Speech topics

Informative Speech Topics
Quite often you are asked to give a speech or a presentation. The
problem is what topic to choose for your speech. Here are a few ideas.
Many of them can be changed by substituting the blank _____.
General Topics
Why free speech matters
The life and times of _____ (e.g. Abraham
Lincoln, Julius Caesar/ Winston Churchill/ Bob Dylan)
My Pop Idol (Give a speech on John Lennon,
Elvis or someone similar)
The evolution of _____
(e.g. the railway locomotive headlamp)
On this day in history
When will man get to Mars?
The first Moon Landing
Top Internet searches
Socializing Healthcare
Tourism and marketing
The Darwin Awards
Ideas in pictures
The evolution of the internet
Origami in action - Show how you can make
things out of paper (prepare some paper examples for
the audience)
Colour blindness
What is left to discover ?
25 uses for a _____
(paperclip/ tennis ball/ bus ticket)
Who says that crime doesn't pay?
My dream holiday
(e.g. Walking a donkey in Ireland)
Famous lives
Winston Churchill
Lawrence of Arabia
Who says that crime doesn't
Julius Caesar
Charles Dickens
John A. MacDonald
Marie Curie
Joan of Arc
Napoleon Bonaparte
Nelson Mandela
The physics of soccer
Well known films (often a lot of the backup
material can be found on a collectors DVD)
Jean de Florette
Ben Hur
The wizard of Oz
Les Choristes
The Italian Job
Gone with the Wind
Forest Gump
The life and times of Julius
The first moon landing
The six wives of Henry 8th
The Spanish civil war
The rise of Nazism
Decline and fall of the Roman Empire
1066 and all that
Roman military hardware
The telegraph: the 'internet' of the 19th Century
Who invented the internet?
The hidden dangers in the
Wolves in the living room - how the wolf
evolved into the domestic dog
The secret life of an eel
Is an owl really wise?
A day in the life of a Beluga Whale
Why Dolphins jump out of the water
Cats and lions - how do they compare?
Harry Potter
Little Women
Pride and Prejudice
Tom Sawyer
A tale of two cities
Access to clean drinking water
in the third world
The decline in fish stocks
More informative speech topics
Top 20 tracks for your iPod
What is inside your tap water ?
What I would do if I won the lottery
Easy ways to pass exams
Why dolphins jump out of the