School mediation to confront violence and bullying due to cultural

School mediation to confront
violence and bullying due to cultural
Georgios Nikolaou,
Associate Professor οf Pedagogical Department of
Primary Education, University of Ioannina
Theodoros Thanos,
Lecturer of Pedagogical Department of Preschool
Education, University of Ioannina
Eleni Samsari,
Teacher & Postgraduate student of Pedagogical
Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina
The definition of violence
 The term of “violence” varies according to
the scientific approach and according to the
social and the cultural context.
 It is an intentional behavior which is exerted
in order to threaten or to cause physical or
psychological damage towards another
person (Καρύδης, 2003).
The definition of school violence
 “School violence” refers to a series of
infractions which take place within school
context (Πανούσης, 2013).
 Some of its primary features are the
imposition of will, the cause of damage or
injury and the threat of bullying,
maltreatment and abuse (Αρτινοπούλου,
Forms of school violence
 Physical violence
 Verbal violence
 Non-verbal violence
 Psychological violence
 Exclusion
 Rumor spreading
 Sexual violence
 Cyber-bullying
 Vandalism
The definition of school bullying
 School bullying is a special and a harmful form
of school violence.
 School bullying includes repetition, duration
and intention to cause harm and to
demonstrate power towards weaker people
(imbalance of power).
 Racial
and ethnic victimization
included as forms of bullying.
School bullying and ethno-cultural
Investigating the relation between school
bullying and ethno-cultural diversity and
the victimization of native and non-native
students, there are various studies which
give contradictory results.
Non-native students as victims
 According to several studies there is a
significant relation between school
bullying and ethno-cultural diversity,
proving that non-native students are
systematically victimized.
(Graham and Juvonen, 2002· Pagani,
Robustelli & Martinelli, 2011).
Native students as victims
 According to other studies there is a
significant relation between school bullying
and ethno-cultural diversity, proving that
native students are more likely to be
victimized in relation to non-native students.
(Strohmeier & Spiel, 2003· Strohmeier, Spiel
& Gradinger, 2008)
Absence of relation between school
bullying and ethno-cultural diversity
 Some
other studies prove that a
significant relation between school
bullying and ethno-cultural diversity
does not exist.
(Eslea & Mukhtar, 2000· Fandrem,
Strohmeier & Roland, 2009).
The findings of a recent study
 The findings of a more recent study prove
the relation between school bullying and
ethno-cultural diversity, showing that nonnative students are involved in school
bullying more systematically compared to
native students.
(Nikolaou & Samsari, 2013)
Measures to confront school bullying
 In Greece, anti-bullying intervention programs
have not been applied yet.
 The
confrontation is attempted indirectly
through various programs, such as the
function of “Second Chance’s” schools,
programs of remedial teaching, programs of
creative occupation, the function of National
Centre for Vocational Orientation etc.
 Some programs related to school mediation
appear sporadically in some schools of the
School mediation
 School mediation is an alternative means to
face school violence and school bullying as
compared to traditional disciplinary forms.
 It is included in the context of restorative justice.
 School mediation is a structured process which
has specific limits.
 It aims for the efficient solution of the conflict
among two or more students who participate
actively and communicate directly with the help
of one third neutral person called as “mediator”
(Αρτινοπούλου, 2010).
The process of school mediation
 The process usually begins with the request of the
student-victim and the mediator gets in contact with
both sides and he sets the date for their mediation.
 Both sides are initially introduced, they agree with the
principles of mediation and they report the problem as
they have experienced it.
 The mediator summarizes and asks from both sides to
propose various solutions, so that one would be
chosen as the final solution and another would be
chosen as alternative solution.
 They set the date of meeting in order to discuss about
the progress of their agreement.
 The mediator reads the contract and both sides sign it
The application of school mediation in
 In Greece, school mediation is applied in some
schools of primary and secondary education.
 The assessment of the application of these
programs shows that students who participated in
the process, were satisfied.
 One of these schools is the 5th Primary School of
Ioannina, where school mediation was applied
during the school year 2012-2013.
 The final assessment of the program’s application
showed positive results.
School mediation and intercultural
 Mediation is one of the most appropriate
solutions in order to deal with school
 Some
of its
basic principles are
volunteerism, confidentiality, trust, equality
 These principles also serve the need of
intercultural communication and the need of
Principles of school mediation related
to intercultural education
 Students who agree to participate in the process of
mediation, have to accept its principles.
 One of the principles of mediation is the equality of
all the students. If the bully agrees with this
principle, the imbalance of power does not prevail
 Another principle is the voluntary participation in the
process. When the bully wants to participate, he
activates his desire to face and to resolve the
 The mediation gives the opportunity to the bully to
propose alternative solutions,
aggressive forms of behaviors.
The principle of empathy in school
 The process of mediation allows students
(bullies and victims) to express their feelings.
 During
the process the bully sees the
problem from the point of view of the victim
and comes into his position, developing the
competence of empathy.
 Empathy is a basic principle of intercultural
education, which is usually absent at these
 School mediation could be an effective
means to confront school bullying, when
backgrounds are involved.
 The program of school mediation in
combination with some other school’s
practices could help to the prevention
and to the confrontation of the
phenomenon .