Montgomery Co. LECAC Update - Maryland State Department of

July 11, 2013
 Strong
Early Childhood community in
Montgomery County
 Early Childhood Comprehensive Plan
 Leadership in Action Program
 Universal Pre-K Task Force
 MCPS Early Success Performance Plan
 Ongoing collaboration among MCPS, DHHS,
child care providers, non-profit partners
 Significant support from County Council,
Board of Education and County Executive
 Commitment to highest quality opportunities
for all children of the County
Provided access to RBA/RBF materials and
opportunities to strengthen skills
 Raised critical issues that must be addressed by
the Councils and leadership teams
 Learned from other counties’ experiences
 Focused on data and data driven decision-making
 Set standards for following through on
 Provided wonderful opportunities to build
leadership/steering team
 Provided time to plan out framework and
members recruited
 County Council resolution highlighting
formation and work of MCECAC
 County Executive Order establishing MCECAC
 Using multiple data sources to focus work of
 Initial meeting, mini retreat and follow-up
meetings held
 Initial work groups established/operating:
Needs Assessment
Exemplary Practice
Community Outreach/Public Engagement
 Strong
relationships in early childhood
community already established
 High level of commitment and knowledge on
the part of members – ready to work!
 Strong program and exemplary practices
currently present in the County
 Coalescing around critical areas of need and
possible approaches; noting needs in specific
geographic areas; building on successful
TIME, TIME—not enough of it!
 Wanting to do everything—needing to choose
 Adding members who represent different
perspectives (pediatrician, faith-based
community, business)
 Assuring that parents and caregivers voice is
present and informing decisions
 Assuring that the MCECAC membership leads
 Keeping everyone informed and engaged
 Next
Early Childhood Comprehensive Plan—
funding provided through LMB
 Determining most effective leadership
 Ongoing support from County Council, Board
of Education, and County Executive—keeping
everyone informed and engaged
 Maintaining clarity of roles and purpose
 Staffing/Backbone organization or structure
 Seeking out long-term funding from local,
state, federal and private sources
 Keeping people energized!