Boom-town - Volunteer Sue

Bill was paid to shovel snow off the
______ around their apartment
a) lonesome
b) sidewalks
c) traders
d) grumbled
sidewalks – plural noun –
paths by the side of
the street or road,
usually made of
The _______ went to the settlers
to sell them blankets and clothes.
a) blossomed
b) lonesome
c) sidewalks
d) traders
traders –plural noun –
people who buy and
sell things as a
The class ________ when the
teacher gave them a lot of
homework to do over the holiday.
a) traders
b) grumbled
c) wailed
d) blossomed
grumbled – verb –
complained in a low
The baby _____ when she dropped
her toy.
a) sidewalks
b) traders
c) grumbled
d) wailed
wailed – verb – made
a long and sad cry,
especially to show
grief or pain
The student kept practicing until
she ________ into a wonderful
a) wailed
b) blossomed
c) lonesome
d) sidewalks
blossomed – verb –
grew or
The _______ house in the swamp
was a sad sight.
a) grumbled
b) wailed
c) blossomed
d) lonesome
lonesome – adjective –
not often visited by
people, deserted
Susan Ging Lent Production