A Section Tue 10-21-14

Buckle up!
Fatalities CraSHES
01-01-14 to date
01-01-14 to date
office of highway safety
The Steelers rally
past the stunned
Texans 30-23… B1
Acting Governor
Lemanu signs
SORNA into law
A look at the airport road project
which is said to be on track and will
meet its completion date. While there
is still some confusion about ‘right of
way’ — the three round-a-bouts that
are a part of the project are currently
in use, allowing traffic to flow both
ways, despite the road work going
on. No accidents have been reported,
although many speak of ‘near misses’.
Rule of thumb: Vehicles already in the
circle (round-a-bout) have the right of
way, vehicles trying to get on the circle
— don’t — and must yield to traffic
[photo: TG]
already on the circle. online @ samoanews.com
Daily Circulation 7,000
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Suleman family hires Utu — La O Samoa is interprivate firm to search ested in working with ASPA,
for remains of father discussions still on going…
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
The Suleman family has contracted Global Diving & Salvage, a diving company, to continue the search for the body of
Babar Suleman, who was killed with his son, Haris, when their
Beech aircraft crashed into the ocean just off of Pago Pago
International Airport on July 23, 2014. The body of Haris was
recovered soon after the crash, however the body of the father
was never found.
A three-man diving team arrived in the territory last Friday
night, says Director of Homeland Security, Utuali’i Iuniasolua
Savusa. Global Diving & Salvage, according to their website,
is known as the largest diving contractor on the West Coast,
and provides marine construction and infrastructure support
services in the United States.
The father and son team, Babar and Haris Suleman, from
Indiana state, had hoped to set the record for the fastest circumnavigation of the globe in a single-engine airplane with
the youngest pilot (17-year old Haris) in command. The trip
was also a fundraiser for Seeds of Learning, a Plainfield nonprofit organization that works with The Citizens Foundation
to build schools in rural Pakistan. After seven years of volunteering with the organization, Haris and his father decided to
take their charity work to the next level with their plane trip.
(Continued on page 15)
Sauni Amerika Samoa
mo puipuiga o le Ebola
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
American Samoa Power Authority, Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) Utu Abe Malae confirms that Help U Solar LLC — a company based
in Hawai’i — which has a division office on island
called La O Samoa, is interested in working with
ASPA on a distributed generation project. He
notes that discussions are in first stages only, it
needs to go through a procurement process, after
the project is “defined and understood.”
Samoa News reached out to Utu after ASPA
was mentioned by Help U Solar LLC Chief
Operating Officer Marc Hamilton when he was
explaining the company’s presence in American Samoa to the head of The Energy Office,
Ali’itama Sotoa.
In emails leaked to Samoa News, Hamilton
forwarded an email to Sotoa which he said he
had sent to Utu. In the forwarded email, Hamilton explains to Utu the history of the solar
company, and wrote that they believe they have
“a good solution that might prove profitable for
ASPA and the Samoan people. “Our team in American Samoa has worked
hard to confirm our initial idea so that we have
over 1000 persons having signed on to an
interest in some type of plan modeled on the
solar financing options, which would benefit
the people, and hopefully working with you at
ASPA providing savings and ongoing revenue
into the future,” Hamilton had written to Utu.
Concerns were raised by the public about La
O Samoa — a Division of Help U Solar LLC
— because it was allegedly getting people to
sign up for “free solar panels with free installation,” according to people calling and visiting
TEO, causing the director to ask Hamilton to
tell his reps to stop signing people up and stop
all contracts due to “inaccuracy of the information being given to them.”
However, the CEO of Help U Solar LLC,
Joel Peck, responding to Samoa News inquiries,
said that there seems to be a misunderstanding.
He explained that it is not free and none of the
company’s reps were told it was “free”. He
said, it’s “Zero Down” — that “is where many
(Continued on page 15)
tusia Ausage Fausia, Samoa News/Lali reporter
Na fa’amaonia e sui o le malo na molimau i luma o le Komiti
o le Soifua Maloloina a le Senate i le taeao ananafi, e leai se itu
e fa’apopoleina ai fua finagalo o le Fono aemaise ai le atunu’u i
le fa’ama’i oti o le ‘Ebola’ lea ua pipisi solo i vaega eseese o le
lalolagi, ua lava tapena Matagaluega uma a le malo o lo o gafa
ma tulaga tau i le puipuiga mo le tali atu i le taimi e o o mai ai
lea fa’ama’i i lau eleele o Amerika Samoa.
Ae na fautua le afioga i le alii senatoa ia Soliai T. Fuimaono i molimau e fa’apea, e le tatau ona latou manatu mama i
le fa’ama’i lenei, leaga ua faitau afe ma afe soifua ua ma’imau
ai i isi atunu’u o le lalolagi, ae o o mai fo’i la i Amerika Samoa,
“lona uiga ua pagatia le atunu’u”.
O le iloiloga ananafi na valaauina e le afioga i le alii senatoa
ia Mauga Tasi Asuega o le taitaifono o le komiti, ona o le fia
malamalama o le Fono i le tulaga ua i ai tapenaga a le Soifua
Maloloina i auala e puipuia ai le atunuu mo lenei fa’ama’i, ae
o le a fo’i se tali atu a isi matagaluega a le malo o lo o latou
(Faaauau itulau 14)
Mrs. Fiavivini of Vaitogi proudly displays her homemade floral arrangements and stock of
ripe bananas that are being sold during the Arts Fiafia program which opened yesterday at the
[photo: B. Chen]
Jean P. Haydon Museum in Fagatogo.
Page 2
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Attorney General
proposes increase
in immigration fees
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent
(ANSWERs on page 14)
By Samantha Weaver
✖ It was beloved American author Kurt Vonnegut who made the following sage observation: “Laughing or crying is what a human being does when there’s nothing else he can do.”
✖ If you removed all the phosphorus from your body, you’d have enough to make about
250 matchheads.
✖ Those who study such things say that boys who have first names that are considered to
be strange or peculiar have a higher incidence of mental problems as adults than boys with
more traditional names. The correlation was not found to hold true for girls.
✖ The next time you’re at a holiday gathering and someone has had a bit too much
to drink, you can say that person is cherubimical; it’s much nicer than calling a family
member a drunk.
✖ You may have learned that the distress signal SOS stands for “Save Our Ship,” but
that’s a myth. That signal was chosen because in Morse Code, it’s easy to remember and
transmit the three dots, three dashes and three dots that represent those letters.
✖ There was a time when it was illegal in Hawaii for a woman to eat a coconut.
✖ According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest documented living
parrot is more than 80 years old. Cookie, a Major Mitchell’s cockatoo, has lived at the
Brookfield Zoo in Illinois since May 1934.
✖ The New Orleans Saints were admitted to the National Football League on Nov. 1,
1966 -- All Saints’ Day. The team, however, was named for the iconic New Orleans jazz
song “When the Saints Go Marching In.”
✖ If you’re an American who has a garden, you’re more likely to be growing tomatoes
than any other vegetable or fruit.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • Thought for the Day • • • • • • • • • • • • •
“You can pretend to be serious; you can’t pretend to be witty.” — Sacha Guitry
Attorney General Talauega Eleasalo Ale is proposing to
increase current fees for certain immigration services through
the American Samoa Administrative Code process, and the
public has until Oct. 27 to comment on the amendments.
Talauega is also seeking to increase the immigration bond
for citizens of certain countries and this new hike will be effective next month. The new proposed bond hike does not include
Samoa, Tonga or the Philippines, as bonds for these three countries will remain the same.
According to the proposal, application fees for permanent
residency and temporary or seasonal workers will increase from
the current $75 to $100. Additionally a fee of $50 (increased
from the current $30) will be charged for annual renewal of
immigration registration cards, and a fee of $75 (from the current $50) will be charged for renewal of permanent residency
cards— which are renewed every three years.
Further, the fee will increase from $35 to $40 to replace a
lost, stolen, destroyed or name change of the immigration ID.
The proposal also increases the entry permit for persons traveling to American Samoa for purpose of visiting family and
friends or for cultural or religious exchange, from $40 to $50 per
person. The $50 fee for extension of permit remains unchanged.
Samoa News should point out that the current immigration
fees also provide a separate fee for groups of ten people or more
traveling to the territory, and those fees will remain unchanged.
In a separate notice — issued Oct. 7 — Talauega announced
the increase in immigration bonds for citizens of 29 countries and
the hike is effective Nov. 3. He says that any citizen or national
of the countries listed on the notice applying to reside in American Samoa after Nov. 3 shall be subject to the new amount.
Citizens of Hungary will pay the highest bond at $3,100 and
the nationals of Niue will pay the smallest amount at $350. Citizens of Fiji and New Zealand will pay $600 while Australia and
Nauru pay $900. The only other Pacific country with a high
bond is Kiribati — at $1,800 for citizens of Kiribati.
Citizens of European and Asian countries will also pay high
bond amounts. For example, Germany is $2,200 and Austria is at
$2,900. In Asia, Chinese pay $2,300 and the same for Indonesia.
Certain South American countries are getting a hike in bond:
Guatemala will be $2,700; Chile $1,700; and Mexico $1,600.
The notice on the bond increase is available for viewing at
the Attorney General’s Office located at the A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building in Utulei.
Samoa News notes there is no explanation in the proposal
or from the AG for the fee increases, or why certain countries’
bonds are increased more than others.
Video shows rescuer carrying
man from burning Calif. home
FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — A man ran into a burning home in
central California and came out carrying a man who lives inside
over his shoulder as flames popped and exploded behind him.
Beth Lederach told the Fresno Bee that she was driving by
when she saw the duplex in Fresno engulfed in flames Saturday.
She pulled over, called 911 and began shooting video with her
phone. A woman standing on the sidewalk holding a baby was
shouting that her father, who had been hooked up to an oxygen
tank, was still inside. “I was pretty shaken up about it,” Lederach
told the newspaper. “As I got out of the car, this woman came up
with this baby and said, ‘My dad is in there! My dad is in there!’
I didn’t know what to do. I felt so helpless.”
The flames then surged and several people who had been
trying to help ran down the driveway. They were followed by
a stocky man with a mustache wearing jeans and a Los Angeles
Dodgers cap who had the woman’s father over his shoulder.
“I wasn’t going fast enough so a guy picked me up and carried me out there,” the father, Robert Wells, told KFSN-TV.
The man who carried him out was a passer-by who had seen the
flames and left before anyone could thank him or even learn his
name, but KFSN spoke to him Monday. “I was scared, you know,
I’m sure anybody would be scared, you know, but it’s a life, hey
try to help him,” Tom Artiaga told the TV station. “It’s a big deal
but you got to help out people. It’s what God put us here for.”
Firefighters arrived soon after the rescue and had the blaze
out within about 20 minutes, fire Capt. Kris Townsend told the
Bee. The man who was rescued, whose name was not released,
was treated at a hospital, Townsend said.
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 3
Acting Governor
Lemanu signs
SORNA into law
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
Lt Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga — as Acting Governor
— signed into law on Friday the Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act (SORNA). Lemanu pointed out in his letter
to lawmakers that this is an important piece of legislation, and
expressed his appreciation to the Fono for passing this measure.
SORNA closes potential gaps and loopholes that existed
under prior laws and generally strengthens the nationwide network of the sex offender registration and notification program,
he noted.
All states and territories receiving the Justice Assistant Grant
(JAG) award have been required to substantially implement the
minimum standards of SORNA, including American Samoa.
The Criminal Justice Planning Agency (CJPA) had requested
and received waivers from the JAG award requirements for
2011 and 2012. However, the penalty for failure to comply with
the federal guidelines was 10% of the JAG award every year
ASG was not in compliance, amounting to $47,000 per annum
for American Samoa.
In addition to the financial implications of failing to introduce the minimum standards of SORNA, more importantly,
according to the new bill, “ is the profound responsibility to keep
our children safe by keeping the public aware of sex offenders
residing in the community.”
Due to the nature and scope of the amendments that would
be necessary to bring existing law into compliance with the
SORNA guidelines, it was determined that the best course of
action was to repeal the existing law and introduce a new law in
its entirety.
The new legislation established the American Samoa Sex
Offender Registry “which the Attorney General’s office shall
maintain and operate, along with the public sex offender registry
website to be established.”
Lemanu in his letter says that this bill not only brings American Samoa into conformance with the federal SORNA standards, more importantly, it takes the territory the next step forward in protecting families and children from the harm that can
be brought about by sexual predators that may be residing in the
“With the federal funding available to the territory for implementation, coupled with the dedication of the Attorney General’s office that will be administering SORNA, I am confident we
are making American Samoa a safer place for the future,” said
Deputy Attorney General Mitzie Jessop was very vocal in her
support of the bill when it was introduced for the second time in
the Fono. She said, “Society has a strong obligation to protect
our children from sexual predators.” Further, she noted that convicted sex offenders give up their right to anonymity.
As reported earlier the Deputy AG said the argument against
registering sex offenders has always been about the privacy of
those people. She said, “Convicted sex offenders have paid
their debt to society… however, when a person is convicted of a
crime, you give up certain rights.”
“We also do not want to be a safe haven for the convicted sex
offenders of the world to come here because we do not have a
sex offender registry. The more tools we have to help protect our
children, the better,” she said.
Commissioner says, “Hammer
will fall where it needs to fall”
Re: Off-duty cops involved in nightclub scuffle
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
“The hammer will fall where it needs to fall,”
said Commissioner of Public Safety William
Bill Haleck in response to Samoa News questions on the status of the case involving two
off- duty detectives who are with the Criminal
Investigation Division, over an incident which
occurred Saturday night. As a result of the incident, a night club in Pago Pago was damaged,
but no one was arrested.
Witnesses told Samoa News that it was past
closing time at the club, when the bouncer
asked the off duty detectives to leave, because
the club was closed. It’s alleged that one of the
men instead, punched the bouncer. It’s further
alleged that that is when other employees of the
club intervened and removed the two officers,
escorting them out of the club.
According to witnesses, one of the men
threw a beer bottle, shattering one of the windows of the club. This off duty officer then proceeded to his vehicle, pulled out a bat and was
walking back to the club when on-duty police
officers arrived at the scene and the man was
taken into the police vehicle.
(It is unclear if the man who punched the
bouncer is the same one who threw the bottle.)
DPS Commissioner told Samoa News yesterday it’s unclear why the off duty officers
were not arrested, but assured that he will get to
the bottom of this matter. Haleck also pointed
out that Internal Affairs is investigating, and
DPS will take it from there. After that investigation, then they will make a determination as
to the next course of action.
Asked if the detectives in question have been
placed on leave, Haleck responded that they
have been assigned to desk duty.
“They are not working on any investigations,
and their tasks are very limited. They will not
make any contact with the public, but they are
to remain in the office to answer phone calls,”
explained Haleck. He said the hammer will fall
where it needs to fall, and is not limited to the
detectives, but also other officers involved in
this incident.
Samoa News notes one of the detectives is
a senior police officer who has been with the
force for more than ten years.
“Va’aiga Fou Mo A Taeao!”
“A New Vision for A Brighter Tomorrow!”
Sui Tauva mo Uosigitone
POB 4856, Pago Pago, AS 96799-4856
tel:(684) 677-3182 Landline and Facsimile
Cell: (684) 733-7999
Email: meleagi4congress@aol.com
Website: meleagi4congress.weebly.com
The Leaders of American Samoa must come together to set the direction the government ought to
pursue. The government must provide equal access to employment opportunities and
government services for all residents regardless of nationality or immigration status. I will be
diligent to accomplish as much if not all of what our people and our government leaders wish,
when you elect me as your next Delegate to Congress in Washington D.C., November 4, 2014.
Vote for MELEAGI SUITONU-CHAPMAN in November 4, 2014.
Paid for by the supporters of Meleagi for Congress
Page 4
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Fono Special
Session ends
Pay hikes for top officials, office allowance increases — automatically rejected
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent
The two bills — one to increase by $10,000 across the
board the office allowance of all Fono members and another
to hike the annual salaries of the governor and lieutenant governor — have been automatically rejected since the Special
Session ended yesterday with the measures failing to be be
presented to the floor to be voted on by the House.
Both bills, whose funding sources are included in the
fiscal year 2015 budget, were pending in the House Budget
and Appropriations Committee, whose chairman Rep.
Timusa Tini Lam Yuen, told Samoa News last week that
the Senate bill to hike the office allowance will remain tabled
in committee.
It was the House whose bill was set to hike the pay of the
governor and lieutenant governor. (See Samoa News story on
Oct. 16 for other details).
When the governor called the Special Session, which
convened last week Tuesday and was not to exceed a period
of 10-calendar days, he also included in the agenda, any
“pending issues” from the 33rd Legislature. However, none
of the pending issues came out of committee for debate and
vote when the special session ended yesterday.
The Special Session convened for only five days and the
Fono does not have to finish all issues on the agenda of the
special session or sit for the entire ten calendar days.
Other issues on the agenda were the Small Claims
legislation, which raises the small claims limit from $3,000
to $7,500 for banks and savings and loan institutions doing
business in American Samoa.
The Senate passed its version of the bill, and sent it to
the House, where its version of the measure was tabled in
Also on the agenda, was a measure seeking to amend provisions of current immigration law dealing with businesses
sponsoring foreigners to work in their locally based companies. The House passed its version of the bill and sent it
to the Senate which had already tabled in committee their
version of the bill.
With no final vote taken on these bills, they were therefore
automatically defeated when the Special Session ended.
The Administration is expected to resubmit both measures
when the Fono convenes on the second Monday in January
for the 34th Legislature.
There were two leases on the agenda for the special
session to review and endorse and both are to extend for
30-years leases for property in the Tafuna Industrial Park.
One lease is for GHC Reid and the other for Pacific Grading
Both leases were endorsed by the Senate while the House
didn’t take any action.
However, the leases will be fully endorsed by the Fono,
because local statute states that a lease is considered endorsed
if the Fono doesn’t take any action 30-days after being submitted to the Legislature.
The governor had nominated Matagi Ray McMoore,
Fagaima Solaita, Sen. Tuiasina Esera and Rep. Timusa Tini
Lam Yuen to serve on the Immigration board.
The Senate last Thursday approved the nominations of
Tuiasina and Solaita, while the House the following day
approved only Solaita and Timusa.
However, Tuiasina’s nomination survived in the House
yesterday following a motion for reconsideration and he was
finally approved in a 11-4 vote.
While Timusa was approved by the House, his nomination
still required Senate approval. Therefore, the only board members fully confirmed by the Fono are Tuiasina and Solaita.
With the Special Session now finished, 18 of the 20-elected
House members will now focus attention on their re-election
campaigns, walking their respective districts and getting support from voters before the Nov. 4 general election.
The only two faipule, who are running unopposed, and who
will return in January, are Reps. Vailoata Eteuati Amituana’i
for Representative District #7 (Utulei, Fagaalu and Gataivai)
and Tu’umolimoli S. Moliga for Representative District # 10
(Satala, Atu’u and Leloaloa).
Tala Ropeti Leo, who graduated last week from Hawaii-American Samoa Argosy University,
was a Samoa News intern during her high school years— and we’re still keeping track of her
successes. Congratulations Tala! [photo: Leua Aiono Frost]
Samoan woman sentenced in
Alaska for U.S. passport fraud
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent
A Samoan woman who pled guilty to passport
fraud at the federal court in Fairbanks, Alaska for
using an American Samoa birth certificate to —
among other things — obtain a U.S. passport, has
been sentenced to probation and ordered to pay
more than $30,000 in restitution.
Maualuga Leaana, aka, Sialei Leaana was
initially charged at the federal court in Fairbanks with one count of passport fraud, nine
counts of false claims of being a U.S. citizen
and one count of aggravated identify theft.
But under a plea agreement with prosecutors, she pled guilty in July this year to passport
fraud and she admitted to falsely claiming U.S.
citizenship on various applications for benefits,
including the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividends,
unemployment compensation, and subsidized
housing, as well as obtaining identification from
the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles.
Maualuga, who resides in Anchorage,
appeared yesterday afternoon before U.S.
District Court Judge Timothy M. Burgess for
sentencing. According to a news release, prosecutors say the defendant was sentenced to five
years probation and was ordered to spend four
months under home confinement.
She was also ordered to make restitution to
the Alaska Permanent Fund in the amount of
$14,441 for Permanent Fund Dividends she
illegally obtained between 2003 and 2013,
and she must also pay $17,392 to the State of
Alaska Department of Labor for unemployment benefits that she unlawfully obtained.
Prior to sentencing, the defense filed with
the court last Friday, a sentencing memorandum, which requested that Leaana be given
five years probation and ordered to pay $31,833
in restitution, with no fines imposed.
Although 44-year old Leaana was born in
Western Samoa, she has several siblings who
were born in American Samoa, who have
enjoyed the freedom of living in the United
States, according to the memo, which also states
that the defendant legally entered the U.S. in
1985 on a student visa. However, she returned
to Samoa upon the death of her father and then
in 1998, Leaana returned to the U.S. on a visitor’s visa. She has remained in the United States
since that time, the memo says.
In 2010, she falsely applied for a U.S. passport using her sister’s name (Sialei), who was
born in American Samoa. When confronted by
law enforcement, she immediately admitted her
guilt, according to the defense, who also noted
that the defendant had pled guilty in court and
agreed to pay restitution for receiving government funds she was not entitled to receive
based on her immigration status.
The court was also informed that Leaana is
a single mother of two daughters — eight and
nine years old — both born in the U.S., and
they reside with the defendant in Alaska.
Additionally, she is the sole provider for her
family and has worked for over six years as a
care giver with the Hope Community Resources.
“Ms. Leaana has a good work ethic, but still
struggles as a single mother to make ends meet.
Ms. Leaana has no criminal history or prior
contact with law enforcement,” the defense
argued. “Ms. Leaana’s life long desire was to
live in the United States as her siblings have
done. She longed to enjoy the freedoms and
opportunities of America.”
“In attempting to provide for a better life
for her children, she used poor judgment and
falsely represented herself as a national. She is
remorseful, scared, and ashamed,” the defense
said, adding that a sentence of five years of probation is sufficient to “reflect the seriousness of
the offense, to promote respect for the law and
to deter others from the same conduct, as well
as to inflict just punishment on Ms. Leaana.”
The defense also submitted for the court’s
consideration six letters of character reference for the defendant including two from her
daughters, whose names were redacted in court
records. The letters were handwritten.
“My mom is awesome and great. I love my
mom so much,” wrote the 8-year old, who shared
that she got six As and two Bs in her report card.
“I have the best mom in the whole world. I want
my mom by my side. I love her and appreciate
her hard work for us. I love you mom.”
Among the other four letters, one came from a
co-worker who described the defendant as “very
quiet. I trust her when I’m around to care for our
people. I depend on her all the time at work.”
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samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 5
The Gaualofa crew on the beach after arriving in Fiji earlier this month. “postcard” from
the Mua Voyage
Aboard the Gaualofa
[courtesy photo]
By Kimberly McGuire
Talofa lava! I’m so happy to be back on board my mothership
Gaualofa after joining up with her and the rest of the crew in Fiji.
Gaualofa is still so graceful and strong.
This time around I am sailing with crew members hailing
from Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji.
Many moons ago these island nations were at war with each
other over land and sea. Today we unite on Gaualofa as a voice
for the Pacific along with Marumaru Atua of the Cook Islands
and Uto Ni Yalo of Fiji.
We set sail from Fiji last week heading to Australia for the
IUCN World Parks Congress Conference. This is our chance
to share our story and our concerns with the international community regarding climate change and the current state of our
Our islands are experiencing the dramatic effects of rising sea
levels and drastic shifts in weather patterns. We are voyaging
across this vast deep blue sea because we care about the planet
that we will be passing on to future generations. Even though
we have an intense mission, we still manage to bond over lighthearted moments along the way.
Crew members Senio and Matalio are harmonizing as our
va’a guitar is being strummed to the tune of ‘Samoa e le galo’…
”Samoa maopopo mai, ia e pei o toloa e lele ae maau I le
vai.” Pulotu, one of our young crew members from Tonga is
on the foe holding a steady course. It’s 4 pm and the surface
of the ocean is glistening like glass with our big star, the sun
ahead of us.
In the galley, Captain Susan has prepared a cake with what
she could find on board for Sasi’s birthday. Today is the type
of day I save in my memory bank and think back on during the
storms of life. It is perfect. The sun rays are gentle, the ocean
is calm but we have waves pushing us along and winds that are
in our favor.
It makes me feel so grateful to be here as I think of all the
preparations our aiga folau made to get us here and all the support from our family and friends at home.
Fa’afetai tele mo lo outou alolofa ma le tatalo mai mo lo
matou auva’a. As we continue on this journey with our brothers
and sisters of Marumaru Atua and Uto Ni Yalo, we keep you
in our thoughts always. Next stop Vanuatu. Port Villa here we
(The Mua fleet arrived in Vanuatu this past Friday. Also
sailing on the Gaualofa with Kimberly is another Pago Pago
Yacht Club Junior Sailor alum, Fani Bruun who now lives in
Samoa. Watch for more ‘postcards’ from the Gaualofa as they
head to Australia.)
The American Samoa Women’s Business Venter (ASWBC)
begins its next training cycle offered at no cost to women and
military veterans in the Territory.
Mondays & Wednesdays
9:00AM – 12:00PM
Advanced Computer Literacy
Mondays & Wednesdays
4:30PM – 6:30PM
Business Management & Leadership Skills
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9:00AM – 12:00PM
Financial Literacy for Adults;
Financial Literacy for Small Businesses
To register, please call 699-8739 from Monday October 20 th
through Friday October 24 th , 2014. Register early as class
sizes are limited. First come, first served.
Page 6
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Nigeria declared
Ebola-free; ‘spectacular success’
Health workers bury the body of a woman who is suspected of having died of the Ebola virus
in Bomi county, on the outskirts of Monrovia, Liberia, Monday, Oct. 20, 2014.
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said Ebola has killed more than 2,000 people in her
country and has brought it to “a standstill,” noting that Liberia and two other badly hit countries
(AP Photo/Abbas Dulleh)
were already weakened by years of war. NEWS IN BRIEF
New military medical team
to help with Ebola in U.S.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel has ordered the military to prepare
and train a 30-member medical support team that
could provide short-term help to civilian health
professionals if there are more Ebola cases in the
United States.
His spokesman, Rear Adm. John Kirby, says
the team drawn from across the military services
will include 20 critical care nurses, five doctors
trained in infectious diseases and five trainers in
infectious disease protocols.
The team will go to Fort Sam Houston in
Texas for training in infection control and special protective equipment. Training is expected
to start within the next week.
Kirby says the team won’t be sent to West
Africa or elsewhere overseas. He says members
will be called up for service in the U.S. only if
needed by public health officials.
british nurse back in Sierra
Leone after Ebola recovery
LONDON (AP) — A British nurse who contracted Ebola while working in Sierra Leone has
returned to the country after treatment in London.
Medical group King’s Health Partners says
William Pooley is due to start work Monday at
an Ebola isolation unit it runs in Freetown.
Pooley was flown back to Britain in August
and treated in an isolation unit at the Royal Free
Hospital, where he received the experimental
drug ZMapp.
In a statement Sunday, Pooley thanked
everyone responsible for his care, but added
that “the real emergency is in West Africa, and
the teams out there need all the support we
can give them.”
Britain has pledged 125 million pounds ($200
million) to combat Ebola in West Africa, and
Prime Minister David Cameron has urged other
wealthy countries to do more.
Bear bites boy’s arm
off in Chinese zoo
BEIJING (AP) — A bear in central China
has bitten off the arm of a 9-year-old boy who
tried to feed it through its cage, state media and a
doctor said Sunday.
Media reports said the attack happened Saturday afternoon at Pingdingshan Hebin Park in
Henan province, which has a zoo inside.
The boy managed to push his arm through the
bear’s cage to feed it when the bear bit him.
A doctor at the Pingdingshan Number 152
Hospital, who treated the boy, said Sunday that
he lost his entire right arm, which had to be
Calls to the park and local forestry bureau
were not answered.
British royal couples’
2nd child due in April
LONDON (AP) — The Duke and Duchess
of Cambridge have confirmed that their second
baby is due in April — the first time they have
offered a month for the royal birth. Kensington
Palace also said in a statement Monday that the
duchess, who has been sidelined by prolonged
morning sickness, continues to improve. There
was no word on the baby’s gender.
The former Kate Middleton and Prince William are scheduled to welcome Singapore President Tony Tan when he arrives on a four-day
state visit this week. She is also expected to
attend the Wildlife Photographer of the Year
2014 award ceremony. The duchess canceled
several engagements after her second pregnancy
was announced in September. She also had acute
morning sickness during her pregnancy with
Prince George, who was born in July 2013.
Russian plane accident —
snowplow driver was drunk
MOSCOW (AP) — Russian investigators say
the driver of a snowplow that collided with a corporate jet at a Moscow airport, killing the CEO
of French oil giant Total, was drunk.
Total S.A. confirmed “with deep regret and
sadness” that Chairman and CEO Christophe de
Margerie died in the crash at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport. Three crew members, all of them
French citizens, also died when the French-made
Dassault Falcon 50 collided with the snowplow
during takeoff late Monday. Russia’s main investigative agency said Tuesday the driver of the
snowplow was under the influence of alcohol.
The 63-year-old de Margerie rose through
the ranks at Total to become CEO in 2007, and
added the post of chairman in 2010.
Harvard student stuck
in Mexico gets new US visa
TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — A Mexico-born
Harvard University student who was stuck for
months in his native country after crossing the
border without permission will have to wait a
little bit longer to return to the United States.
Dario Guerrero Meneses, who was brought
into the U.S. illegally at age 2, was granted a visa
in Tijuana early Monday and had expected to
pick it up in midafternoon but was told it wasn’t
yet ready. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service had initially declared that Guerrero
effectively deported himself when he crossed the
border without permission with his mother, who
was seeking alternative cancer treatments.
She died in August.
Guerrero plans to travel to Long Beach, California, to meet with his father and two siblings.
He then plans to return to Harvard next year.
(Continued on page 7)
ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Water laced with salt and sugar, and
gallons of the nasty-tasting stuff.
Doctors who survived Ebola in Nigeria credited heavy doses
of fluids with saving their lives as the World Health Organization declared the country Ebola-free Monday, a rare victory in the
battle against the disease that is ravaging West Africa.
In the end, Nigeria — the most populous country in Africa,
with 160 million people — had just 20 cases, including eight
deaths, a lower death rate than the 70 percent seen elsewhere
across the stricken region. Officials are crediting strong tracking
and isolation of people exposed to the virus, and aggressive rehydration of infected patients to counter the effects of vomiting,
diarrhea and other symptoms.
Nigeria’s containment of Ebola is a “spectacular success
story,” said Rui Gama Vaz, WHO director for Nigeria.
Survivor Dr. Adaora Igonoh said the treatment is not easy. It
entails drinking, as she did, at least five liters (1.3 gallons) of the
solution every day for five or six days when you have mouth sores
and a sore throat and feel depressed. “You don’t want to drink
anything. You’re too weak, and with the sore throat it’s difficult
to swallow, but you know when you have just vomited, you need
it,” she told The Associated Press. “I had to mentally tell myself,
‘You have got to drink this fluid, whether it tastes nice or not.’”
Some 9,000 people have been infected with Ebola, and about
4,500 have died, mostly in hard-hit Sierra Leone, Guinea and
Liberia, with the number of cases expected to increase exponentially in the coming weeks. Dr. Simon Mardel, one of the world’s
leading experts on viral hemorrhagic fevers, said the number of
deaths could be cut in half if infected people were taught to properly hydrate themselves and do not take anti-inflammatory drugs,
which can actually harm Ebola victims.
In other developments:
— About 120 people in the U.S. are being monitored for symptoms because they may have had contact with one of Dallas’ three
Ebola victims. More than 40 others have been given the all-clear
after the 21-day maximum incubation period for the virus ended.
— The European Union stepped up efforts to raise nearly $1.3
billion to combat the outbreak.
— President Barack Obama is working the phones with world
leaders, appealing to them to join the fight.
— WHO director Margaret Chan said that an internal WHO
report obtained by the AP that said the U.N. agency bungled
efforts to control the outbreak was “a work in progress,” and “the
facts have not been fully checked.”
Mardel, of Britain’s University Hospital of South Manchester,
called rehydration a low-tech approach that has been neglected by
a medical system focused on groundbreaking research.
Nigeria’s outbreak began in Lagos with a single infected Liberian diplomat who flew in in July, bringing the terrifying disease
to Africa’s biggest city, with 21 million people.
Many feared the worst in a city with large numbers of people
living in crowded and unsanitary conditions in slums.
“The last thing anyone in the world wants to hear is the two
words, ‘Ebola’ and ‘Lagos,’ in the same sentence,” U.S. consul
general Jeffrey Hawkins noted at the time, saying the development raised the specter of an “apocalyptic urban outbreak.”
Instead, with swift coordination among state and federal health
officials, the WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and with ample financial and material resources from
Nigeria’s government, isolation wards were constructed and
Ebola treatment centers designated.
Health workers tracked down nearly 100 percent of those who
had contact with the infected, paying 18,500 visits to 894 people.
The eight deaths included two doctors and a nurse.
Monday’s announcement came 42 days — twice the incubation period — since the last case in Nigeria tested negative.
“The outbreak in Nigeria has been contained,” WHO’s Vaz
said. “But we must be clear that we only won a battle. The war
will only end when West Africa is also declared free of Ebola.”
Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan said the success shows
what Nigerians can achieve when they set aside their differences.
He urged his people to replicate “the unity of purpose and allhands-on-deck approach” in other areas of national life.
There is no licensed treatment for Ebola, so doctors focus on
hydration and supportive care, even in developed countries. In
some cases, doctors have been surprised that keeping patients
hydrated has been enough to save them.
To improve survival rates, Mardel said, it is time to designate
packaged rehydration solutions as part of the cure. He said more
needs to be done to make the fluids palatable, such as making the
solutions weaker or flavoring them.
Igonoh said she sometimes added orange juice.
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 7
Continued from page 6
Woman saved from California
chimney, then arrested
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. (AP) — A woman stuck in the
chimney of a Southern California house has been rescued and
Ventura County fire Capt. Ron Oatman says firefighters
responding to neighbors’ reports of a woman crying had to chisel
away much of the chimney and lubricate it with dish soap Sunday
to free 30-year-old Genoveva Nunez-Figueroa.
The Ventura County Star reports she was arrested on suspicion
of illegal entry and giving false information to police.
Police say Nunez-Figueroa knows the owner of the home in
Thousand Oaks, who wasn’t there. They wouldn’t elaborate.
She had no clear injuries but was taken to a hospital for evaluation. Police didn’t know if she’d hired an attorney, and no phone
listing for her could be found. Oatman says firefighters destroyed
the chimney and damaged the roof.
Adrift Russian ship towed
safely to Canadian port
PRINCE RUPERT, British Columbia (AP) — The Russian
container ship that had been drifting powerlessly off the British
Columbia coast, raising fears of a fuel spill, is now safe at a Canadian port. The Joint Rescue Coordination Center in Victoria says
the vessel was towed into the port city of Prince Rupert at 3 a.m.
Monday. Rescue coordinator Colin Henthorne says the Simushir
is secured to a wharf and he expects it can be repaired.
The 440-foot ship operated by the Russian shipping firm Sasco
carried 298 containers of mining equipment and hundreds of tons
of fuel. It was headed from Everett, Washington, to Russia when
it lost power Thursday off Haida Gwaii, also known as the Queen
Charlotte Islands.
The Canadian and U.S. coast guards responded, then a tugboat
took the ship in tow. Officials worried about a fuel spill if the
Simushir ran aground.
Pittsburgh wins Gawker.com
ugliest accent tournament
PITTSBURGH (AP) — Pittsburghers talk funny.
The city has “won” Gawker.com’s ugliest accent tournament,
besting the other finalist — Scranton — in a reader’s poll with
more than 54 percent of the vote. The gossipy news site set up
a tournament bracket pitting what it deemed the 16 ugliest city
accents in the United States against one another.
Pittsburgh advanced to the finals by winning readers’ votes
over Atlanta, Philadelphia and Boston.
The Pittsburgh accent, an odd amalgam of southern twang and
lazy East Coast diction — which turns downtown into “dahntahn” and you all into “yinz” — “worsted” Scranton by a vote of
10,404 to 8.748.
Cuba invites US to cooperate on Ebola
HAVANA (AP) — Cuban is willing to work with the United
States in the fight against Ebola, President Raul Castro said at a
summit of leftist Latin American nations Monday.
Castro said that the world must avoid politicization of the effort.
He spoke at a summit of the ALBA alliance, which includes several Latin American and Caribbean nations. The region’s largest
countries are not members of the group.
Cuba is sending nearly 400 medical workers to Liberia, Guinea
and Sierra Leone, the largest contribution by any single country.
“We believe that we must avoid any politicization of this grave
problem that would distract us from the fundamental objective,
which is helping confront this epidemic,” Castro said. “Cuba is
willing to work shoulder to shoulder with all other countries,
including the United States.”
The meeting closed with a series of resolutions by ALBA
member nations to work closely to keep Ebola out of the region
and support Cuban medical assistance to Africa. The resolutions
contained few details or specifics about the plans.
Nigerians await news on missing girls
ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — There is cautious optimism in Nigeria
Monday over local reports that the more than 200 abducted Nigerian schoolgirls may soon be released soon as part of a cease-fire
agreement with the country’s Islamic rebels, Boko Haram.
However, Nigeria’s federal government has not yet provided
details on the terms of the truce that was announced on Friday by
the military.
President Goodluck Jonathan’s government is “inching closer
to the release of the Chibok girls,” government spokesman Mike
Omeri, texted The Associated Press over the weekend.
The schoolgirls are “alive and well” and talks to free them will
continue this week in Chad, where President Idriss Deby is mediating between the Nigerian government and Boko Haram, said
In Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, activists continue their daily “Bring
Back Our Girls” rallies, marking 174 days of their campaign.
The girls’ release “could happen in the coming hours and
days,” French President Francois Hollande said on Friday in
Paris. France was involved in negotiations that led to the release
of several of its citizens kidnapped by Boko Haram in neighboring Cameroon.
(Continued on page 12)
In this Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 photo provided by the Ventura County Fire Department, firefighters work to free Genoveva Nunez-Figueroa, 30, from a chimney after she became stuck trying
to enter a home in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Firefighters had to chisel away much of the chimney
(AP Photo/Ventura County Fire Department)
and lubricate it with dish soap to free her.
The Office of Property Management announces its Public Auction of various
items. Items that are declared as survey items by different Government Department/
Agencies at AS IS BASIS. Items such as: vehicles, office equipments, miscellaneous
and many more.
WHERE: Tafuna, Procurement Compound
WHEN: Thursday, October 23, 2014
TIME: 8:30 a.m.
Bid forms are available at the Office of Property Management, Tafuna Procurement Compound
during normal working hours starting on the 20th of October, 2014. All Bids should be sealed;
include 10 % of bidding price and turned in to Poleen Asalele, Asst. Chief no later than closing date
and time.
Address all bids to:
American Samoa Government
Office of Property Management
Tafuna, American Samoa 96799
Closing Date & Time: October 23, 2014 at 11:30 AM
Opening Date &Time: October 23, 2014 at 12:00 NOON
Auction site will be open for public viewing on
October 20th to 22th, 2014
@ 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
For additional information contact:
Jeralin Logoai – Survey Supervisor @ 699-6505 or 733-0819
Fa’afetai tele,
Malo L. Niumata
Page 8
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014
by B. Chen, Samoa News Correspondent
Business and Professional Women’s President Danielle King (L) stands with Josie Malepeai
Lealasola, who is also a board member of BPW, and one of two participants chosen to represent
American Samoa at the Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialog 2014, a prestigious event which occurs
just once every four years, bringing together mid-career young adults in order to strengthen the
capacity of the Pacific region’s future leaders.
The other participant from American Samoa is filmmaker Zena Iese (not shown). Leasola and
[photo: tlh]
Iese left last week Monday enroute to New Caledonia for the conference opening.
November is right around the corner, and with it comes the
Samoana Jazz and Arts Festival 2014 — which will occur for the
first time in both Samoas. The Samoana Jazz and Arts Festival
2014 is slated to begin in American Samoa and conclude in independent Samoa, and promises to be a feast for the eyes and ears. A
first time joint effort, it begins in American Samoa on Oct 31 and
ends in the territory on November 2, then continues the following
week across the dateline — in Apia, Samoa from November 7- 9
To prepare for this event,musicians who are residing in American Samoa and who wish to participate in the Samoana Jazz &
Arts Festival are advised to attend a very important meeting to
be held at the Taalolo Lodge & Golf Resort on Tuesday, October
21at 6p.m. — that is tonight.
For further information, contact Chande Lutu-Drabble, Secretary, Samoa Musicians Association at 733-5150 or 699-7201.
Local artists will be showing off their creations this week
during the “Arts Fiafia” program, hosted by the American Samoa
Council on Arts, Culture and Humanities to celebrate various
Samoan culture forms and arts. The week-long celebration kicked
off yesterday and will conclude this Friday.
The program, supported in part by an award from the National
Endowment for the Arts, is an annual event that coincides with
the Presidential declaration of October as National Arts and
Humanities Month. Yesterday, Samoa News visited the museum
compound where everything from handicrafts, ‘elei material, and
flower arrangements were on display - and for sale. Edible items
like ripe bananas and coconuts were also available for purchase.
All the money collected from sales during the week-long event
will go directly into the pockets of the program participants.
Last year’s event highlighted local artists with disabilities but
this year, the spotlight is on college students. An art exhibit is on
display inside the museum and all participating artists will receive
a stipend to help with the purchase of supplies.
Rexx Yandall, a program coordinator at the Jean P. Hayden
Museum, told Samoa News in an initial interview that the program
has been offered every year since 1987 and as always, participation is free of charge. The program is open to all local artists and
gives them an opportunity to showcase their talent. Daily demonstrations will include weaving, flower arranging, siapo-making,
elei (fabric printing), painting and drawing, wood carving, fagogo
(story telling), ula making, and solo (poetry).
Everyone is invited to show their support of our local artists by
visiting the museum this week. More information on the program
can be obtained by calling 633-4347/4490/5613
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and employees of
the Dept. of Youth and Women’s Affairs (DYWA) showed their
support by carrying out a special ‘wave’ last Friday in Nuuuli.
DYWA Deputy Director Tapumanaia Galu Satele Jr. was on
board and joined the rest of his staff in waving at passing cars and
accepting contributions that came their way, all of which will be
donated to the American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition, a
local non-profit organization that issues stipends to cancer victims
and their families to offset the costs of travel and medical expenses.
This Sat., Oct. 25, the AS Community Cancer Coalition is hosting
its second semi-annual cancer patient stipend fundraising event
called “Hope Starts Here” at DDW in Utulei from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Everyone is invited to attend. All the money collected during the
event will go towards cancer patient stipends. Right now, according
to the AS Community Cancer Coalition’s project coordinator Luana
Scanlan, seventeen cancer patients are on the wait list for stipends
and another two are expected to join the list this week.
This past Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014 at the Oceanside High
School gymnasium, American Samoa NFL player Joe Salave’a
of Leone was inducted into the Oceanside High School (OHS)
Foundation Hall of Fame. The ninth annual OHS Foundation
induction ceremony celebrates over a century of Pirate Pride and
“recognizes individuals who have made significant achievements
and contributions in academics, business, the arts, community
service, public service, and athletics.”
Salave’a was inducted as a representative in the “athletics” category. He is currently the defensive line coach at Washington State
University in Pullman, WA and is a former NFL defensive lineman/
defensive tackle for the Tennessee Oilers/Titans, the Baltimore
Ravens, the San Diego Chargers, and the Washington Redskins.
He was a 1998 Round 4, 107th draft pick out of the University
of Arizona where he was a three-year starter and a two-time AllPac-10 Conference selection. Salave’a has travelled to the territory on several occasions to host football clinics and outreach for
local kids. He is married to Josephine Puletasi.
Tapunia aloaia le
Fono Fa’aiptoa
a le alii Kovana
tusia Ausage Fausia
O ananafi na tapunia aloaia ai le fono faapitoa sa valaauina e
le alii kovana mo le umi e le silia i le 10 aso, i le tuana’i ai o aso
e 5 talu ona nofoia le fono fa’apitoa.
E ui na fa’afetaia e le isi maota galuega sa fa’atinoina e le
isi maota, peita’i i saunoaga fa’ai’u a ta’ita’i o maota e lua, na
atagia mai ai le i ai o galuega sa fuafua le alii kovana e fa’a pasia
i le fono faapitoa lona tolu lenei ua le mafai ona fa’atinoina.
“E ui e le i mae’a galuea sa tuuina mai e le afioga i le alii
kovana mo lana fono faapitoa, ae o le itu taua ua i ai ni isi o
mataupu ua mafai ona fai i ai le finagalo o le maota, lea fo’i ua
molimauina e le la maota ni isi o galuega sa tatou galulue i ai, ma
ou te manatu ua latou silafia tulaga uma sa o o i ai la tatou sailiiliga”, o le saunoaga lea a le afioga i le Fofoga Fetalai ia Savali
Talavou Ale i luma o le maota o sui ananafi.
Sa ia faafetaia foi afioga i faipule i lo latou le faalogologo
tiga, ae sa vaaia lava lo latou naunau atu e lagolago taumafaiga
uma o le fono faapitoa a le alii kovana, e ui i le pisi ai i a latou
taumafaiga mo le faiga palota tele i le masina fou o Novema.
Pau mataupu na pasia e le maota o sui, o le pili e toe teuteu
ai le tulafono e mafai ai e pisinisi ona sponsor tagata mai fafo,
lea ua taoto i luma o le komiti o le maota maualuga ua leai se
faaiuga e faia i ai.
O isi mataupu na pasia e le maota o sui o tulaga i lisi a le malo
e ta’i 30 tausaga le umi ma ni isi o kamupani tetele se lua i le
atunu’u, le kamupani a le GHC Reid Corporation atoa ai ma le
kamupani a le Pacific Grading Corporation, lea e le i faia i ai se
palota a le maota o sui, ae na fautuaina e le fofoga fetalai afioga
i faipule, afai e i ai se faipule e fa’atuiese i lisi, ona fa’aulu lea o
sana iugafono e fa’aleo ai lana tete’e.
O le isi mataupu o tofiga a le kovana mo totino o le komiti
faafoe o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, lea e to’atolu ua latou pasia ae
to’atasi na latou teena.
O sui e to’atolu na pasia e le maota o sui e aofia ai Tuiasina
Esera, afioga a Timusa T. Lam Yuen faapea ai le tofa a Fagaima
Solaita, ae o le sui e toatasi e lei pasia e aofia ai Matagi Ray
O pili o le fono faapitoa e le i faia i ai se finagalo a le maota
o sui, o pili tupe e lua a le fono, lea e faaopoopo ai totogi o le
kovana ma le lutena kovana, aemaise ai o le pili e faaopoopo ai
le tai $10,000 i alauni a senatoa ma faipule.
O le agaga lava fo’i lea e tasi na fa’aleoina e le peresetene o
le senate ia Gaoteote Palaie Tofau i luma o le maota maualuga i
le taeao ananafi, ina ua aga’i atu fo’i le maota mo le faamutaina
o ana galuega mo le fono faapitoa.
E ui e lei pasia uma e le maota maualuga mataupu o le fono
faapitoa a le kovana, peita’i na taua e Gaoteote e fa’apea, o mataupu
ua maea ona faia i ai le faaiuga a le maota o tama o le atunu’u, o
mataupu pito sili ia ona taua mo le atunuu i le taimi nei.
“O isi mataupu o lo o totoe e lei lalafo i ai afioga i senatoa,
ua toe taoto atu pea i komiti i lalo o le talitonuga, e fai aso pea le
Atua, atonu o lena tausaga ona maua lea i ai o so outou finagalo
paia ma fai ai se faaiuga e manuia ai le atunu”, o le saunoaga lea
a Gaoteote.
Sa ia taua fo’i e faapea, e ui e le i lalafo le maota o sui i ni isi
o mataupu taua sa manatu le maota maualuga e taua ma aoga,
peita’i e toe oso fo’i le la ma sau malama, atonu o le isi tausaga
o lo o muamua ona maua lea i ai o so latou finagalo.
Na fa’aiu galuega a le maota maualuga i le taeao ananafi i le
momoliina atu lea o a latou fa’amanuiga i le maota o sui, ina ia
manuia le alo atu i le faiga palota i le masina fou o Novema.
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews.com
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 9
O le tina ia Mrs. Tu’i o Aoloau o se tasi o atisi o lo’o au ai i le polokalama o le Arts Fifia i tafatafa o le Jean P. Haydon Museum in Fagatogo.
[ata: B. Chen]
O nisi o oloa o lo’o faatauina e Mrs. Tu’i e aofia ai ato ma pulou lalaga. Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions
Ua faitioina e le ofisa sili o pulega o le Matagaluega o Aoga, Taaloga ma Aganuu, le susuga
Matafeo Falana’ipupu Tanielu Aiafi, ia faiaoga ua galulue nei i Amerika Samoa. E to’a 25 alii ma
tamaitai faiaoga mai Samoa nei ua faatulaga e galulue i Amerika Samoa. I se faatalanoaga na faasalalauina i le TV, na faitioina ai e Matafeo ia faiaoga ma na ia faaalia, ua galo i ia faiaoga le tele o tupe
a le malo Samoa sa alu i a latou aoaoga ma ua latou faamuamua le tupe i lo la latou tautua e tatau ona
faia mo lo latou atunuu. Na saunoa Matafeo, na o le toatasi lava le faiaoga mai lea vaega sa uia le ala
o mea ma faailoa aloaia atu lana fuafuaga e faigaluega i Amerika Samoa ma faamavae aloaia mai
lana galuega. Na faaalia e Matafeo, e moni o le filifiliga lava a le tagata ia pe fia faiaoga i Amerika
Samoa pe leai, ae o lona manatu, ua le amanaia e ia faiaoga lo latou valaauina e tautua mo Samoa.
Fai mai a ia, talosia e aua nei toe foi mai ia faiaoga, a ia nonofo ai pea i Amerika Samoa. Na
ia faailoa le fuafuaga a le matagaluega e faaleleia totogi o faiaoga ma o lo o galulue le pulega o
le matagaluega i le tuufaatasia o se talosaga mo se siitaga e fitu pasene mo faiaoga uma o Samoa.
Na ia fautuaina faiaoga ina ia onosai a’o taumafai le pulega e finau mo se siitaga i o latou totogi.
Mai le tele o mataaga matagofie o lo o faalauiloa ai Samoa i atunuu i fafo ma faatosina mai
ai tagata tafafao maimoa i lo tatou atunuu, o le nofoaga po o le matafaga na muamua lava silafia
ai e tagata i atunuu i fafo lo tatou atunuu, o le matafaga lea i le afioaga o Matautu i Lefaga, lea
sa peuina ai le ata tifaga o le Return to Paradise i le 1952, a se tasi o alii lauiloa i ata tifaga i lena
vaitaimi, o Gary Cooper. Talu ona faaalia lea ata tifaga, e toatele tagata fai pisinisi mai fafo ua
oo mai ma talosagaina alii ma faipule o le afioaga e faamatuu atu ia fanua mo a latou fuafuaga e
fausia se faletalimalo i le nofoaga sa pueina ai le Return to Paradise.
E lei tino mai lava se tasi o ia fuafuaga. Peitai, o le taimi nei ua tulai mai ai se faletalimalo tele e
silia ma le 60 ona potu, ona o taumafaiga a nisi o faipisinisi i totonu o le atunuu ua latou tutufaatasi
e toe faalauiloa le matafaga muamua na iloa ai e le lalolagi Samoa.
O le afioga i le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi na saunoa i le tatalaina
aloaia o lea faletalimalo, le Return to Paradise Resort ma sa ia faamamafa le taua o ia ituaiga
nofoaga mo le faaleleia o le tamaoaiga o le atunuu. Peitai na ia taua, o lo o i ai lava nisi o lo o toe
faaleagaina taumafaiga e faaleleia ia atinae i nuu ma afioaga o lo o i ai ia nofoaga.
(Faaauau itulau 14)
Page 10
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Toe sui le fa’aiuga
a Faipule fa’asaga
ia Senatoa Tuiasina
tusia Ausage Fausia
Pictured here, one of the local artists displaying and selling her items during the Arts Fiafia
program at the Jean P. Haydon Museum. The Pago Pago resident set up her booth and brought
along her sewing machine so ‘ie lavalava and other special orders using ‘elei fabric can be prepared on request. [photo: B. Chen]
Tusia: Akenese Ilalio Zec
Vaega: 92
Tatou fa’afo’i pea le vi’iga ma le fa’afetai i le Atua Soifua, ona o lona alofa ma lona agalelei
mo i tatou lea o lo’o tatou maua ai pea le ola fa’apea ma ana fa’amanuiaga i aso uma lava. Tatou
fa’apea ifo, “Le Ali’i e, ia e alofa mai, i taimi o faigata ma puapuaga ma tiga o le soifuaga nei,
ia ‘aua ne i E tau mamao ma i matou, foa’i mai lou filemu i o matou loto, a’o le vi’iga matou te
fa’afo’i atu pea i Lau Afio nei se ia o’o i le fa’avavau, amene.”
Alo maia o le a toe fa’aauau atu la tatou tala mo lenei aso, ae ia manuia lou alo atu i faiva ma
tiute o le aso. Na muta mai la tatou tala ina ua o nei Petelo ma Misi e toe fai le aufaipese, ona ua
lagona le fiafia o Petelo i lea taimi. E latalata atu loa le savaliga a Petelo ma Misi, ae sau loa ma
le pese a le lo’omatua o Eseta ma lana tama o Samuelu, “Agi maia se matagi e momoli atu ai o
o’u alofa nei, i la’u pele ua le mafai e lo’u fatu ona tata lelei, ua ou misia oe…..”
Ua le nofoa’i Samuelu i lea taimi, ua fa’alogo atu lava ua le lava tatali lona ita tele i a Solo.
E fetaui lava le pau ifo o le ipu koko Samoa a Misi i ona luma ma le tu a’e loa i luga o Samuelu,
a’o lea ua na o le tilotilo ane i ai o lona uso o Petelo. E le i fia tilotilo ane Samuelu i lona uso i lea
taimi, ae ua na o le u mai o lona tua ma fa’apea lana tala, “Se ua ou fia ‘aia lava se tagata i le taimi
lenei se.” Na tilotilo ane Petelo i a Misi, ona o lona fia malamalama po’o le a le mea lea e tupu.
Ua lulu ane i ai le ulu o Misi ma lona loto ua amata ona popole, ona ua muamua alu le faitatala, ae le muamua mafaufau i le mea e ono tupu mai ai i tua. O le isi itu, o lea fa’atoa ma’ea
lava ona talatalanoa e uiga i le Fa’amasinoga lea o le a alo i ai le aiga, a’o lea ua toe iloa mulimuli
lenei mea. “Samuelu, nofo mai i lalo, o le a le mea lea e tupu, tautala mai ou te fia malamalama,
o le a le mea ua tupu?”
Na liliu mai le Samuelu ma ona foliga ua pei o le a oso ane e fasi Misi ma Petelo i lea taimi,
“Se na ou fai atu lava i a te oe e tu’u, e ma’imau ai lou taimi, ae fai lava, ua a la. Se na o mea lava
e oso mai ai lo ta fia tagolima i se tagata se, tu’u loa, ‘aua ne i o’u toe fa’alogo atu lava o ta’u le
ioga o le na tagata, o Losalia ea po’o mafiafia, tu’u loa Petelo, aua a le tu’ua, e te va’ai i ai i se
mea e tupu ia Solo.” Na tilotilo ane nei Petelo i a Misi ma lulu lona ulu. A’o le pupula na pupula
ai Misi i a Petelo i lea taimi, ua pei o le pupula a le mamoe o le a fasia.
O le pupula a Misi i lea taimi ua pei o le pupula a se mamoe o le a ave e sele ona fulufulu, ua
matau’i fa’amata salamo nei i a Petelo, aua o le mea e i’u i ai, e i’u ina o’o i ai le lima o Petelo.
Ae i lea lava taimi, na tu mai lava i le mafaufau o Petelo ia fautuaga a ona matua ua ma’ea ona
fai ane ia i la’ua, o lea la ua taumafai ai nei si ali’i e fa’ato’ato’a le mataupu. Ua iloa lelei lava e
Petelo le mea e o’o i ai, pe afai o le a fa’apisa e ia le mea, ae o le mea e sili ona ta’ua ia talanoa
filemu i lona uso, aua o Samuelu e tau leaga le ulu i le isi taimi.
“Samuelu, sau ia oe le uso, va’ai oe, se o mea e ‘ai e le matagi, ua uma, o le a fo’i so’u manatu
na lafo atu i a te oe, ua uma. O lea tou te taunu’u mai, ua to’a lo’u loto ma lo’u mafaufau, atonu e le
o so’u tofi lea, ta’atia ai loa fa’apena, ‘aua e te toe manatu i ai Samuelu. ia e manatu le talanoa mai
a o ta matua, ia e manatu lelei lava fautuaga ma tima’iga ua uma ona tu’u atu i a te oe, ta’atia loa.”
“Petelo, ua uma lava ona ou fai atu i a te oe, e ‘aua ne i faia, o lea la, e te fia va’ai la i ai pe e
te fia fa’alogo fo’i i ai. Misi, fai la’u tala lea i a Solo, e va’ai i ai i le mea ou te faia i a te ia, ua e
fa’alogo mai Misi, fai i ai e ‘aua le fia ulavale ae leaga ana mea faigaluega. Ai fo’i ua toe mana’o
Solo e sau le gutu ma le isu, a ali’i Misi.” E faia pea…
Ua toe suia le fa’aiuga a afioga i faipule fa’asaga i le
afioga i le ali’i senatoa ia Tuiasina Esera e avea ai ma totino
o le Komiti Fa’afoe o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, mai le teena
o ia i le aso Faraile na te’a nei i le palota e 4-10 i lo latou
pasiaina o ia i le taeao ananafi i le palota e 11-4, ina ua talia
e le maota o sui se talosaga na fa’aulu e le afioga i le ali’i
faipule ia Timusa Tini Lam Yuen, e talosagaina ai le maota
ina ia toe tu’uina atu le suafa o Tuiasina e toe fai i ai sa latou
O Tuiasina ma Timusa, o isi ia e to’afa i ai tofiga a le ali’i
kovana mo isi sui e fa’aopoopo i le Komiti Fa’afoe o le Ofisa
o Femalaaiga, ae ina ua teena e le Senate le suafa o Timusa i le
aso Tofi na te’a nei i le palota e 8-6, na teena ai loa fo’i le suafa
o Tuiasina e le maota o sui.
Na tula’i Timusa i le taimi o folafolaga a le maota o sui
ananafi ma fa’aoloolo maau i le afioga i le Fofoga Fetalai, mo
se avanoa e toe tu’uina atu ai le suafa o Tuiasina e toe fai i ai se
isi finagalo a afioga i faipule.
Na taua e Timusa e fa’apea, “o lea ua taoto la outou
finagalo fa’asaga i le tama o lenei itumalo, o le mafua’aga
lea ua ou tula’i atu ai e valuvalusia so outou finagalo, ina ia
toe tuuina mai le suafa o le afioga i le alii senatoa ia Tuiasina e toe fai i ai sa tatou fa’aiuga....ina ia tau ai so tatou ‘ai
i le toe aso o le Fono Fa’apitoa lenei na valaauina e le ali’i
kovana”, o le saunoaga lea a Timusa na fa’alua e le afioga i
le alii faipule ia Fetu Fetui Jr, ma faia ai loa e le afioga i le
fofoga fetalai ia Savali Talavou Ale le fa’aiuga ina ia malolo
le maota mo sina taimi pu’upu’u, ae sei lalafo afioga i faipule
i lenei mataupu.
A o le i malolo le maota, na saunoa Savali e fa’apea, e
faigata tele le mataupu ua talosaga mai ai le ali’i faipule, ae ona
o tulaga i lo latou va nonofo i totonu o le maota, ua ia manatu ai
ina ia fa’atalatalanoa le mataupu.
Na taua e Savali e fa’apea, e le i faigofie le finagalo a le
maota o sui fa’asaga i le suafa o le alii senatoa, ina ua tula’i mai
fo’i le fa’aiuga a le maota maualuga fa’asaga i le alii faipule ia
Timusa e pei ona latou teena ai o ia.
Na faafetaia e Savali le alii faipule ia Timusa i lona finagalo
malamalama aemaise ai o le tofa ua a’e, e pei ona ia talosagaina ai le toe tuuina mai o le suafa o Tuiasina e fai i ai se
finagalo o le maota.
“O tulaga faapenei e le faigofie i le nofonofo atu o le laulau
aemaise ai o le taitaiga o le tatou galuega, e faigata tele foi
tulaga faapenei i le faatinoina o a tatou galuega, ae ona o lea
ua taoto le finagalo o le alii faipule, o le mafuaaga lea ua ou
manatu atu, taoto atu ia le mataupu i se finagalo o a outou afioga
i faipule”, o le saunoaga lea a Savali.
Saunoa le afioga i le alii faipule ia Atualevao Gafatasi Afalava e fa’apea, e ui e taua le mataupu, ae pau lona popolega
o lo o i ai, ina nei le talafeagai le naunau mai o le alii faipule
ma se faaiuga e o o i ai afioga i faipule, ona tulaga faaletonu
lea o le talosaga.
“O la’u fautuaga i le maota, taatia le toe tuuina mai o le suafa
o le alii senatoa, aua tatou te vavevave i ai ina nei le manuia sa
tatou faaiuga ona faaletonu lea, ae taoto e toe sau fo’i malama”,
o le saunoaga lea a Atualevao.
Ae na saunoa Fetui e fa’apea, e leai se mafuaaga e ala ai fua
ona taatia le talosaga e le faia i ai se finagalo o le maota, ona o
lea ua taoto le talosaga, ma o lo o talafeagai fo’i ma tulafono a
le maota.
Na fa’aoloolo maau le alii faipule mai Manu’a #1 ina ia
fa’agalo ni fatia ua sola ae saga’i ane e saili le tofa ma fa’aali se
finagalo faatausala e fai ma ‘ai o le maota o sui i le va feagai ai
ma le maota maualuga.
Ae na taua e le alii faipule ia Vaamua Henry Sesepasara sona
popolega e uiga i lenei mataupu, ona e le na o Tuiasina le suafa
na teena e le maota o sui, ae sa teena fo’i le suafa o le afioga
Matagi Ray McMoore, ina nei avea le le palotaina o le suafa o
Matagi ma itu e fesiligia ai le finagalo a le maota.
Ae na fa’amanino e Savali e fa’apea, o le eseesega o le
mataupu ia Tuiasina ma Matagi, o Tuiasina sa pasia e le maota
maualuga ae teena e le maota o sui, peita’i o Matagi na teena
uma e maota e lua, lona uiga e le o toe i ai se isi avanoa e toe
palotaina ai lona suafa.
Na fa’aiu felafolafoaiga a le maota ma tasi ai loa le fa’afitiga
o aleaga, e toe pasia le suafa o le alii senatoa ia Tuiasina.
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews.com
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 11
Amatalia vaiaso
o le Moso’oi 2014
tusia: Leua Aiono Frost
O le polokalama fa’asolo mo le fa’ailogaina o le Vaiaso o le
Moso’oi i lenei tausaga au amata fa’agasolo ma ua tatalaina ai fo’i
ma liki o ta’aloga eseese e aofia ai le Volipolo, Tenisi, Kilikiti ma
isi fa’aaliga o tu ma aga a Samoa e aofia ai tauvaga Siva Afi, Taga
Pe’a po’o Malofie, o le fa’ailogaina o le tausaga o Tama’ita’i o
le Komiti Olimipeka ae fa’ai’u lelei ai i le fa’aaliga o Fa’aili i
Fatuga Malu ma Musika.
“O lea se polokalama ua mae’a fa’atulaga mo lenei vaiaso
atoa, peita’i, e le’i fa’ao’o maia fo’i ni sao o isi fa’agatama sa
masani ona fa’atulaga a latou ta’amilosaga i lenei vaitau, e aofia
ai Fusu’aga ma Pasiketipolo, Pesipolo ma Lakapi,” o se tasi lea o
saunoaga a le vaega o Turisi.
Na toe fesiligia peita’i, ua fa’ailoa mai, “O fusu’aga ua tolopoina le latou ta’amilosaga sa tu’u e fa’ataunu’u.”
O le aso To’ona’i na te’a nei sa amatalia ai le ta’amilosaga
volipolo, ae o lo’o faagasolo pea le liki kirikiti. O ta’aloga volipolo o lo’o fa’atautaia lea i le Fale Ta’alo o Kanana Fou. O le
ta’amilosaga Tenisi ua fa’atautaia i Malae Tenisi i Tafuna.
O le aso 24 o Oketopa ua fa’atulaga e faia ai le TOA Tauvaga
Siva Afi ma e fa’ataunu’u lea i le Gym a Tafuna High i le ono i le
afiafi. O Oketopa 25, e fa’atautaia ai le International Day of the Girl,
i le Veterans Memorial Stadium i Tafuna amata i le 6:00 i le taeao.
A o’o i le aoauli o le aso To’ona’i, Oketopa 25, e faatautaia
ai le Koneseti a Fa’aali i le DDW i Utulei. I le aso 26 Oketopa
2014, ua fa’asolo ina fa’alauiloa Malu ma Tatau na feagai ma
matuaofaiva i le Tisas Barefoot Bar i Alega, ma e amata faia lea i
le aoauli 11:00am i lea lava aso.
O le aso 31 Oketopa ua fa’atulaga ai le Faaaliga o Musika ma
Fatuga Samoa e taina lea e fa’aalia a tatou tama fanau, ma o le a
amatalia i le itula e 9:00 i le taeao o lea aso ae o le a toe fa’aalia mai
le nofoaga e faia ai. Ua fa’atulaga ma le fa’aaliga o le Arts Fiafia
e faia lea i le Sadies by the Sea i le afiafi i le itula e 8:00 i le afiafi.
Ia Novema 1, 2014, o le a maimoaina e le mamalu lautele
lea fa’aaliga o fa’aili ma fatuga fa’asamoa a tatou tama fanau ua
fa’atulaga e faia i le Malae o Suigaula a le Atuvasa i Utulei e
amata i le 10:00 i le taeao, ae a o’o i le afiafi, ona siitia lea i le
Sadies by the Sea lea fiafia. Ona o’o lea i le aso 2 Novema, 2014,
faia lea fiafia i le Matafaga i Alega i le Tisas Barefoot Bar, ma
fa’amae’a ai le vaiaso o le Moso’oi o lenei tausaga.
Hawaii rides out storm,
remote islands ‘at risk’
HONOLULU (AP) — Sunny skies returned to the Aloha State,
the day after a hurricane left Hawaii without inflicting much harm
beyond heavy rain. Hurricane Ana was downgraded to a tropical
storm late Sunday afternoon as it moved west of the chain.
While the main Hawaiian islands rode out the storm with no
reports of any serious problems, the National Weather Service said
Tropical Strom Ana has set her sights on small, remote islands that
make up what’s known as the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
A hurricane watch remained in effect Monday for portions
of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, one
of the largest marine conservation areas in the world, located
about 1,200 miles from Honolulu.
Ana is forecast to turn back into a hurricane Wednesday and
could cause damage and erosion at the Northwestern Hawaiian
Islands, said John Bravender, a meteorologist for the weather
service. A hurricane strike could pulverize coral and wipe out
sandbars where green sea turtles nest and where Hawaiian monk
seals tend to newborn pups, Kosaki said.
Much of the coral destroyed when the French Frigate Shoals
took a direct hit from Hurricane Neki in 2009 have grown back,
he said, showing how coral can rebound after storms when protected from human impacts.
There currently aren’t any of the people who do conservation work there at various times of the year, officials said.
Workers earlier moved some Nihoa Miller birds from Nihoa
island to Laysan island as a precaution, Kosaki said, adding that
there are some plants and animals on Nihoa that aren’t found
anywhere else in the world. The closest Ana got to the main
Hawaiian islands was about 70 miles southwest of Niihau, a
privately owned island where less than 100 people live.
Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. said the islands of Kauai and
Niihau fared well. “Mahalo to our people of Kauai and Niihau
for getting our families ready but we’ve got to stay prepared.”
Hawaii residents are told to remain prepared because hurricane season isn’t over until the end of November.
“We tend to have a longer hurricane season when ocean temperatures are higher than normal,” Bravender said.
The storm comes as higher-than-normal ocean temperatures
have caused coral bleaching in the main and northwestern islands.
“That’s kind of a double whammy for coral reefs,” Kosaki said.
President Barack Obama delivers remarks during a campaign rally for Gov. Pat Quinn, D-Ill.,
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
at Chicago State University on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014, in Chicago.
Fautuaina se kamupani taofi tu’uina atu fa’amatalaga sese atunuu
fa’aliliu Ausage Fausia
Talu ai fa’asea mai ni isi o le atunu’u fa’asaga
i le kamupani o le La O Samoa, o se vaega o le
kamupani o le ‘Help U Solar LLC’, le kamupani
lea e fautuaina tagata ina ia saini a latou suafa
mo le faapipii fua o a latou ‘solar panels’, ua fautuaina ai e le Fa’atonusili o le Ofisa o le Enetia a
le malo ia Ali’itama Sotoa le kamupani lenei, ina
ia taofia le toe faia o a latou faasalalauga sese o
lo o tuuina atu i tagata, atoa ai ma le taofia lea o
le taumafai e fa’asaini igoa o tagata mo ni konekarate ma le kamupani.
E le i finagalo le alii faatonu e tuuina mai sana
saunoaga e tusa ai o se mataupu sa fesiligia ai
o ia e le Samoa News, e fa’atatau lea i lona le
mana’o e tu’u mai sana tali e tusa ai o atugaluga
ma fa’asea a le atunu’u e uiga i lenei mataupu.
Ae i se imeli i le va o le alii faatonu ma pule
o le kamupani a le Help U Solar LLC ia Marc
Hamilton na liki mai i le Samoa News, o lo o
taua ai le tuuina atu o se talosaga a le alii fa’atonu
i le kamupani, ina ia taofia lo latou sainia o
konekarate ma tagata atoa ai ma le tu’uina atu o
fa’asalalauga le moni e fa’atatau i le auaunaga.
I se vaega o le imeli a Sotoa i le aso 11 Oketopa 2014 ia Hamilton, o lo o ia taua ai le tele o
telefoni fa’asea mai ni isi o le atunu’u ua tuuina
atu i lona ofisa, ae maise ai foi ni isi o le atunuu
ua asiasi atu i lona ofisa, ma latou fesiligia le
tulaga i le kamupani o le La O Samoa ma a latou
fa’asalalauga o lo o tuuina atu i tagata.
O fa’asalalauga e pei ona taua e le alii faatonu, o faasalalauga tuu gutu i le va o tagata i le
isi tagata, ae leai ni faasalalauga ua faia i luga o
nusipepa po o leitio fo’i e pei ona talitonu i ai le
Samoa News.
Na taua e Sotoa ia Hamilton e fa’apea, “O
tagata o la outou kamupani o lo o aga’i atu i tua
ma fa’a saini konekarate ma faia fa’asalalauga le
moni i tagata o le atunuu, ou te le’i vaai i ni pepa
o konekarate o lo o saini, ae o le fa’ailoa atu i
tagata o le fa’apipi’i fua o a latou ‘solar panel’
atoa ai ma isi lava ituaiga fa’amalaga, o ni faiga
le sa’o ma le le moni e le gata ua fa’aseseina
ai tagata, ae o ni fa’asalalauga sese fo’i lea ua
momoli atu ai le feau i le atunuu”.
Sa ia taua fo’i ia Hamilton e fa’apea, “Ou te
fautuaina malosi oe ina ia fa’atonu a outou sui o
lo o aga’i atu i tua ina ia TAOFI konekarate uma
o lo o fa’a saini i tagata, ona o le tulaga le moni o
fa’amatalaga o lo o tu’uina atu i tagata”.
Na taua fo’i e Sotoa e fa’apea, o le Ofisa o le
Enetia faatasi ai ma le Pulega o le Eletise ma le
Suavai a Amerika Samoa (ASPA), o lo o galulue faatasi ma le vaega o le ‘American Samoa
Renewable Energy Committee’ (ASREC), lea na
fa’atula’i i lalo o se poloaiga mai le alii kovana,
o lo o talosagaina le taofia o le toe faia o nei taumafaiga ma gaioiga e le moni toe tau fa’asese.
“E pei ona ou taua i le ta talanoaga i luga o le
telefoni, o le kamupani o le La O Samoa, o se tasi
lea o kamupani e 5 i ai kamupani ua maea ona
talia e avea ma vaega o le poloketi lenei (Solar
Project)”, o le saunoaga lea a Sotoa.
Na taua e Hamilton i lana tali sa tuuina atu ia
Sotoa i le aso 12 Oketopa 2014 e faapea, e matua
taua lava ia i latou fautuaga ma fa’amatalaga e
pei ona tuuina atu, ae atonu o se taimi ona toe
tuuina mai lea o se isi a latou tali maumau tutu e
uiga i lenei mataupu.
I le amataga o Oketopa, na taua e Hamilton ia
Sotoa i lana imeli e fa’apea, pau le mafuaaga o le
latou i ai i Amerika Samoa, o le taumafai lea pe
mafai ona latou fesoasoani i tagata, o taumafaiga
fo’i e fa’agasolo fuafuaga mo le pisinisi, ua na o
ni taumafaiga lava e amata ai gaioiga a le kamupani. Na taua fo’i e Hamilton i lana tusi lea, o
le faatonu o le latou lala i Amerika Samoa o le
susuga ia Eti Lauatua’a.
E le i maua mai se tali mai ia Hamilton po o
lana loia o Marcellus Talaimalo Uiagalelei e tusa
ai o imeli sa tuuina atu i ai.
Ae i se tali na tuuina mai e le pule o le La O
Samoa ia Joel Peck i le Samoa News i le faaiuga
o le vaiaso na te’a nei, sa ia faamoania mai ai le
tulaga lea, o le La O Samoa, o se vaega lea o le
Help U Solar LLC i Amerika Samoa.
Sa ia taua foi e faapea, o le misiona autu a le
vaega lenei, o le fesoasoani lea e aumai le ‘Solar
Energy’ i le atunuu ina ia faaitiitia ai le tau o le
eletise mo le atunuu, aemaise ai o le ofoina atu
o le tautua o se konekarate tutoatasi mo le auina
atu o lenei ituaiga tautua i le atunuu.
Sa ia taua fo’i e fa’apea, o tuuaiga i le faia e
sui o le La O Samoa o ni fa’asalalauga le moni
atoa ai ma le saini o konekarate ma tagata o le
atunuu mo le faapipii fua lea o a latou ‘solar
panel’, e le moni pe faamaonia foi.
“Mo lou silafia, e leai se isi o la matou aufaigaluega o faia na ituaiga faasalalauga faapea e
faapipi’i fua ‘solar panel’ e aunoa ma ni totogi,
e ui sa i ai ni isi na mafai ona matou fesootai atu
ai ina ia sailia ni auala e mafai ai ona aoaoina o
tatou tagata i ituaiga pisinisi nei”, o le saunoaga
lea a le pule o le kamupani.
Sa ia taua fo’i le leai o se upu o le ‘maua fua’
i pepa konekarate o lo o latou tuuina atu, ma afai
fo’i e maua e le kamupani ni ona sui o lo o latou
kamupani o lo o latou tuuina atu ni faamatalaga
le moni faapea i tagata, o le a faia vave loa sa
latou faaiuga faasaga i lea tulaga.
Sa ia taua fo’i e fa’apea, o le faapipiina o
‘solar panel’ e le o se tautua e faatino fua e aunoa
ma se totogi, e tatau lava ona totogi.
Page 12
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014
White House: No benefits
for suspected Nazis
CHICAGO (AP) — The White
House says suspected Nazi war criminals and former SS guards should not be
receiving millions of dollars in Social
Security payments.
It says the Social Security Administration and the Department of Justice
work “within the confines of current
law” to cut off benefits for criminals
who should not receive them.
White House spokesman Eric Schultz
says: “Our position is we don’t believe
these individuals should be getting these
Schultz was responding to an Associated Press investigation that found that
dozens of Nazi suspects who had lived
in the United States collected benefits
after being forced out.
The AP report showed that the benefits were used as leverage to persuade
the suspected war criminals to leave the
Lewinsky calls for end to
culture of cyberbullying
Lewinsky says she was “patient zero” in
a cyberbullying epidemic that has since
been blamed for teen suicides and celebrity exploitation.
The 41-year-old Lewinsky on
Monday called for a cultural revolution
to stem the “compassion deficit” fueling
online hostility.
The former White House intern
spoke in Philadelphia at Forbes magazine’s 30 Under 30 Summit. She says
she was inspired to act after the 2010
suicide of a Rutgers University student
whose roommate used a webcam to spy
on him kissing another man.
Lewinsky says in 1998 she was the
“first person to have their reputation
destroyed” online amid revelations of
her sexual relationship with President
Bill Clinton. She sees her public portrayal as a form of “identity theft.”
Lewinsky also took up the issue earlier this year in an essay in Vanity Fair
S. Korea: 2 Koreas
exchange gunfire
along the border
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —
Troops from the rival Koreas exchanged
gunfire Sunday along their heavily fortified border in the second such shooting
in less than 10 days, South Korean
officials said. There were no reports of
injuries or property damage, but the 10
minutes of shooting highlighted rising
tensions between the divided countries.
The Koreas’ first exchange of gunfire
came after North Korea opened fire at
balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets that were floating across the border
from the South.
Sunday’s shootout began after North
Korea sent soldiers close to the border
line. The move was an attempt by the
North to increase worries in the South
about what might happen if leafleting
continues, analysts say.
South Korean activist groups, mostly
made up of North Korean defectors,
have been staunch in their vows to continue sending the leaflets, which Pyongyang considers propaganda warfare; one
group says it will float about 50,000 on
Saturday. North Korea has warned it
will take unspecified stronger measures
if leafleting continues.
Generals from the sides met at a
border village last week in their first
military talks in more than three years
to discuss how to ease the recent spike
in tensions, but the meeting ended with
no agreement and no prospects to meet
Continued from page 7
Ebola patient released
from Atlanta hospital
ATLANTA (AP) — An Ebola patient
who’s been treated in Atlanta since early
September has been released, hospital
officials said Monday.
The man was released Sunday from
Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital,
after he was determined to be free of the
virus and no threat to the public.
He was transported to the hospital on
Sept. 9 after arriving in Atlanta on a jet.
The World Health Organization disclosed
that a doctor who had been working in an
Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone
had been evacuated out of Africa when he
tested positive for the disease.
However, hospital and health officials never released his name, in keeping
with his family’s wish for privacy.
Emory is one of four U.S. hospitals
with specialized treatment units for
people with highly dangerous infectious
diseases. The others are in Maryland,
Nebraska and Montana.
In a statement last week, the unidentified patient said that his condition worsened shortly after he arrived at Emory
and that for a while he was critically ill.
His time at Emory — nearly six
weeks — is the longest stay of an Ebola
patient at a U.S. hospital. None of the
seven others was admitted for more than
3 ½ weeks.
Now it’s official: Bolivia’s
evo Morales re-elected
LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Bolivia’s
top electoral court is now confirming the
re-election of President Evo Morales.
The official results released late Saturday night confirm what unofficial
counts had shown after the Oct. 12 vote.
Morales and his Movement Toward
Socialism party got 61 percent of the
vote. The court did not give a breakdown of seats in congress. A two-thirds
share of seats would let Morales’ party
change the constitution to permit the
president another possible shot at reelection in five years.
Cement magnate Samuel Doria
Medina of the center-right Democratic
Unity alliance came in second with 24.5
percent of the vote.
Morales was first elected in 2006
to become Bolivia’s first indigenous
5.6-magnitude quake felt
on Ecuador-Colombia line
QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A magnitude-5.6 earthquake rattled Ecuador’s
border with Colombia on Monday,
shaking low-lying buildings and frightening residents in the sparsely-populated area. There were no immediate
reports of injuries or damage.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the
quake struck at 3:33 p.m. EDT, had a
depth of about 10 kilometers (6 miles)
and was centered about 113 kilometers
(70 miles) northeast of Quito. It initially
measured the quake at 6-magnitude, but
downgraded it to 5.6 several hours later.
The tremor was felt in small towns
on both sides of the border.
Officials in the Colombian town of
Cumbal, near the quake’s epicenter, said
they formed an emergency committee
to survey possible damage. But so far,
there were no reports of injuries in the
town of 36,000 residents, the majority
of them members of an indigenous tribe.
“It was really strong, every house”
felt it, said Jose Diomedes Juezpesan,
the town’s top official.
In the city of San Gabriel, Ecuador,
near the quake’s epicenter, policeman
Darwin Conde of the citizen attention
brigade said residents felt the quake
strongly but that there were no reports
of victims.
Mom accused of killing 6
babies appears in court
PROVO, Utah (AP) — A Utah judge
will get his first chance in December
to hear the evidence against a woman
accused of killing six of her seven newborns and storing all of their bodies in
her garage.
Attorneys for Megan Huntsman,
39, decided Monday not to waive their
right to a preliminary hearing. That proceeding has been set for Dec. 11. At the
conclusion of the hearing, a judge will
decide if there is sufficient proof to send
the case to trial.
Huntsman is in jail on $6 million
bail, charged with six counts of firstdegree murder. She has not yet entered
a plea. She made a brief appearance in
court Monday, but didn’t speak.
Huntsman’s estranged husband discovered the infants’ bodies on April 12
while cleaning out the home they had
shared in Pleasant Grove, Utah, a city
of about 35,000 south of Salt Lake City.
Police say Huntsman strangled or
suffocated the infants from 1996 to
2006, and that a seventh baby found
in her garage was stillborn. Investigators believe Huntsman was addicted to
methamphetamine and didn’t want to
care for the babies.
DNA results have revealed that all
seven babies were full term and that her
now-estranged husband, Darren West,
was the biological father of the infants.
GM ignition switch death
count rises to 29
DETROIT (AP) — At least 29 people
have died and 27 people have been seriously injured in crashes involving General Motors cars with defective ignition
Attorney Kenneth Feinberg, who
was hired by GM to compensate victims, updated the totals Monday.
Feinberg says he has received 184
death claims since August. Of those, 29
have been deemed eligible for compensation, up two from last week.
Twenty-seven of the 1,333 injury
claimants have also received compensation offers.
GM knew about faulty ignition
switches in Chevrolet Cobalts and other
small cars for more than a decade but
didn’t recall them until February.
The switches can slip out of the “on”
position, which causes the cars to stall,
knocks out power steering and turns
off the air bags.
Feinberg will accept claims until
Dec. 31.
Lebanon imposes new
measures against Ebola
BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon is
imposing new measures to prevent the
Ebola virus from reaching the Middle
Eastern nation, the health minister said
Wael Abu Faour said Lebanon is
more vulnerable than some other Arab
countries because of the large Lebanese
diaspora in Africa.
Thousands of Lebanese live in
African nations including Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone — countries
where the disease has killed more than
4,500 people combined.
People traveling to Lebanon from
infected countries will have to fill out
special forms and any incoming plane
carrying someone displaying Ebola
symptoms will have all passengers
tested at the airport, Abu Faour told
reporters on Monday.
A state hospital in Beirut has been
equipped with a quarantine unit for
Ebola patients, and the American University Medical Center will have a similar unit ready soon, he said.
In addition, anyone suspected of
carrying the virus will not be granted a
visa at Lebanese embassies in infected
drunk woman arrested,
mistook jail for bar
PAW PAW, Mich. (AP) — One
is a building with bars. The other is
a building with a bar. A very drunk
woman apparently had trouble telling
them apart and ended up in a southwestern Michigan jail cell.
The Van Buren County sheriff’s
department says a 39-year-old woman
mistook the Van Buren County jail for the
bar where she was trying to pick up her
boyfriend. The department says Deputy
Robert Miersma spotted the Hartfordarea woman backing into the jail parking
lot in Paw Paw about 2 a.m. Sunday
and noticed she smelled of alcohol and
appeared intoxicated. It says a breath
test showed her with more than twice the
0.08 percent blood alcohol considered
drunk in Michigan. She’s expected to
face drunken driving charges.
Greek bakers encircle
monument with ring bread
Greek bakers in the northern city of
Thessaloniki have made a giant “koulouri,” a ring bread similar to a bagel,
around the city’s most visible monument, the medieval White Tower. The
bread, 165 meters (540 feet) in diameter,
weighed 1.35 tons before baking.
A “koulouri” is a staple snack, sold
mostly by street vendors. Of Turkish
provenance, it can be found throughout
the Balkans under different names.
Elsa Koukoumeria, president of the
Thessaloniki Bakers Association, said
they would try to list Sunday’s feat with
the Guinness Book of Records, adding
that they would soon bake a much bigger
one to encircle the burial mound of
Amphipolis, northeast of Thessaloniki.
The bread itself is already gone, distributed to bystanders.
Woman on freeway killed
by suspected drunk driver
LONG BEACH (AP) — Authorities
say the driver of one of three vehicles
that struck and killed a woman running
across a Southern California freeway
has been arrested on suspicion of drunk
driving. The Los Angeles Times reports
the unidentified woman was killed early
Sunday while crossing the northbound
lanes of Interstate 710 in Long Beach.
The CHP says the woman was first
hit by a Toyota Tacoma pickup. Two
other cars, a Toyota Scion and a Toyota
Camry, then struck her. She died at the
scene. The drivers of all three vehicles
pulled to the right shoulder. The CHP
says the he pickup driver, 51-yearold Eric J. Nagao of Long Beach, was
arrested on suspicion of driving under
the influence of alcohol.
Australia to deploy 200
special forces in Iraq
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) —
Australia will soon deploy 200 special
forces troops in Iraq to advise and assist
Iraqi security forces a month after the
Australians were sent to the Middle
East, the foreign minister said Monday.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said in
a statement from Baghdad that she had
secured the necessary legal guarantees
from the Iraqi government to go ahead
with the deployment of the elite troops.
The Australian special forces arrived
a month ago in the United Arab Emirates to participate in the multi-national
coalition put together by the U.S. to
battle the Islamic State group.
At the same time, Australia also sent
six F/A-18F Super Hornet jet fighters
which are flying almost daily combat
missions against Islamic State targets in
northern Iraq.
Australia sent 2,000 troops to support U.S. and British forces in the 2003
Iraq War.
But Australia has ruled out a ground
combat role in the current conflict.
(Continued on page 13)
Robotic device
helps paralyzed
groom walk aisle
New York resident Matt Ficarra
has been paralyzed from the
chest down since an accident
three years ago, but that didn’t
stop him from walking down
the aisle.
Ficarra was able to stand and
walk during the wedding ceremony in suburban Syracuse on
Saturday with the help of a battery-powered robotic exoskeleton called an Ekso. He tells the
Syracuse Post-Standard he’s
been driving to a rehabilitation
center in Allentown, Pennsylvania, weekly since April to
practice walking with it.
Ficarra has been paralyzed
since he broke his neck in a
boating accident in 2011. He
married Jordan Basile in the
ballroom of the Doubletree
Hotel in DeWitt.
The couple leaves Monday
for a honeymoon in Jamaica.
3-year-old girl’s
beating death
ruled a homicide
medical examiner says a
3-year-old New York City
girl who police say was fatally
beaten by her stepfather died
of blunt impact injuries to her
head and torso.
Spokeswoman Julie Bolcer
says Monday that Jeida Torres’
death was ruled a homicide.
Prosecutors in Brooklyn
say her 20-year-old stepfather,
Kelsey Smith, will be charged
with second-degree murder. He
hasn’t yet been arraigned.
Police say the girl’s 5-yearold brother told detectives
Smith kicked Jeida (JAY’-duh),
banged her head against a bed
frame and then choked her after
she soiled her diaper.
Police say the boy also was
assaulted Saturday in a Brooklyn
homeless facility. He’s been
hospitalized. Smith was hospitalized Monday after allegedly
attempting to slit his wrists. It
wasn’t clear if he had an attorney.
Man steals ambulance, crashes in
L.A. police chase
Authorities say a man stole
an ambulance that had been
called for him then crashed it
as he was chased by police.
Los Angeles Fire Department
spokeswoman Katherine Main
says paramedics responded to
a call in the Westlake District
on Sunday night and drove
away with it after the paramedics got out.
Police found and chased the
ambulance and it crashed with
another vehicle about 45 minutes after it was taken. The man
was taken into custody.
No one was seriously
Police Sgt. Bruce Coss tells
City News Service the suspect,
who may have been mentally
ill, was the patient the paramedics were originally seeking.
Coss says the man, whose name
and age have not been released,
was being held at the department’s Rampart Station.
Samsung phones
cleared for U.S.
government use
SEOUL, South Korea (AP)
— Samsung Electronics Co.
says some of its Galaxy mobile
devices were approved to use
with classified U.S. government networks and data.
The South Korean company
said Tuesday the Galaxy S5, the
Galaxy Note 4 and seven other
smartphones or tablets became
the first consumer devices validated by a partnership between
the National Security Agency
and the National Institute of
Standards and Technology.
The validation clears Samsung devices to be considered
by U.S. government departments to handle all range of
classified information. .
Boston bomb case
judge wants 1,000
juror summonses
BOSTON (AP) — At least
1,000 people will be summoned
and asked to fill out questionnaires for the jury in the trial of
Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a federal judge said Monday. Tsarnaev, 21, is charged with carrying out the April 2013 attack
that killed three people and
injured more than 260. He has
pleaded not guilty and could face
the death penalty if convicted.
Prosecutors say Tsarnaev and
his brother, Tamerlan, planted
two bombs near the marathon
finish line. Tamerlan Tsarnaev
was killed in a shootout with
police several days later.
During a status conference in
U.S. District Court on Monday,
Judge George O’Toole Jr. said
he expects to whittle down the
pool of 1,000 potential jurors
to about 100 who will be questioned individually. The jury of
12 jurors and 6 alternates would
then be chosen from that group.
Jury selection is scheduled
to begin Jan. 5. O’Toole said it
could be delayed by one day if
there are juries for other trials
being picked on that date.
Man admits killing
demanding sex
— A Philadelphia man has
pleaded guilty to fatally
injuring a 95-year-old woman
after demanding sex from her
during a break-in. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that
Hector “Tito” DeJesus told
police he had consumed alcohol
and cocaine before breaking
into Alice Sanders’ house in
February 2013. Police say he
punched the 97-pound victim in
the head when she refused his
demand to take off her clothes.
Authorities say the longtime resident of the Kensington
neighborhood fell to the floor
and lost consciousness. She
died a month later. Investigators say DeJesus had delivered
groceries to Sanders that day
from the neighborhood store
where he worked.
His guilty plea Monday
comes with a negotiated sentence of 28 to 56 years in prison.
DeJesus declined to make a
statement in court.
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 13
Continued from page 12
Belgium’s main
airport to begin
Ebola screening
PARIS (AP) — Brussels Airport says it will begin
screening passengers arriving
from Ebola-stricken countries
Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
The airport operator says
passengers arriving from these
three countries will have their
temperatures taken starting
Four flights a week from the
area concerned arrive weekly
at Brussels Airport. Similar
measures were begun Saturday
at Paris’ Charles de Gaulle
airport, where one daily flight
arrives from Conakry, Guinea.
woman arrested
on DUI following
couple’s chase
— A Maryland woman was
arrested after police say a
couple chased her following a
car crash, and her blood-alcohol
level was more than four times
the legal limit.
Maryland State Police say
in a press release that 27-yearold Lindsey Taylor Osborne
of Deer Park was arrested
Sunday on charges of drunken
driving and leaving an accident
scene. It’s unclear if she has an
Police say the couple was
driving when another car turned
in front of them, and they
The couple followed the car
several miles, flashing their
headlights and honking their
horn, and took down the license
plate number. Police tracked
Osborne down at home a halfhour later.
Police say she admitted to
being drunk and apologized for
hitting “those people.” Investigators say her blood-alcohol
level was 0.33.
The public and road users are hereby advised that
there will be traffic changes at Tafuna along the current constructed Airport Road from Triple S Gas
Station through to the PX Troop Store intersection
starting this Thursday 16th October 2014.
There will be changes to traffic routes as we divert
the NB traffic (simply traffic heading to Nuuuli or
simply heading away from the Airport) onto the
newly built section of road. The SB traffic or simply
traffic heading to the Airport will remain on the
existing road.
Please expect minor traffic delays as we try to
implement these traffic changes safely.
There will be traffic controllers at the main
diversion points to help stop/slow and direct traffic
McConnell Dowell wishes to thank the
Public for your patience”
Samoa Tuna Processors, Inc. In Atu’u currently have a vacancy in the Accounting
Department for a Payroll Clerk. Successful candidate must possess and demonstrate:
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» Effective Samoan communications ability advantageous.
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» High school graduate or equivalent experience.
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» Knowledge of MS Office software and principle accounting advantageous.
Compensations commensurate with qualifications. For considerations, bring or send a
copy of your resume including , relevant certifications, references and application by October
24, 2014 no later than 400pm to (applications may be obtained at)
Samoa Tuna Processors, Inc.
Attn: Human Resources Department
P.O. Box 957
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Ph: (684) 644-5272/Ext. 321/ Fax: 644-2290
E-mail: smauga@trimarinegroup.com
“An Equal Opportunity Employer”
Page 14
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Mai itulau 9
“E i ai nisi o matai e nonofo nonofo ua leai ni a latou mea e
faia, o fai a latou pele ma ao tupe a tagata o lo o autovaa atu e
tafafao i ia nofoaga,” o a Tuilaepa lea.
“A na ou matai i afioaga nei, ua leva ona ou faate’aina ia
matai. Sa ou asiasi mai foi i le isi aso ae faatu lau taavale ma
tapa sa’u $20 faatoa mafai ona ou alu i le matafaga! Ao le malo
lea e faia le auala!”
Sa soisoi le aofia ae na saunoa le alii palemia. “E faataatalafoga, ae mataga! O le mea lea e iloa ai toeaiina e ola ola noa!”
O le te’a o le lua i le vaveao o le aso Sa na sei mavae atu nei
na tulai mai ai se faalavelave i Nu’u ina ua mu se fale o se aiga,
ma na maliu ai se tamaitai o le aiga i le malaia.
Na faaalia e sosia e iloa lea aiga e faapea, o le tamaitai talavou
ua maliu sa soifua i Niu Sila ae sa malaga mai e tausi lona tama
matua (grandfather).
Peitai, e tupu le faalavelave o malaga i fafo le tama, ae na o ia
ma sona tausoga tama sa leoina le fale.
O le fale foi e lei leva ona maea na fausia ma sa mu uma le
tele o vaega o le fale i le mu.
Na faaalia, sa moe lea tamaitai e 23 tausaga i le taimi o le
faalavelave, ma na o lona tausoga tama sa mafai ona sao i fafo
mai le fale. O lo o suesueina nei e le vaega o le Tinei Mu le
mafuaaga o lea mu.
Ua talosagaina e se tamaitai le Toomaga mo e Puapuagatia
mo se fesoasoani ina ua fasi faamo’amo’a e se alii leoleo sinia o
lo o fai se la mafutaga faaleuo, i le ofisa o leoleo i Tuanaimato.
Na faamatala e lea mafine le la feeseeseaiga i se imeli na ia
lafoina i le peresetene o le Toomaga, le susuga Lina Chang.
Na ia faaalia e faapea, sa ia oo atu i le ofisa o leoleo i Tuanaimato e fia talanoa i lana uo leoleo ona sa ia manao e faauma
le la uo. Fai mai a ia, ua mafua lea tulaga ona ua ia faalogo o lo
o i ai se isi teine a le alii leoleo.
Sa musu le alii leoleo e faauma le la uo, ma sa alu ese loa lea
mafine. Ae ina ua toe foi atu i le ofisa o leoleo ma alu atu i le
faletaele, i totonu o le ofisa, sa ia maua atu ai lana uo leoleo o eva
mai ma le toalua o se isi alii leoleo.
Fai mai a ia, sa ia fai i ai po o le a le uiga o le la o lo o fai, ae
fasi ai loa o ia e lana uo leoleo. Na faamatala e lea mafine, ana
le sulu i le ofisa o le iuni lakapi lea e i le isi itu auala, semanu e
faaletonu o ia i le fasiga e le alii leoleo. Na ia faaalia, na gau lona
auvae toe gaoi uma lona tino i le fasiga o ia. O lo o loma nei lenei
mataupu ma e le o iloa pe faaulu sana tagi i le Faamasinoga.
Le Fa’atonusili o le Soifua Maloloina ia Motusa T. Nua ma le Fa’atonusili o le Matagaluega o
le Puipuiga o le Saogalemu Lotoifale ia Iuniasolua Savusa i le taimi na molimau ai i luma o le
maota maualuga i le taeao ananafi, e fa’atatau i tapenaga a le malo e tali atu ai i le fa’ama’i oti o
[ata: AF]
le ‘Ebola’ lea ua pipisi i le lalolagi.
➧ Sauni Am. Samoa mo puipuiga o le Ebola…
Continued from page 1
galulue faatasi ma le Soifua Maloloina.
O isi matagaluega na auai i le iloiloga e aofia
ai le Matagaluega o le Puipuiga o le Saogalemu
Lotoifale, Ofisa o le Loia Sili aemaise ai o le
Ofisa o Tiute.
Ina ua fesili e Mauga ia Motusa pe ua tapena
le Soifua Maloloina e puipui Amerika Samoa,
na tali le ali’i Fa’atonu, “ua matua tapena le
matagaluega e faia gaioiga uma e puipuia ai le
atunuu mai le ono a’afia i lenei fa’ama’i”.
O le vaiaso na te’a nei e pei ona saunoa
Motusa sa faia ai se fa’ata’ita’iga fa’afuase’i a
le Soifua Maloloina i lalo o se valaau fa’apitoa
mai le Lutena Kovana, e iloilo ai pe ua tapena
le Matagaluega e tali atu i lenei fa’afitauli, ma
sa molimauina le tulaga manuia o lea taumafaiga e pei ona faatinoina ai i luga o le va’a a le
malo, le MV Sili i le Uafu tele i Fagatogo e pei
ona molimau Motusa.
Ina ua fesiligia tulaga i puipuiga mo va’alele
ma va’a o le sami e ulufale mai i le atunuu, e
ono mafai ona aumai ai se tagata ua a’afia i le
fa’ama’i lenei, na saunoa Motusa, “ua mae’a
fo’i ona i ai fuafuaga uma a le matagaluega e
tali atu ai i tulaga e pei ona fesiligia”.
Afai o se va’a i luga o le sami o lo o masalomia le malaga mai ai o se tagata ua a’afia
i ‘auga o le fa’ama’i lenei, e le mafai ona
fa’aulufale le va’a i totonu o le uafu, ae o le
a taofia ai pea lava i fafo atu o le ‘ava, o iina
fo’i lea ua fa’amoemoe e tatau ona auina atu ai
foma’i mo le faia o ni togafitiga mo le tagata o
lo o a’afia, e fa’apena fo’i i le va’alele pe afai e
malaga mai ai se tasi ua a’afia, e toe fa’afo’i le
va’alele i le itu na sau ai.
E le i nofo lelei i le finagalo o le afioga i
le ali’i senatoa ia Soliai le fautuaga lea, ona i
lona talitonuga, afai e toe fa’afo’i le va’a po o
le va’alele fa’atasi ai ma le tagata o lo o a’afia
i le gasegase e leai se gaioiga e faia i ai, lona
uiga o le a atili ai ona pipisi le fa’ama’i.
Na fesili Soliai i molimau pe ua i ai ni vailaau
e togafiti ai se tagata e a’afia, ae pe ua i ai foi se
fale faapitoa e tuu i ai o ia, atoa ai ma lavalava e
fa’aaoga e foma’i ma teine tausima’i o le a gafa
ma le tausiga o lea tagata, ae na saunoa Motusa,
“ua mae’a ona tapena e le Matagaluega tulaga
uma e pei ona fesiligia”, se’i vagana ai tulaga o
vailaau mo togafitiga e le o maua mai i le taimi
nei, ae o lo o i ai pea lava isi auala o lo o faia ai
togafitiga i le taimi nei pe afai e a’afia i le fiva
po o isi ‘auga e aafia ai o latou tino.
Saunoa le afioga i le alii senatoa ia Gaea
Failautusi Perefoti e fa’apea, e leai se isi auala
e sili atu ona manuia ai tagata Samoa pe a
aafia i gasegase matuia faapenei, nai lo lau
laau Samoa ma vai Samoa o lo o fa’aaoga e
le to’atele o tagata, ma atonu o le isi lea auala
e mafai ona fesoasoani e tete’e atu ai i le gasegase o le ‘Ebola’.
Ae na taua e Mauga e fa’apea, “afai e
fa’aaoga lau laau Samoa ma vai Samoa e
inu ai tagata, lona uiga o le a le maua loa le
atunuu i le ‘Ebola’ ae o le a maua i le ‘Ebuni’,
e mafua mai i le pepelo o vailaau o lo o latou
Na fautuaina e le afioga a Soliai molimau a
le malo, ina ia amata nei loa ona tu’uina atu ni
a latou talosaga i le malo feterale, mo ni vaega
tupe e fa’atupe ai galuega e faalauiiloa atu ai i
le atunuu puipuiga mo lenei fa’ama’i.
Saunoa Soliai e fa’apea, e faitau miliona
ma miliona tupe a le feterale ua maea ona
tufatufa atu i teritori ma setete e fesoasoani ai
i pupuiga o le fa’ama’i lenei, ma ua tatau fo’i
ona fa’amanuiaina atu ai ma Amerika Samoa.
Pau popolega e pei ona taua e le afioga i
le alii senatoa ia Faletagoa’i Tuiolemotu e
fa’apea, afai o teine foma’i lea o lo o mafuli i
ai tagata Amerika na a’afia i le gasegase lenei,
e foliga mai e tele le avanoa e ono a’afia ai fo’i
foma’i ma teine tausi ma’i a le atunuu pe afai e
muamua tali atu e fofo le faafitauli.
Ae na faamanino e Motusa e fa’apea, ua
uma ona aoaoina foma’i ma tausi ma’i i auala
e tali atu ai i so o se taimi e tula’i mai ai se faalavelave i le atunuu.
Saunoa foi Motusa e fa’apea, ua maea foi
ona faatulaga faleie a le Soifua Maloloina i
luga o uafu ma malae vaalele i soo se taimi e
taunuu mai ai vaa ma vaalele i le atunuu, ina
ia mautinoa e saogalemu tagata uma, aua e sili
lava le puipuia nai lo le tau togafitia.
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia
➧ Suleman family hires firm…
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 15
Continued from page 1
Neither the body of the father nor the location of the aircraft
was found during the search and rescue mission conducted when
the crash first happened.
The diving team will be using specialized sonar equipment to
conduct the underwater search with a remotely operated vehicle
and they will be using the vessel Bona Vista II for their search.
The DHS director told Samoa News that Hiba Suleman, the
daughter of Babar Suleman will be arriving on Monday night’s
flight and she’s accompanied by a family friend who will be
filming the search operations for a documentary film.
Utuali’i said the ASG had explored all their options in terms
of the resources they have, and the family is now conducting this
search on their own. He said ASG will continue to assist if necessary, however its assistance is limited. According to the director,
the crew hopes to begin the underwater search tomorrow.
According to their website, Global Diving & Salvage is one
of the few full-service underwater marine contractors that can
provide project management, in-house engineering, marine and
upland environmental services, and the full spectrum of commercial diving services. “We do this through our three core services Marine Construction, Casualty Response, and Offshore
Support Services in our four operating regions of Alaska, California, Gulf Coast, and the Pacific Northwest.”
Samoa News notes that officials in American Samoa on
Monday, Aug. 4, 2014, recovered a personal locator beacon registered to the Sulemans. It was retrieved from a family in Lauli’i
Village, after local authorities got a call late Sunday from the
U.S. Force Rescue Center in Florida that the beacon was transmitting GPS co-ordinates. Police searched the shoreline and
Homeland Security issued a bulletin Sunday night for help from
the community. Utuali’i said a young boy found the device and
took it home, not knowing what it was.
A warming Earth heading
for hottest year on record
WASHINGTON (AP) — Earth is on pace to tie or even
break the mark for the hottest year on record, federal meteorologists say. That’s because global heat records have kept falling
in 2014, with September the latest example. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Monday that
last month the globe averaged 60.3 degrees Fahrenheit (15.72
degrees Celsius). That was the hottest September in 135 years
of record keeping. It was the fourth monthly record set this
year, along with May, June and August.
NASA, which measures temperatures slightly differently,
had already determined that September was record-warm.
The first nine months of 2014 have a global average temperature of 58.72 degrees (14.78 degrees Celsius), tying with
1998 for the warmest first nine months on record, according
to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C.
“It’s pretty likely” that 2014 will break the record for hottest year, said NOAA climate scientist Jessica Blunden.
The reason involves El Nino, a warming of the tropical
Pacific Ocean that affects weather worldwide. In 1998, the year
started off super-hot because of an El Nino. But then that El
Nino disappeared and temperatures moderated slightly toward
the end of the year. This year has no El Nino yet, but forecasts
for the rest of the year show a strong chance that one will show
up, and that weather will be warmer than normal, Blunden said.
If 2014 breaks the record for hottest year, that also should
sound familiar: 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005 and 2010 all broke
NOAA records for the hottest years since records started
being kept in 1880. “This is one of many indicators that climate change has not stopped and that it continues to be one of
the most important issues facing humanity,” said University of
Illinois climate scientist Donald Wuebbles.
Some people, mostly non-scientists, have been claiming
that the world has not warmed in 18 years, but “no one’s told
the globe that,” Blunden said. She said NOAA records show
no pause in warming. The record-breaking heat goes back to
the end of last year — November 2013 broke a record. So
the 12 months from October 2013 to September 2014 are the
hottest 12-month period on record, Blunden said. Earth hasn’t
set a monthly record for cold since December 1916, but all
monthly heat record have been set after 1997.
September also marks the fifth month in a row that Earth’s
oceans broke monthly heat records, Blunden said.
While parts of the U.S. Midwest, Russia and central Africa
were slightly cool in September, it was especially hotter than
normal in the U.S. West, Australia, Europe, northwestern
Africa, central South America and parts of Asia. California
and Nevada set records for the hottest September.
If Earth sets a record for heat in 2014 it probably won’t last,
said Jeff Masters, meteorology director for the private firm
Weather Underground. If there is an El Nino, Masters said, “next
year could well bring Earth’s hottest year on record, accompanied by unprecedented regional heat waves and droughts.”
➧ La O Samoa interested in working with…
Continued from page 1
businesses offer a payment plan that requires no
initial money down, or no initial out of pocket
costs. This does not mean ‘free’,” he stated.
Utu told Samoa News in response to questions of ASPA’s involvement with the company
that he met with Peck and two others from this
company in Hawai’i, per their invitation, on his
way back to the Territory recently.
According to Utu, the company is interested in
working with ASPA on a distributed generation
project. “Discussions are preliminary and ASPA
has to go through the procurement process,” the
ASPA CEO said. “The proposed project has to be
defined and understood first ...”
In the meantime, one of the La O Samoa
representatives, who is not authorized to speak
to the media, told Samoa News that they have
signed up more than 1,000 members of the
public for this solar project. Samoa News was
able to obtain a copy of the contract. (See scan
of contract in this issue of Samoa News also on
line at our website: www.samoanews.com.)
The La O Samoa — Solar Energy Consultancy and Design — contract is a 2-page document, which claims they are a company which
“will provide energy savings counseling and
arrange contracts for the proviso and installation of solar panels and equipment.”
And as pointed out by the Peck: “Our primary offering is a zero down Power Pay Agreement (PPA). “We are offering to help arrange,
purchase or finance options for the installation,
monitoring, maintenance and warranty of a photovoltaic system, (Solar Panels and Interverter)
at your property. If you choose instead we may
also offer net meter arrangements with your
local electrical company or entirely off grid.”
The contract is titled: “EXCLUSIVE
and says it’s a binding contract, and advises
the buyer (signee of agreement) to “seek legal
advice for any clarification.” (Samoa News
recommends anyone who has signed the contract or is planning to sign the contract, to do so
— seek legal advice.)
Of interest: A 20-year Zero Down plan is
mentioned under Description of Services; but
the contract also states the buyer agrees to compensate (pay) La O Samoa, “6% of the selling
price or $2,400 USD whichever is greater, plus
appropriate sales/service tax which may be satisfied in whole or in part by payments from a
cooperating government tax program, lending
institution or utility partner.”
On page 2 of the contract, #12 outlines more
that is expected of the buyer in terms of compensating La O Samoa, as well as agreeing to
“work exclusively with La O Samoa for the
acquisition of solar equipment or PPS.”
Points 13 thru 17 explain the finer points of
law the agreement is governed by:
Choice of Governing Law: This agreement
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with in the internal laws of the State of
Hawaii, USA without reference to any conflicts
of law provision.
Choice of venue: Buyer submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of Hawaii USA in
any legal proceeding arising out of or relating
to this contract.
Arbitration: In the event of a dispute each
party agrees to submit to bringing arbitration in
the State of Hawaii, USA.
Attorney fees: the non prevailing party in
any dispute under this agreement shall pay costs
and expenses, including expert witnesses fees
and attorneys’ fees incurred by the prevailing
party resolving such dispute.
Right to Cancel: Buyer may cancel this
agreement, without any penalty or obligation
until midnight of the third business day after the
date on which buyer signs this agreement and
that cancellation must be clearly written, dated
and signed and mailed or delivered to the Help
U Solar LLC with the right address.
Again Samoa News advises — before
signing this contract get in contact with a lawyer
or legal counsel to clarify it.
Page 16
samoa news, Tuesday, October 21, 2014