Autumn 1 - Allerton Bywater Primary School

Curriculum Long Term Plan
Autumn 1 – Year 5 - DRAFT
Literacy (Unit)
 Recount (2 weeks)
 Poetry Choral and
Performance (2 week) –
(Speaking and Listening
 Novels and Stories by
significant Authors. (3
 Unit 1
 Block A, B, C.
Child (PLTs)
 Able to act as ambassadors for
class/school. (Silver Friends)
 Act as a ‘buddy’ or mediator.
 Make good use of time to reflect on what
they have learnt.
 Can set targets for completing work and
work to them.
 Penpals
 Netball
Teacher to develop the skills from
coaching session and ensure these
are developed and embedded (not
just repetition of coaching session.)
Me and
My World
Autumn 1
 Moral Maze
 Use line and tone to represent
things seen, remembered or
 Explore shading using
different media.
 Draws familiar things from
different viewpoints.
 Use line, tone and shade to
represent things seen
remembered or imagined.
(Art competition30th September)
Donna Nunn
SEAL – New Beginnings
 I can do or say one thing to make
someone feel welcome…
 I can listen to other people, and
play and work cooperatively...
 I can tell you one special thing
about me…
 I know that I am valued at
 I know some ways to solve a
problem …
 I can help others to calm down…
 I value my achievements…
 I can celebrate the achievements of
 Evolution and Inheritance
(Coach x1 + 1 lesson)
Art (Drawing)
Science (Unit)
 Recognise that living things have changed over time
and that fossils provide information about living
things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago
 Recognise that living things produce offspring of the
same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not
identical to their parents
 Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit
their environment in different ways and that
adaptation may lead to evolution.
 Il y a +
 Directions
 Revision of
 Asking where
people are.
 Pause words.
Computing (Topic)
 Select, use and combine a variety of
software (including internet services) on a
range of digital devices to accomplish given
goals, including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data and
information. (Google images – routes on
maps/ flip cameras/ digital cameras.)
Computing (Discrete)
 Text and Graphics
Geography (Europe)
 Begin to suggest questions for
 Begin to use primary and secondary
sources of evidence in their
investigations. Investigate places with
more emphasis on the larger scale.
(Link to school- Hong Kong)
 Collect and record evidence of what is
 Compare maps with aerial photographs.
 Select a map for a specific purpose.
 Begin to use atlases to find out about
other features of places.
 Evaluate their sketch against criteria
and improve it.
 Use sketches as evidence in an
 Begin to draw a variety of thematic
maps based on their own data.
 Draw a sketch map using symbols and a
key; use / recognise OS map symbols.