汉语复句英译——简单句和并列 句译法 辽宁医学院外语教研部 2014.6 复句是由两个或两个以上意义上相关,结构上互不作句 子成分的小句组成。 例:睡了一整天,他仍然没有恢复体力。 天气闷热,下着小雨。 复句是汉语篇章中频繁出现的句式。 按邢福义(2000)分类标准,汉语复句按其关系可 分为三大类,通常由标明关系的关系词语来表示 其类别。 1 因果类复句。包括: 1)因果句(因为….所以….,(之)所以….(就/是) 因为….,….因为….,越….越…) 2)推断句(既然…那么/就….,…..可见….,与 其….不如…..) 3) 假设句(如果….那么/就….,如果…..,要不 是….就….,如果说….那么….) 4) 条件句(只有…才…,只要…就..,必须.. 才…,除非…才…,只要) 5)目的句(以便,以免) 2 并列类复句 1)并列句(既…也..,又…又…,也…也…,一 边…一边…,一方面…一方面…,不是…而 是…,是…而不是…) 2)连贯句(接着,然后) 3)递进句(不但…而且…,不仅…就连..,不 但…反而…,固然…更…) 4)选择句(或者…或者…,不是…就是…,要 么…要么…,是…还是…) 3 转折类复句 1)突转句(但是,可是,然而,只是) 2)让步句(虽然…但是…,即使…也…,无 论…都,宁可…也) 3)假转句(否则,要不然) 有时复句中的关系词语隐含不显。如: 那所学校越办越好,这所学校越办越差。 睡了一整天,他仍然没有恢复体力。 在翻译中,有必要添加相应关系词语表示这种关 系。 英语句子按结构分类,也可分为简单句(simple sentence) 和复杂句(multiple sentence). 简单句指只包含一个主谓结构而且各个成分均由 词组构成的句子。例如: The students have made better grades in the past few weeks. The boy can stay in the room for a few minutes. 复杂句又分为并列句(compound sentence)和 复合句(complex sentence)。 两个或两个以上的简单句由并列连词或其他并列 手段连接起来便构成并列句。例如: Miss Lindstorm came to the party, but Mr and Mrs Sherman did not. Most of us were in the hall, the doors had been closed, and the latecomers had to wait outside. 若某个句子成分直接由从属成分表示,那么这种 句子便不是简单句而是复合句。例如: The students would have made better grades if they had studied hard. The boy can stay in the room as long as he keeps quiet. What he said is not true. I didn’t understand what he meant. 译成简单句: 先有口语,后有笔语。 Written language comes after spoken language. 要不是下雨,我们早就出门了。 We would have gone out long ago but for the rain. 尽管他家境贫困,但他没有辍学。 He didn’t drop out of school despite his povertystricken family. 尽管他说对我们的想法颇感兴趣,我们并未太当真, 因为我们怀疑他仅仅是沽名钓誉。 We didn’t take his expression of interest in our ideas too seriously, for we suspected that he was merely angling for praise. 中国是联合国的创始国,我们一向信守《联合 国宪章》和国际法准则。 As a founding member of the united states, China has always abided by UN Chapter and international laws. 译成并列句: 年老的剧作家为年轻的演员出谋划策,有前途的艺术家向公 认的天才挑战,自诩的诗人奉迎巴结文学名流。 Old playwrights advise young actors, promising artists question acknowledged geniuses, would-be poets fawn over literary lions. 这对夫妇不久前添置了一套新家具,现在又买了辆新车,他 们家的情况一定是好转起来了。 This couple had a new suite of furniture not so long ago, and now they have got a new car; things must be looking up with them. 这场球打输了,一方面是由于对方实力较强,一方 面也是因为我们没有配合好。 We lost the game because, for one thing, our opponents were quite strong and, for another, our teamwork was poor. 老王一声不吭地站在那里,因为他正怒火中烧呢。 Old Wang stood there speechless, for he was burning with anger. 他们一方面很想去医院看望班长,一方面又怕影响 他休息。 On the one hand, they wanted very much to visit their monitor in hospital; on the other hand, they didn’t want to disturb him. 他既听不见,也几乎不能讲话。 Ha can’t hear and he can hardly speak either. 师部连夜召开会议,可见军情十分紧急。 The division headquarter held a meeting all through the night, it is evident that the military situation is critical. 把温度调低,要不然蛋糕就会烧煳的。 Turn the heat down, or else your cake will burn. 赶快给他发个短信,要么打个长途也行。 Send him a short message at once, or give him a long-distance call. 要么她来,要么我去,我们总得碰个头。 Either she comes here or I go there, in any case, we have got to see each other. 令我感到精神抖擞的与其说是与我一生中交往的 大多数人相遇,不如说是见到你的来信。 I am more alive in the presence of a letter from you than in the company of most of the people I encountered in my life.