test

Which Bird are You?

D – Dove (Amiable)

O – Owl (Analytical)

P – Peacock (Expressive)

E – Eagle (Assertive)

Maureen’s DOPE Test

Primary Personality Styles


Personality Styles

Half of being smart is …… knowing what your are not smart at

Doves (Amiable)

Possible Strengths

• Compassionate and peaceful

• Supportive

• Patient

• Diplomatic

• People-orientated

• Loyal

• Friendly

• Hard working

Possible Weaknesses

• Avoid change

• Avoid confrontation

• Avoid risk-taking

Owls (Analytical)

Possible Strengths

• Wise

• Thorough

• Thinking

• Logical

• Mathematically minded

• Methodical

• Disciplined

• Love details

Possible Weaknesses

• Perfectionist

• Can be slower to make decisions – avoid risk and feelings

• Can be inflexible, rigid

Peacocks (Expressive)

Possible Strengths

• Enthusiastic

• Good communicator

• Being the centre of attention

• Imaginative

• Happy/ optimistic

Possible Weaknesses

• Can talk too much/comes on strong

• Can be a dreamer/unrealistic

• Not good with time management/details

Eagles (Drivers)

Possible Strengths

• Bold

• Dominant

• Like being challenged

• Decisive

• Direct

Possible Weaknesses

• Can be blunt

• Can be stubborn

• Can lose sight of the big-picture

• Can be insensitive to other people’s needs.

Step 3: Understand Your


• You react the way you do because of

• What you value

• What type of person you are

• Can you control the way you react? YES

• Understand why

• Understand what to do

Doves (Amiables) at Work

• Competent and steady

• Strong administrative abilities

• Mediates problems

• Resents being pushed

• Avoids conflict

• Wants to save relationships

• Would rather day dream than take action

What can Doves (Amiables) do to spread their wings?

• Share your opinion – talk more and listen less

• Be assertive

• Take a stand on issues - Take some risks

• Be on time

• Speed up

• Don’t be so blasé about things

• Don’t be passive aggressive

Motivate/Demotivate Doves


Motivate Demotivate

• Approval

• Attention

• Job Security

• Cooperation

• Insensitivity

• Impatience

• Lack of Support

Owls (Analytics) at Work

• Neat and tidy

• Schedule-oriented

• Detail conscious

• Not people-oriented

• Spends lots of time planning

• Standards often high

• Wants to save money

• Major stress over imperfections

What can Owls (Analytics) do to spread their wings?

• Once you have the facts, make a decision

• Speak more

• Be sociable - Get more involved with people – Show personal interest – Share information

• Be Positive - Lighten up – Smile more

• Don’t look for ways to “penny pinch everything!”

Motivate/Demotivate Doves


Motivate Demotivate

• Respect

• Activity

• Working Alone

• Surprises

• Unpredictability

• Premature decisionmaking

Peacocks (Expressives) at Work

• Inspires / charms others to join in

• Volunteers for jobs

• Thinks up new activities

• Wastes time talking

• Forgets obligations

• Wants to save energy

• Makes their job fun

What can Peacocks (Expressives) do to spread their wings?

• Reserve your opinion more

• Don’t interrupt – listen more

• Slow Down

• Lower your voice

• Listen to other people

• Follow through on things

• Think BEFORE you act

Motivate/Demotivate Peacocks


Motivate Demotivate

• Recognition

• Variety

• Creativity

• Routine

• Boredom

• Inflexible

• Schedules

Eagles (Drivers) at Work

• Stimulates activity

• Sees the whole picture

• Little tolerance for mistakes

• May make rash decisions

• “Cracks the whip!”

• Work may become “God”

• Doesn’t care what others think "Wants to save time

What can (Eagles) Drivers do to spread their wings?

• Don’t correct and debate everyone

• Don’t be so abrupt and brash

• Be patience

• Slow down

• Curb your sarcasm

• LISTEN to people

• Be sensitive to the feelings of others

Motivate/Demotivate Peacocks


Motivate Demotivate

• Power

• Challenging Goals

• Control

• Indecisiveness

• Inefficiency

• Lack of Resources
