SPECIMEN EXAMINATION: CHILD QUALIFICATION (2 hours duration) EXAMINATION 3 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS IN CHILDHOOD Answer SIX questions. 1. How benign is benign Rolandic epilepsy ? 2. What is relevant in pre-natal history and why ? 3. Discuss the functional implications of left temporal lobe injury in childhood. 4. A 7-year old child is referred with poor attention. Discuss in terms of differential diagnosis. 5. What is a specific language disorder and what are the functional implications in childhood ? 6. What are the predictors of outcome in childhood head injury ? 7. What is dyspraxia and how would you assess it ? 8. In assessment of a 14-year old with insidious onset of school failure but a normal MRI, you observer poor attention and executive skills. Discuss. 9. Compare and contrast the presentation of Down’s and William’s syndrome. 10. What does the term sleeper effect mean ?