July 11, 2013 Strong Early Childhood community in Montgomery County Early Childhood Comprehensive Plan Leadership in Action Program Universal Pre-K Task Force MCPS Early Success Performance Plan Ongoing collaboration among MCPS, DHHS, child care providers, non-profit partners Significant support from County Council, Board of Education and County Executive Commitment to highest quality opportunities for all children of the County Provided access to RBA/RBF materials and opportunities to strengthen skills Raised critical issues that must be addressed by the Councils and leadership teams Learned from other counties’ experiences Focused on data and data driven decision-making Set standards for following through on commitments Provided wonderful opportunities to build leadership/steering team Provided time to plan out framework and strategies MCECAC members recruited County Council resolution highlighting formation and work of MCECAC County Executive Order establishing MCECAC Using multiple data sources to focus work of MCECAC Initial meeting, mini retreat and follow-up meetings held Initial work groups established/operating: Needs Assessment Exemplary Practice Community Outreach/Public Engagement Strong relationships in early childhood community already established High level of commitment and knowledge on the part of members – ready to work! Strong program and exemplary practices currently present in the County Coalescing around critical areas of need and possible approaches; noting needs in specific geographic areas; building on successful practice TIME, TIME, TIME—not enough of it! Wanting to do everything—needing to choose Adding members who represent different perspectives (pediatrician, faith-based community, business) Assuring that parents and caregivers voice is present and informing decisions Assuring that the MCECAC membership leads decision-making Keeping everyone informed and engaged Next Early Childhood Comprehensive Plan— funding provided through LMB Determining most effective leadership structure Ongoing support from County Council, Board of Education, and County Executive—keeping everyone informed and engaged Maintaining clarity of roles and purpose Staffing/Backbone organization or structure Seeking out long-term funding from local, state, federal and private sources Keeping people energized!