Google+ • Session Objectives: – By the end of this session, participants will be able to: • Identify the basic features of Google+ • Implement Google+ Hangouts in your course(s) to improve communication and build rapport with student • Create learning materials that aid in student understanding of course content • Develop an atmosphere that promotes collaboration between students Google+ Hangout Basics • Google+ Hangouts are face-to-face virtual meetings (think Skype) that allow for up to 10 people to be in one meeting session at a time. • – Additionally, participants can share their screens with others and also collectively work on shared documents. • To participate in a Hangout one must first establish a Gmail (Google Email) account. Teacher - Student • Online office hours – Individual students and/or groups can meet with faculty members to ask questions, voice concerns, give feedback, etc. • Valuable prior to exams – I’m guessing students might ask a question or two then??? • Can provide immediate feedback and avoid confusion that email can cause at times. – Can screen share lecture recordings, PowerPoint presentations, student notes, etc. Teacher - Student • Conduct a “Weekly Hangout” session with students – Review of the past week’s materials – Highlight/emphasize most important parts of lessons – Have students post/send/tweet questions and answer them in a Hangout • If more than 10 students would like to view the Hangout, the video from the session can be saved, made into a link, and posted and/or tweeted out to students Teacher - Student • Live question and answer sessions with students • Special interest groups in class – present more indepth information on a specific topic Student - Student • Students can work on a shared document as a group – Take home quiz/test, case study, problem set – Professors can join these Hangouts – can jump from group to group at random – Students can also work independently from the professor • For grading purposes, students can score each other or save the Hangout video for the professor to review. Student - Student • Students can complete group work during class time in breakout rooms. Instead of having to travel to each room, the professor can then jump into a Hangout with each group – Thus, the professor can check in with each group without having to go to each room. – Students can also screen share what they’re working on to show their progress Teacher - Teacher • Meet with offsite personnel from your office • Need to meet with individuals from Stillwater, the hospital, and OSU-CHS? • Easily share a presentation or work on a common document during these meetings • Have a meeting contributor that doesn’t have a webcam or computer access? No problem – Google+ Hangouts can incorporate phone users…for free. Starting a Hangout • • • • • • • Establish a Google account Add people to your “circles” Click “Hangouts” Click “Start a Hangout” If necessary, install the plug-in Join the Hangout, then invite others to join! Once they accept the invitation, you will be able to video chat with them. Example Hangout • yer_embedded&v=9nbnqZTKXDI • Questions?? Join us for our next faculty development session!!! Workshop: Utilizing Social Media as a Teaching Tool Tuesday, July 15, 2 pm, E202