CURRICULUM VITAE – Nicolò Cavalli – April 2015 CURRENT POSITION since March 2015: Research assistant and Teaching assistant at Bocconi University, Department of Institutional Analysis and Management EDUCATION September 2010 -­‐ October 2013: Laurea Magistrale (Msc) in Economics and Social Sciences, University “L.Bocconi”, Milan GPA: 29/30 Final mark: 110/110 cum laude April 2010 – July 2010: Visiting position at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London September 2006 – March 2010: Laurea Triennale (BA) in Politics, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna GPA: 28,67/30 Final mark: 110/110 cum laude September 2009 – March 2010: Visiting student at SciencesPo, Paris SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY March 2014 – September 2014: Research fellow at La Sapienza University, topic: “Keynes as an investor and commodities’ derivative markets in the 1920-­‐1930”. Lecturer in Macroeconomics (graduate/undergraduate) November 2013 -­‐ March 2014: Advisor at Eupolis Lombardia: Regione Lombardia to the regional Council and Executive, subject: “Multilateral clearing systems in a public-­‐private partnerships”. October 2012 – January 2013: Internship -­‐ Research assistant at Bocconi University, Department of Institutional Analysis and Management, Area of research: History of the financial system, multilateral clearing, alternative currencies May 2011 – December 2012: Research assistant at a MIUR-­‐funded PRIN project: “The return to Keynes. Speculation and stabilization policies: money and commodities”, under the supervision of M.C.Marcuzzo (Sapienza University) Guest speaker at: 2014 American Sociological Association meeting, San Francisco, California; IX and XI Storep Conference, Padua and Bergamo, Italy; 2012 Dondena International Conference, Milan. PUBLICATIONS 2014: M.Amato, L.Fantacci, N.Cavalli; Chapters 1, 4, 5; in “M.Amato & L.Fantacci”, Che cos’è la moneta complemetnare?; Mondadori Editori, Milano. 2012: N.Cavalli, C.Cristiano, “Keynes’s speculation in the London tin market: 1921-­‐1930”, pp.62-­‐86, in “Speculation and regulation in commodity markets: the Keynesian approach in theory and practice”, Cristina Marcuzzo, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università la Sapienza, Roma 2012: A.Pisauro, N.Cavalli, “Glossario”, in C.D’Ippoliti, “Crisi, (come) ne usciamo?”, Asino d’Oro Edizioni LANGUAGE SKILLS Excellent in English and French. Basic knowledge of German and Spanish. Mother tongue: Italian. IT SKILLS Experience in using Office, Wordpress, STATA, R (Coursera MIT course) EDITORIAL POSITIONS October 2013 – December 2014: Economics editor at Pagina99 – Finam Media Srl August 2011-­‐ October 2013: Contributor -­‐ August 2010 – August 2011: Contributor -­‐ Voce di Romagna (local news) My stories also appeared on Eurointelligence, Mondoperaio, via Sarfatti 25, Il Calendario del Popolo.