LOMU: Afai e le o malepe, e leai se mea e fai ai fua

Buckle up!
Fatalities CraSHES
01-01-14 to date
01-01-14 to date
office of highway safety
ASHSAA Football down
to one more weekend
of regular season B1
Fa’alauiloa suiga fou
i totogi o tautua Ofisa
Last Friday afternoon, several people, youth and voters, gathered in front of the Fagatogo malae alongside the main road,
waving signs to call attention to their support of the “Vote No” on the Override Veto Referendum issue. The referendum comes
[photo: AF]
to the ballot for vote in this year’s General Election in November, and is supported by the Administration.
online @ samoanews.com
Daily Circulation 7,000
Monday, October 20, 2014
Two off duty TEO asks solar company to
policemen cause cease “false advertising”
problems at night — stop signing people up
club, not arrested
Company CEO responds, it’s a misunderstanding
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
It’s unclear as to why two off duty detectives, who are with
the Criminal Investigation Division, and involved in an incident Saturday night at a night club in Pago Pago, were not
arrested for property damage and disturbing the peace. This
was the question posed by a family member of the club that
was damaged.
Witnesses told Samoa News that it was past closing time
at the club, when the bouncer asked the off duty detectives to
leave, as the club was closed. It’s alleged that one of the men
instead, punched the bouncer. It’s further alleged that that is
when other employees of the club intervened and removed the
two officers, escorting them out of the club.
According to witnesses, one of the men threw a beer bottle,
shattering one of the windows of the club. This off duty officer
then proceeded to his vehicle, pulled out a bat and was walking
back to the club when on duty police officers arrived at the
(Continued on page 15)
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
With concerns raised by the public about La
O Samoa — a Division of Help U Solar LLC
— a company, which is getting people to sign
up for “free solar panels with free installation”
the Territorial Energy Office (TEO) Director,
Ali’itama Sotoa told the company to stop the
drive and advertisements, and stop “signing the
locals with false advertisements and contracts.”
Sotoa had declined to comment on the issue
that was brought to Samoa News’ attention by
phone calls and queries from the public asking
about the company, saying the TEO director
was not responding to their concerns.
However, email correspondence between
Sotoa and Help U Solar LLC Chief Operating
Officer Marc Hamilton was leaked to Samoa
News indicating that the TEO Director had
reached out to the company, asking that Help
U Solar LLC stop “signing [up] the locals with
false advertisements and contracts.”
Sotoa in an email, dated Oct. 11, 2014, told
Hamilton that the TEO office was “getting a lot
of phone calls and office visitations” from residents in regards to La O Samoa’s current drive
and verbal advertisements at people’s homes.
(The verbal advertising the director is referring to is person to person talks and there has
been no advertising in Samoa News and as far
as we know, none on radio or television.)
According to the email, the TEO director
stated, “Your field people are telling and
signing the locals with false advertisements and
(Continued on page 15)
LOMU: Afai e le o malepe,
e leai se mea e fai ai fua
tusia Ausage Fausia
Governor Lolo Matalasi Moliga and Congressman Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin pictured at the airport — they both arrived
back home on Friday night. Lolo flew to Honolulu, Hawa’i for
his medical appointments last week, while the congressman
is back on island for the first time since he was medivaced to
[photo: JL]
Honolulu last year.
Ua fa’aalia e ni isi o tagata palota i Amerika Samoa o latou lagona tete’e i le mataupu lea o lo
o unaia e le Fono Faitulafono ma ua lagolagoina fo’i e le ali’i kovana, le ‘Veto Override’, ona e
talitonu i latou, afai o lo o lelei ma maopoopo le Fa’avae Toe Teuteu a Amerika Samoa na fausia
mai e tuaa ua tofafa mai tiasa, e leai se mafua’aga e toe taumafai ai fua le Fono Faitulafono po o
le Kovana e sui, e pei ona fa’aalia e le faletua ia Aitofi Lomu i le vaiaso na te’a nei.
E silia i le to’a sefulu ni isi e aofia ma fanau na laulau tutu i tafatafa o le alatele i le Malaeoletalu
i Fagatogo i le afiafi o le aso Faraile na te’a nei, ma saini na u’u i o latou lima o lo o tusia ai upu
fa’apenei, “Palota leai i le Veto Override”, po o le “Vote No to Veto Override’.
O le faletua ia Lomu mai le afioaga o Fagatogo, a o ia fo’i o se tagata palota a Amerika Samoa
sa ta’ita’ia lenei fa’amoemoe, lea e lata i le 30 minute le umi na latou laulau tutu ai i tafatafa o le
auala tele ma talotalo atu i le atunu’u o lo o fegasoloa’i ane i a latou ta’avale e fa’ailoa atu ai le
feau, ma sa fa’apea fo’i ona tali ane i ai ni isi o le atunu’u e ala i le fa’a ee o fa’ailoilo o a latou
ta’avale e fa’ailoa ane ai lo latou lagolagoina o le latou fa’amoemoe, ae o isi na talotalo ane o latou
aao ma valaau ane fa’apea, “ua lelei, matou te lagolagoina outou”.
Pe tusa ma le fa’asefulu ona valaau le faletua ia Lomu i ta’avale ma talotalo i ai e fa’apea,
“Afai e le o malepe e leai se mea e lote ai fua”, ae ina ua fesiligia o ia i le mafua’aga o le latou
fa’amoemoe, sa ia taua ai i le Samoa News e fa’apea, “O le tulaga tonu lava lena e tatau ona i ai
le Fa’avae o Amerika Samoa, afai e leai se mea o malepe, afai e leai se vaega o fa’aletonu, e leai
la se mea e lote ai fua pe taumafai e sui, ua leva ona i ai, sa i ai lava fo’i mai le amataga, o lo o
maopoopo ma mausali ma lelei, aua le faia fua le Fa’avae latou ia”.
“O le talosaga e fia tuuina atu i le Fono Faitulafono aemaise ai le Kovana ma le faigamalo,
matou te le o malamalama atili i le uiga o lenei taumafaiga po o i ai ni isi fuafuaga o lo o nana mai
(Faaauau itulau 12)
Page 2
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
AG seeks $500 per month stipend
for Immigration Board members
“…or such other amount…”
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent
Attorney General Talauega Eleasalo Ale is proposing to create a stipend for members of the
immigration board, and wants the stipend to be included in the American Samoa Administrative
Code. The current law only states that the board Immigration Board shall meet at times and places
determined necessary by the chairman for conducting business of the board, but there is nothing
pertaining to compensation or stipends offered.
A ‘notice of intended action’ by Talauega states that on Oct. 7 the Department of Legal Affairs
gave notice of intent to amend the Administrative Code to allow for the creation of an immigration board stipend — for holding and attending board meetings. According to the proposal “board
stipend”, immigration board members are eligible to receive $500 per month or such other amount
and upon such criteria as set by the Attorney General from time to time. It says that the initial
stipend amount and criteria for receiving the stipend shall be set out in writing and delivered to all
board members at least seven days in advance, prior to stipend amount and criteria taking affect.
Further, any subsequent amendments made by the attorney general to the stipend amount and/
or the criteria for receiving the stipend shall also be set out in writing and delivered to board members at least 30 days in advance prior to taking effect. Additionally, the attorney general or his
designee shall, in their sole discretion, have the authority to determine whether board members
have satisfactory compiled with the criteria to receive the stipend.
The proposal also allows board members to seek clarity, or dispute any issue arising out of this
provision of the Administrative Code; when to file such a clarity or dispute; and when the attorney
general or his designee is to issue a response. A copy of the proposed addition to the administrative code is available at the Attorney General’s Office at the A.P. Lutali Executive Office
Building. Interested persons may submit written comments on views and arguments in writing to
the AG’s Office on or before Oct. 27, 2014.
(In tomorrow’s edition of Samoa News is the proposal to hike fees for certain immigration
(Continued on page 3)
Governor Lolo urges ASEDA to
make charter bank a priority
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa
News Correspondent
(all ANSWERs on page 14)
Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga
has relayed to the American
Samoa Economic Development Authority board the
importance of setting up a
Charter Bank in the territory as
a priority because of its impact
on economic development.
Lolo has sought another
financial institution for the
territory since taking over the
helm of government in January
last year, because Bank of
Hawai’i is leaving as soon as
a second bank is operational
The Charter Bank option
first surfaced this summer
during confirmation hearings
for ASG Treasurer Ueligitone
Tonumaipe’a, and a Charter
Bank is one of the seven priority projects outlined in the
government’s plans for the
issuance of general obligation
bonds under the ASEDA.
Responding to Samoa
News inquiries, the governor’s
executive assistant Iulogologo
Joseph Pereira confirmed over
the weekend that Lolo had met
with the ASEDA board on Oct.
10 — just as the Fono endorsed
the administration’s proposal
to modernize and enhance
the bond issuing capability of
“The Governor wanted
to impress on ASEDA the
urgency attached to the implementation of the projects proposed to be funded from Bond
proceeds,” said Iulogologo
of the board meting with the
governor. “He also wanted
Project Timelines for each of
the projects.”
Iulogologo, who is also an
ASEDA board member, said,
“The Governor will meet with
ASEDA in two weeks to discuss the timelines.”
Asked where the governor
stands on making the Charter
Bank a priority project for
ASEDA, Iulogologo, said,
the “Governor considers the
Charter Bank a priority given
its impact on the implementation of our economic development strategies to facilitate job
creation for the residents of
American Samoa.
“The Charter Bank attempts
to fill the void created by the
suspension of many of the
banking services traditionally
provided by Bank of Hawai’i,
along with limited loans being
made for businesses seeking
financing,” he said.
Asked why the administration is targeting a charter
bank, Iulogologo said that a
Charter Bank is the easiest to
set up, as it does not require
FDIC approval. He says North
Dakota has a Charter Bank,
which is the only government
owned bank in the United
States and it is very successful.
Iulogologo said the governor is also very sensitive to
his commitment to the BoH
chairman, president and CEO,
Peter Ho — that he would diligently find a replacement bank
to assume the banking services
traditionally provided by BoH.
“It’s going on two years and
Community Bank of American
Samoa has not been successful
in its efforts to secure FDIC
approval, and it appears that
FDIC is not going to approve
another bank soon,” he said.
“Thus the Governor is taking
the progressive and aggressive
approach and not leave our fate
to others.” Samoa News should
point out that the governor had
already made pubic his support
and commitment to the Community Bank. According to
the Administration, the Charter
Bank bond totals $10 million.
According to investopedia.
com, a charter bank is a financial institution which primary
roles are to accept and safeguard monetary deposits from
individuals and organizations,
and to lend money out. The
details vary from country to
country, but usually a chartered bank in operation has
obtained government permission on some level to do business in the banking sector.
Emerging Pacific Leader’s
Dialogue 2014 selects two
from American Samoa
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014 Page 3
by Samoa News staff
The Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue (EPLD) 2014 is a
one of a kind event held every four years that aims to strengthen
the capacity of the Pacific region’s future leaders. It seeks to
manage Pacific challenges collaboratively, positively and creatively by promoting a culture of leadership across the Pacific
region that is aligned with democratic values and good governance, while developing participants’ leadership skills and
broadening their horizons.
Its end goal is to enhance communication, collaborative
problem solving and decision-making amongst future regional
This very unique Pacific event was conceived in 2006 and was
originally only offered to residents of the Commonwealth countries of the Pacific. In 2010 participation was extended beyond
the Commonwealth states of the Pacific and at that time, American Samoa’s Alfred Tinitali and Judy Mulitalo were selected to
participate in this leadership development opportunity.
Judy Mulitalo currently serves as the office manager at May
& Associates in Fagaima. Inspired by her participation in EPLD
2010, Mulitalo sought out opportunities to empower women
while honing her leadership skills. She is now the First Vice
President of the Business and Professional Women of Pago
When asked to reflect upon her experiences at EPLD 2010,
Judy shared the following: “EPLD expanded my world-view
and gave me a more relevant and factual emphasis on the Pacific
region. We live on islands in the Pacific and we sometimes take
our proximity as a standard of unity in our social and economic
challenges, but EPLD 2010 opened my eyes to the very real and
unique challenges that our Pacific Islands face. The awareness I
gained from the experience has changed the way I interpret the
media, and it has given me a fantastic Pacific islands network of
distinguished professionals I can call on for collaboration and
Participants are exposed to diverse cultures, which serves to
increase their awareness of challenges facing the Pacific region.
The program also aids in building enduring relationships across
communities, sectors, countries and territories by creating an
active and influential Alumni network.
EPLD 2014 will be the third Pacific leadership development
initiative staged for mid-career high caliber men and women
under the auspices of Commonwealth Study Conferences (Australia) Inc. in partnership with Commonwealth Study Conferences (New Zealand). The planning and delivery of the program
is the responsibility of the Pacific Leadership Foundation Board
established by CSC (Australia) in 2008 with wide senior-level
representation from the Pacific region. EPLD’s have to date
been successfully staged for a total of 245 participants in 2006
and 2010.
This year Josie Malepeai Lealasola and Zena Iese were
selected from American Samoa to participate in the Emerging
Pacific Leaders Dialogue 2014.
Josie Malepeai Lealasola is an Agricultural Specialist for the
USDA Farm Service Agency working to promote and support
commercial agriculture in American Samoa. She is active in the
community in an effort to combat non-communicable disease
through her work for the non-profit program, the Biggest Winner
Initiative. Lealasola is also a 2014 - 2015 Board Member of the
Business and Professional Women organization. She serves as
It’s a Halloween Bash!
Friday, October 31 st – 7:00 – 11:00 pm
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Come as you are, come as you please …
Let’s Eat, Drink & Get Scary!!
(Continued on page 13)
➧ AG seeks $500/month…
Continued from page 2
Last year, Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga looked into offering
stipends to board members, because none was provided in the
law. The governor’s move for board stipends surfaced in his
letter last December to then Attorney General Afoa L.S. Lutu,
who had been requested to provide a legal opinion on a way to
compensate the board members.
Lolo’s letter also revealed that the recommendation was to
utilize the Administrative Procedure Act and the Attorney General’s Office was requested to start the process of implementation of the board member stipends. (See Samoa News Dec. 10
“Given the additional demands that will be placed on the
Immigration Board caused by the implementation of our
Amnesty program, it is imperative that we promptly expedite
the payment of stipends to the Immigration Board members,”
Lolo wrote at the time.
The immigration bill was signed into law last month and the
Immigration Board will be holding hearings for immigrants who
have qualified under the Amnesty program.
Paid for by the supporters of Mapu Jamias for U.S. Congress
Page 4
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
Hawaii-American Samoa
Argosy University graduates 48
by Leua Aiono Frost, Samoa
News correspondent
The second annual Commencement Program for the
Argosy University, which was
held last Thursday evening at
the Gov. Lee Auditorium was
greeted by a full house, which
included parents, families and
friends of the 48 graduates,
who received doctorate, masters and bachelors degrees
during the ceremony.
Their theme: “Today’s
Achievement is Tomorrow’s
Greatness” — highlighted
the graduates — whose ages
ranged from young adults to
grandparents, all determined to
do great work with their academic successes.
Rev. Taulealo Tafao of
CCCAS Church Talalelei o le
Fa’aolataga, Tafuna offered the
invocation and commended the
hard work by the mixed faculty
of Hawa’ii based professors
and our best educators, which
materialized the fruition of two
Doctorates of Education, 15
Masters of Arts in Education,
8 Master of Science, 2 Master
of Science in Business, 9 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, 1
Master of Art in Liberal Arts, 8
Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice and 3 Bachelors of
Science in Business Administration. Rev. Tafao quoted
from Revelation 3:8 where
John said, “I know thy works,
I have put before you an open
door, no man can shut it.” He
said to the class, “He has seen
you in strife, he has given you
the fruits of your labor, so go
on now, he has put before you
an open door of opportunities
to choose from, be cautious and
mindful of your moral qualities, lest you forget, he does
judge our daily works.”
The Director of Argosy University American Samoa, Fanuatele Dr. Vaiaga’e welcomed
everyone and commended
Hawaii Argosy University
Administration’s insight to
reach out to American Samoa
through this academic junction
as they branched out to South
Asian countries and other territories such as Guam.
“We are privileged to
have this set up in order for
our people to get their higher
degrees while also taking care
of their families here. But the
stress is now on the faculty
members, who have shifted to
work here and save us all the
trouble to move off to Hawa’ii
for studies,” he said.
Dr. Warren Evans, campus
president of the Argosy
stood tall and said, “I was
inspired by your sacrifices, to
sacrifice my own family times
to be here and see to it that this
branch should serve its pur-
pose for the American Samoan
people. I am so happy to see
its fruition. This is only our
second year.”
He recalled their first
Samoan graduate, who was
among the 50 graduates in
their Guam commencement
four years ago, who enlightened him to the fact the Argosy
University should open doors
in American Samoa. “Today,
that graduate shares these kind
of happy moments!”
When Lt. Governor Lemanu
Peleti Mauga congratulated the
graduates, he offered them the
story of “Michael, a positive
thinking and very determined
individual who wants to make
everything he comes across, a
good thing.”
His favorite quote, “If I
were doing any better, there
would be two of me.”
He went on the elaborate,
“Everyday is a choice for him
and he never choses the adversary, he always chooses to do
the right and good thing. If
bad things arise, he won’t be
the victim but he learns from
it and moves on to conquer
“Graduates, today is all
about choices. How can you
do things much better than
the way it was done before?
You have achieved the knowledge, now make a greater
tomorrow!” he concluded.
After the graduating class
tribute song, Rev. King Talamoni, a Masters of Education
graduate, delivered their special student address, where
he thanked everyone who
attended their special day,
offered their heartfelt fa’amalo
to the Argosy Hawaii-AS University for this great chance to
broaden their studies, the government of American Samoa
for making this academic junction possible, and especially
their immediate families for
“putting up with their pains for
this gain.”
Amata urges U.S. House hearings on conservation zone
Aumua Amata has sent a letter to U.S. House
Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc
Hastings (R-WA) urging him to hold early
hearings on a bill introduced by U.S. Rep.
Steve Southerland (R-FL) to prevent President
Obama or future presidents from unilaterally
restricting usage of any additional vast areas of
land or sea resources under the Antiquities Act
of 1906.
“I was very concerned that the President
created the Pacific Remote Islands Marine
National Monument without any consultation either with Congress or with the people
and communities affected,” said Amata in
explaining why she wrote.
Amata had the opportunity to discuss the
issue with Hastings, whose Natural Resources
Committee is the committee of jurisdiction,
and Rep. John Fleming (R-LA), who heads
the Subcommittee on Fish, Wildlife, Oceans
and Insular Affairs, which has specific legislative responsibility for the issue on three counts:
fisheries, the ocean and the territories.
“Chairmen Hastings and Fleming, who I
have known from my days on the House leadership staff, were very gracious to give me a
few moments of their time when they were here
in August as part of a congressional delegation
visiting the Pacific,” she continued.
Although the Southerland bill is unlikely
to become law in this Congress, which will
have one short post-election session before
adjourning, Amata told Hastings she thought a
hearing would be important now so “that a foundation can be laid and the record can be built
for early consideration in the next Congress.”
“While the Southerland bill would be the
focus,” Amata pointed out, “because the Natural
Resources Committee has general jurisdiction
for American Samoa, I thought this would be a
good forum to lay out our concerns on a whole
range of issues relating to our most important
economic driver, including minimum wage, tax
extenders, the indigenous fishing zone, “Buy
American” and even the South Pacific Tuna
Treaty.” While she quickly acknowledged that
other committees would have primary legislative jurisdiction over most of these matters, she
said “There needs to be one place where we can
put all of the issues into a comprehensive perspective and Natural Resources is the place to
do it. It’s an education process demonstrating
how the parts make up the whole.”
Traditionally and historically, all territorial
delegates to Congress are offered the opportunity to serve on the Natural Resources Committee, so there will be continuity on the Committee no matter who American Samoa sends
to Washington.
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Sauaso, Joyce
Saufoi, Lauina
Sauta, Paul
Savusa, Maotaoalii “Waika”
Semeatu, Ernest Thomas
Semeatu, Meleane
Seuteva, Taputaua
Sialofi, Taupale
Siaosi, Sean
Siofaga, Fetalaiga
Siliga, Eneliko
Siliga, Roina
Sio, Lyno
Sooto, Prescilla
Solia, Genevieve
Sotoa-Leota, Otilia
Spitzenberg, Rose
Sua, Finau
Sualoa, Tuipine
Suani-Siaosi, Ianeta
Sue, Victoria
Suesue, Dino
Suiaunoa, Brian
Suisala, Taulua Jr.
Tafaese, Onoiva
Ta-Grey, Florence
Tago, Faasolo Malo
Tagoilelagi, Matautu
Tagovailoa, Valasi Aulava
Aitulagi Building 2nd Floor
Fagaima Road
Ph: 699-3848
Taito, Pouvi
Talaomana, Daniel “Danielle”
Talifa, Talifa
Talopau, Toelau
Talosaga, Melesaini
Tapu Fatu
Tasi, Sailini
Tauanuu, Faatiuga
Tauai, Elena
Tauave, Tekai Mauga
Tauese, Keresoma
Taulafoga, Barbara
Taulamago, Iuliana
Taulelei, Tupuivao
Taumua, Pago Pago
Te’i, Lafoaina
Teve, Fa’aolaina
Thiel, Mathew Vincent
Timo, Lupi
Tini, Timena
Tipoti, Mike
Tiumalu, Nafanua
Tiumalu, Saimua
Toilolo, Allen
Togi, Alipapa
Togiaso, Patisepa
Togiola, Yolanda
Toomalatai, Vaesavali
Toomata, Afereti
Tua, Epi
Tua, Seneuefa
Tufele, Ivi
Tuia, Roselie
Tuiasosopo, Saufaiga Cecilia
Tuiletufuga, Fonotaga
Tuiloma, Isaia
Tuiolemotu, (Lee Chee) Lovi
Tuiolemotu, Tafale
Tuiolosega, Punaoa
Tuisamatatele, Afiafi
Tuiteleleapaga, Simeonica
Tumanuvao, Maselino
Tunu, Laia
Tupua, Mekiafa
Tupuola, Calvin
Tusitala, Samu
Tuufuli, Tuufuli
Ufuti, Tilomai
Unutoa, Matamatafua
Usoalii, Piilua
Va’a, Sala
Va’a, Liva
Vaeao, Naomi
Vaesau, Asisione
Vaieli, Maselino
Vaina, Misionare
Vaivao, Benjamin
Vasega, Savalivali
Ve’a, Joseph
Viliamu, Seiaute
Viliamu Uili
Fagatogo Square
Suite 208B
Ph: 633-3848
Page 6
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
Le tofa a Fagaima Solaita ma le afioga i le ali’i faipule ia Timusa Tini Lam Yuen i le taimi na
molimau ai i luma o le Komiti o Mataupu tau Tulafono ma Fa’amasinoga a le Maota o Sui i le
[ata: AF]
aso Tofi na te’a nei.
Eseese finagalo Faipule fa’atatau
fa’amalosia o tulafono Maota
tusia Ausage Fausia
Na molimauina le eseese finagalo o ni isi
o afioga i faipule i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le
mataupu o le fa’amalosia lea o tulafono a le
maota, i le palotaina lea o suafa o i latou sa
tofia e le kovana e avea ma totino o le Komiti
Fa’afoe o Femalagaaiga, ae le i o o atu i le taimi
o le iloiloga a le komiti.
O ni isi o afioga i faipule na matua latou
lagolagoina le avatu o suafa o sui e to’alua e le
i auai i le iloiloga e palota i ai le maota, ae o isi
faipule na fa’atuiese i lea tulaga, ona e talitonu
i latou, e tatau lava ona tausisia e le komiti tulafono a le maota.
O le mataupu lenei na tula’i mai i le aso
Tofi na te’a nei, ina ua saunoa le Ta’ita’ifono
o le Komiti o Mataupu Tau Tulafono ma
Fa’amasinoga a le maota o sui ia Vui Florence
Saulo e fa’atu le mau ina ua mae’a le iloiloga a
le komiti, e aumai uma sui e to’afa o le komiti
na tofia e le kovana e fai ia i se finagalo a le
maota, e ui na o le to’alua sui na molimau, e na
o le tofa a Fagaima Solaita ma le afioga i le ali’i
faipule ia Timusa Tini Lam Yuen.
O sui e le i auai e aofia ai le afioga i le ali’i
senatoa ia Tuiasina Esera ma Matagi Ray
Ina ua saunoa Vui e fa’atu le mau, na fesili
ni isi o faipule pe aisea e aumai uma ai fua
sui e to’afa e na o le to’alua sui o le komiti na
Saunoa le alii faipule ia Lemapu Suiaunoa
Talo e fa’apea, atonu o lo o tuatuagia molimau
e to’alua ua le mafai ai ona o o atu i le iloiloga,
a le o lena, ailoga na la silafiaina tofiga a le
alii kovana, ae na tali fuaitau le afioga i le alii
faipule ia Maugaoalii Leapai Tusipa Anoa’i e
fa’apea, “e i ai lo’u talitonuga ua maea ona logo
e le alii kovana molimau ia e to’alua e tusa ai o
ana tofiga”.
O le taimi lea o felafolafoaiga a le komiti, ua
le iloa se isi e saunoa, e le gata o lo o finau mai
fo’i isi sui faipule e le tatau ona palotaina uma
sui e toafa, ae sa finau atu foi isi sui faipule e
tatau lava ona aumai uma loa sui e toafa e faa
palota, e le o se mea fou lea i luma o le maota.
Na fa’ateia le komiti ina ua saunoa le afioga i
le alii faipule ia Fetui Fetu Jr ma lona si’ufofoga
ua si’i si’i i luga ma saunoa e fa’apea, “aua le
faia fa’a mea a ...... kakou mea, fa’a kagaka
makukua mai kakou mea ma fa’amamalu
kakou fogokaga o lo o faia, aisea e aumai ai fua
le tagata e le i auai i le iloiloga e palota i ai le
maota”?, o le saunoaga lea a Fetu.
“O faiga masani lava ma tulafono a le maota,
so o se tofiga a le kovana, e aumai i luma o le
maota e fai ia i le iloiloga, a mae’a ona fai lea i
ai o le finagalo o le maota”, o le isi lea saunoaga
a Fetu.
“Ua outou manana’o la e sui le tulafono? A
ou tigaina atu lava e fa’amamalu le tulafono ae
solomua lava ia te outou le manana’o e soli”, o
le isi lea saunoaga a Fetu na mafua ai ona toe
saunoa Maugaoali’i e fa’apea, “E sa’o le afioga
i le alii faipule ia Fetu i le tulaga lea, ae ia outou
manatua e le fou le mea lenei, sa fai fo’i i se
taimi ua sola, ae ou te toe fa’amausali le mau e
aumai uma loa sui e to’afa e fai i ai le faaiuga a
le maota”.
Na fa’aoloolomaau le afioga i le ali’i faipule
ia Taotasi Archie Soliai ma ia saunoa e fa’apea,
“o la tatou tiute o le puipui lea o tulafono a le
maota, e fai lava nei mea ma le popole o lo’u
taofi, ia tatou seu fo’i le manu ae taga’i i le galu
e pei o lea muagagana, ae ou te fa’aluaina le
finagalo o Fetu, palota na o sui e to’alua na
molimau, ae o isi sui ta’atia se’i aumai i le
tausaga fou”.
O le finagalo lea o Taotasi na lagolagoina e
le afioga i le alii faipule ia Fatulegae’e Palepoi
Mauga, ina ua ia fautua i le komiti e tatau ona
latou puipui i tulafono a le maota, peita’i na
saunoa le afioga i le ali’i faipule ia Atualevao
Gafatasi Afalava o lo o fa’aigoaina o le faipule
“matua” ma saunoa e lagolago le aumai uma o
sui e toafa e palota tusa lava pe le i i ai uma i
latou i le iloiloga.
Na taua e Atualevao e fa’apea, o le mataupu
lenei o le palota o le maota i sui e le i auai i ni
iloiloga “o se mataupu e tupu so’o”, e le tatau
(Faaauau itulau 13)
Fa’alauiloa suiga
fou i totogi o tautua
Ofisa Femalagaaiga
tusia Ausage Fausia
O le vaiaso na te’a nei na tu’uina mai ai e le afioga i le Loia
Sili o le malo ni isi o suiga i tulaga o totogi o tautua a le Ofisa o
Femalagaaiga, faapea ai ma fa’amanuiaga tau tupe e maua e sui
o le Komiti Fa’afoe o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga.
O nei suiga e pei ona taua e le tofa a Talauega Eleasalo Ale i
se pepa o fa’amatalaga na tauaao e le Samoa News, o lo o fuafua
ai suiga i le Ulutala 41 o Tulafono ma Ta’iala Fa’apulega o lo
o lima ta’ita’iina ai galuega fa’atino a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga.
I tulaga o fa’amanuiaga tau tupe mo totino uma o le Komiti
Fa’afoe, ua fa’atulaga ai le aofaiga e $500 i le masina e maua e
le sui e to’atasi, po o se isi lava fo’i aofa’iga e fa’atulaga mai e
le Loia Sili mai lea taimi i lea taimi.
O le fa’amanuiaga tau tupe e pei ona taua, o le a mafai ona
maua e le totino o le komiti pe afai e ausia ta’iala o le a fa’atula’i
mai e le Loia Sili i aso e 7 ao lumana’i ai le taimi e tauaao ai e le
sui o le komiti lea fa’amanuiaga tau tupe.
Afai fo’i e i ai ni isi suiga e fia faia i lea fa’amanuiaga tau
tupe, e tuuina atu e le loia sili po o lona sui se tusitusiga i sui o
le komiti faafoe i totonu o le 30 aso a o le i o o i le aso e maua ai
lea fa’amanuiaga tau tupe.
O le loia sili foi po o lona sui e i ai le malosi e mautinoa ai ma
faamaonia, o lo o tausisia e totino o le komiti aiaiga uma e mafua
ai ona latou agava’a i lenei fa’amanuiaga tau tupe.
Afai e i ai se totino o le komiti faafoe e faatuiese i se faaiuga
ua tuuina atu e le loia sili po o lona sui e faatatau i faamanuiaga
tau tupe, e mafai ona tuuina atu sana tusi i le loia sili i totonu o le
30 aso talu mai le aso na afua mai ai lea mataupu e le o manino
lelei ai.
O le faaiuga e faamuta ai se eseesega e mafua mai i lea
mataupu o lo o i ai lea i le loia sili po o sona sui, ma faamuta
aloaia ai loa le talanoaina o lea mataupu.
O le ulua’i suiga i tulaga o totogi o tautua a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, e aofia ai le sui o le totogi e fa’aulu ai se talosaga mo
le nofomau (permanent residecy) mai le $75 o lo o i ai i le suiga
fou e $100.
O le isi suiga, e aofia ai le sui o le totogi e fa’afou ai le ID o le
tagata mai fafo i le tausaga i le $50, ae $75 e totogi ai le fa’afou
ai le ID o le tagata nofomau (permanent residency) lea e ta’itolu
tausaga ma fafou lona I.D
O le I.D ua leiloa pe ua fa’aleagaina fo’i, e $35 le totogi o lo
o i ai, peita’i o lea ua fuafua e si’i i le $40.
O le totogi o le pemita e ulufale mai ai i le atunu’u se tagata
mai fafo, o lo o $40 lona totogi i le taimi nei ae ua fuafua e suia
i le $50.
O isi tautua ma totogi a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga o lo o tumau
pea lava.
O le vaiaso lava fo’i na te’a nei na tu’uina mai ai e le Loia Sili
sana fa’asilasilaga fa’alaua’itele i le atunu’u, mo ni isi o suiga
ua faia i totogi o tautua a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, mo so o se
tasi e toe fia fa’aulu sana talosaga mo se fa’atanaga e aumau ai
i Amerika Samoa e pei ona faia i tausaga uma i tulaga o pone
(bond), ina ia fa’autagia suiga ua faia i lea auaunaga, lea fo’i ua
fuafua e amata fa’amamalu i le aso 3 Novema 2014.
E lata i le tolu sefulu le aofa’i o atunu’u o lo o taua i le lisi
ua mae’a ona tapena e le Loia Sili, fa’atasi ai ma suiga o pone e
totogi ona fa’atoa mafai lea ona fa’aulu a latou talosaga mo pepa
e nonofo ai i le teritori, ae le o aofia ai Samoa i le lisi ma suiga
e pei ona taua.
O le pone pito maualalo o le atunu’u o Fiti ma Niu Sila i le
aofa’i e $600, o Ausetalia e $900, ma fa’asolo atu ai lava seia
ausia le pone pito maualuga e $3,100 mo le atunu’u o Hungary,
soso’o ifo ai ma Guatemala e $2,700, ma isi atunuu e pei o Pakistan, Indonesia ma Hong Kong e ta’i $2,300.
Na taua e Talauega i luma o le Senate i se tasi o iloiloga e
fa’apea, o le mataupu i pone o lo o totogi e tagata mai fafo pe a o
o i le taimi e talosagaina ai avanoa e aumau ai i le teritori, o lo o
mana’omia le toe fia faia i ai o se suiga, fuafua lea i le aofa’i o le
totogi o le pasese o lo o malaga mai ai le tagata mai lona atunu’u
ma toe fo’i, o le maualuga fo’i lena e tatau ona i ai le pone.
Na taua foi e le loia sili i luma o le fono e faapea, e tele isi
suiga i tulafono tau femalagaaiga o lo o fuafua e tuuina atu i
luma o le fono, aemaise ai foi o ni isi o suiga i Tulafono ma
Ta’iala e manaomia ona faia ina ia toe fa’aleleia ma fa’amausali
atili ai le tautua a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga i le atunu’u, ma mafai
ai ona puipuia le toe soona lolofi mai i le atunu’u o tagata mai
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews.com
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014 Page 7
People First
as usual!
So read this ad then call, visit, or email YOUR faipule to tell them what YOU want to hear them
talk about on our government controlled TV (KVZK TV). Taping starts Monday October 20,
Tuesday October 21, Wednesday October 22, Thursday October 23rd Monday October 27th and
last taping Tuesday October 28th. Talks to be aired on same night subject to KVZK programing.
This is our ONLY chance to hear our Faipule lay their cards on the table, simply because they
won’t allow taping and viewing of the FONO while in session.
Challengers vs. Incumbents
TV Taping sched.
Oct 20 8am to 10am
Oct 21 12pm to 1:30pm
Oct 22 11am to 12:30pm
Manumaua Wayne Wilson, Mulinu’u Vae’iaitu Filo Maluia
vs. Archie Taotasi Soliai & Fagasoaia Foa Akai Lealaitafea
Oct 23 10am to 12:30 pm
13 (1 rep)
Andra Samoa, Fagaoatua Dorian T. Salave’a, Johanna
Samana, Pogia Tusi P. Suiaunoa vs. Puletu D. Koko
Oct 27 8am to 10:30am
14 (1 rep)
Fatumalala L. Al-Shehri, Samatua Edwin Hollister, vs
Savali Talavou Ale
Oct 27 10:30am to 12:pm
15 (2 reps)
Bartley Su’a Luisa, Faitama’i Leomiti, vs. Larry Simou
Sanitoa & Vui Florence Tuaumu Saulo
Oct 28 8am to 10am
16 (1 rep)
Manavaalofa Tutuila Manase, vs. Timusa Tini Lam Yuen
Oct 28 10:30am to 11:30am
17 (1 rep)
Atalina Asifoa vs. Atualevao Gafatasi Afalava
1 (2 reps)
Vesi Talalelei Fautanu vs. Fetu Fetui & I’aulualo Fa’afetai Talia
2 (1 rep)
Le’autu Segila P.Vaeao vs. Toeaina F.Autele
3 (1 rep)
Ugaitafa Simei Pulu vs. Legae’e Mauga
4 (1 rep)
Kitara Vaiau, Sagatu Thompson vs. Talaimatai Elisara Su’a
5 (1 rep)
Fale S. Uele, Ketesemane Meaole, Lily Mamea Hunt,Tuialofi
Fa’alae Tauatua’a Tunupopo vs. Pulelei’ite Lia Tufele Jr.
6 (1 rep)
Matagi David Sialega Mauga vs. Lemapu Suiaunoa Talo
7 (1 rep)
unopposed - Vailoata Eteuati Amituana’i
8 (1 rep)
Don Fuimaono Lutu, Vailiuama Steve Leasiolagi vs.
Maugaoali’i Sipa Anoa’i
9 (1 rep)
Meauta Lauoi Mageo vs. Va’amua Henry Sesepasara
10 (1 rep)
unopposed - Tu’umolimoli S. Moliga
11 (1 rep)
Maloiseuga Tanielu Fagamanu Unutoa vs Faimealelei
Anthony Fu’e Allen
12 (2 reps)
Oct 20 10am to 11am
Oct 20 11am to 12pm
Oct 21 8am to 9:30am
Oct 21 9:30am to 12pm
Oct 22 8am to 9am
Oct 22 9am to 11am
Oct 23 8am to 9am
Oct 23 9am to 11am
Oct 28 11am to 12:30pm
Note above: Districts whose registered voters are slightly under represented and those severely under represented (Districts 9, 13, 15, 16)
And Finally.....
Now is the time to contact your Representative in the HOUSE And have him or her explain why (in detail), you
should vote for them. Your incumbent representative should clarify to you what they have done in the Fono for the
past 2 years. Questions to consider asking your potential rep that he/she could answer during their TV appearance.
1) Attendance record in the past four regular sessions?
2) What Committees did the Speaker appoint you to?
3) Why hasn’t the Fono got Petaia Media Services to get the website up and running yet? Hasn’t the Company
been paid?
4) Ask how many foreigners your faipule is sponsoring? (Why are there so many Asian businesses on island?)
5) Ask rep about increasing the minimum wage? Why or why not?
6) Can you really justify an additional $10,000 tax free income a year for 90 days of work (2 regular sessions)?
7) Are you supporting the Veto override bill when 5 of the 17 Districts are under represented?(ex. 9, 13, 15 & 16)
8) Please provide us constituents with your cell phone number, email address and office hours.
Page 8
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
LAOLAGI: E ono taofia le lafoga
2% pe afai e le manaomia LBJ
tusia Ausage Fausia
Senatoa Laolagi Fonoti Savali Vaeao
[ata: AF]
E ono taofia le lafoga o totogi
e 2% o lo o fa’amanuiaina ai le
falema’i o le LBJ i Fagaalu i le
taimi nei, pe afai e fa’amaonia
i ni su’esu’ega a le Komiti o le
Paketi a le Maota Maualuga, e
le o manaomia e le Falema’i lea
vaega tupe e fesoasoani ai i ana
galuega fa’atino, e pei ona taua
e le Ta’ita’ifono o le Komiti i le
Samoa News i le vaiaso na te’a
nei, le afioga i le ali’i Senatoa
ia Laolagi Fonoti Savali Vaeao.
Na taua e Laolagi e
fa’apea, e ui o lo o to’atele
tagata o le atunu’u ua fa’aalia
lo latou fa’asea e fa’atatau
i le lafoga lenei, aemaise ai
o fa’amaumauga fou mai le
falema’i e tusa ai o tulaga i a
latou tupe maua o lo o fesoasoani i le latou tautua, e le avea
mafua’aga ia e lua e vavevave
ai se fa’aiuga a le Komiti ma
le Fono e fa’atatau i le lafoga
“Ua matou fa’alogo i le
to’atele o tagata o lo o fa’asea,
e moni latou, i le isi fo’i itu, o
lo o taula’i fo’i la matou vaai
i le tautua a le falema’i mo le
soifua maloloina o tagata, e
taua fo’i, o se fa’aiuga la matou
te faia, e tatau ona matou faia se
fa’aiuga e manuia ai le atunu’u,
ae le o se fa’aiuga e pagatia ai
tagata uma”, o le saunoaga lea
a Laolagi. O le vaiaso na te’a
nei na fesiligia ai e le Samoa
News le afioga a Laolagi, i sona
finagalo e tusa ai o finagalo mai
le to’atele o tagata totogi lafoga
i le atunu’u, lea ua latou talosagaina le Fono Faitulafono mo
se avanoa e fa’amuta ai loa le
lafoga e 2% o lo o tipi mo le
falema’i, ona ua maitauina le
tele o tulaga faigata ua i ai le
tau o le soifuaga i le taimi nei.
Saunoa Laolagi e fa’apea,
e mana’omia ona vaavaai
muamua le latou komiti o le
paketi a le senate i le tulaga
o lo o i ai le faagaioiina o le
falema’i ma ana tupe maua,
po o tulaga lelei le itu tau tupe
e tali ai manaoga o lo o tula’i
“Afai loa e iloilo atu ae faamaonia o lo o lava ma totoe tupe
maua a le falema’i e fa’atino ai
lana tautua i le atunu’u, latou te
le o toe mana’omia fo’i le tupe
o lo o maua mai i le lafoga e
2%, ona ou lagolagoina loa lea
o se fuafuaga e fa’amuta ai le
lafoga e 2% o lo o tipi mai i
totogi a tagata faigaluega i le
atunuu”, o le saunoaga lea a
O le iloiloga mulimuli a le
senate ma le komiti fa’afoe a
le falema’i i ni nai vaiaso e le
i mamao atu, na alia’e mai se
tasi o mataupu na fa’ateia ai ni
isi o afioga i senatoa e aofia ai
ma Laolagi, ina ua manino i se
ripoti sa tufatufa atu e le Teutupe fou a le falema’i i luma o
le komiti tulaga o isi alaga tupe
o lo o mafai ona fesoasoani i le
tautua a le falema’i, e ese mai
i le tupe o lo o maua mai i le
lafoga o totogi e 2%, atoa ai ma
le tupe fesoasoani mai le malo i
tausaga taitasi e $6 miliona.
O le afioga a Laolagi na fesiligia le teutupe fou a le falema’i
ia Pauline Gebauer i le iloiloga
lea, ina ia toe fa’amanino atili
ai le latou ripoti lea ua tauaao
e le komiti, po o tulaga sa’o ia
o tupe o lo o i ai, peita’i na toe
tali le teutupe, talu ai o ia e fou i
le galuega, o le a ia toe vaavaai
i tulaga o le ripoti ma tupe a le
falema’i, ona ia toe tuuina atu
lea o se isi ripoti lata mai i luma
o le komiti a le senate.
Ui o lea, e talitonu Laolagi
o le tulafono e fa’atatau i le
lafoga o totogi e 2%, na pasia
e le Fono ma le tuutuuga, a
mae’a ona toe totogi i le tupe
e maua mai i le lafoga lenei le
aitalafu a le falema’i sa tu’uina
mai i le Vaega Tupe o Taui mo
Tagata Faigaluega Manunu’a a
le malo, ona fa’amuta loa lea
o le tulafono i totonu o le lua
Ina ua toe pasia e le Fono
Faitulafono le faaauau pea o
le lafoga o totogi e 2% mo le
falema’i, sa tuuina atu ai loa
ma le suiga, o le isi 50% o le
tupe e maua mai i le lafoga lea
e alu i le fa’afoeina o le tautua
a le falema’i, ae o le isi 50% e
alu e fa’atupe ai le polokalame
o le auina atu o gasegase i fafo
mo togafitiga.
O le suesueina o le tulaga
o lo o i ai le itu tau tupe a le
falema’i e pei ona saunoa
Laolagi, e mafai ona galulue i
ai le Ofisa o le Tupe a le Fono
e saili mai fa’amaumauga o lo
o mana’omia, po o le poloaina
fo’i o le falema’i e auina mai
ripoti e iloilo e ia ma lana
komiti, ona fa’atoa faia ai loa
lea iina le fa’aiuga i le lafoga pe
taofi pe fa’aauau pea.
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014 Page 9
IANUARI 19, 1929
OKETOPA 09, 2014
“O lou Oti o lou manuia lea, a’o lou Ola o ia Keriso lea”
Page 10
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
“O tautai matapalapala ua
iloa ogasami o penina tautele”
Tulouna ia oe Samoa o le atunu’u tofi, i le afua mai Malaetele na ma’ape
ai tofiga, se ia pau mai i Agalega sa teu ai malo, ma valo’ia ai le suluia o
Samoa i ‘ave o le Tala Lelei. O upu o le Tu’itu’i Fa’atau a Samoa, o Samoa
o le Ati-poia, o le Ati-pouniu, o le Ati-fasia. O Samoa ua so’o ona ta’iao, o
le maota e malamalama. E lasi fo’i vasa, ae ua iloga le tolotolo o
fa’amoemoega lelei. Pe o le a fo’i le ninimo, ae ua maitaulia e le tautai
matapalapala ogasami o penina tautele.
Ta’alolo la’ia ou paia fa’aleatunu’u i To’oto’o Sisina ma le Au-fue-loloa, o
le latou fatu aiga tausi lena.
Ae ou te mua’i fa’atulou atu i le paia o Lupesina o le Tala Lelei, le mamalu
o le Aufaigaluega a le Atua, o lo’o asuina le ipu vai o le ola, aua Samoa ma
ona tagata. O a outou taulaga si’i ma tapua’iga i ao ma po, o lea e fa’aifo
mai ai pea i lagi manuia o Samoa atoa i ona auga-tupulaga. Tulouna lava
Ou te fa’atulou atu Tutuila ma Manu’a, o oe o le ao mamala mai le
fa’asouga o ao ma le atu folasa. O ou pa’ia ua fai ai oe ma papa e le gae’e,
a’o o le oneone fo’i e le utufia. O le paia lava lea aua Sua ma le Vaifanua,
Fofo ma Aitulagi, Itu’au ma Alataua, Sa’ole ma le Launiu Saelua, fa’apea
afioga i Ma’opu
E le vaea fo’i fala o’oto i le paia maualuga i le Motu Sa, le La’au na Amo
tasi i a Samoa, le afifio i Fa’atui ma le Fetalaiga i To’oto’o o le Fale’ula.
Tulou, tulouna lava
Ou te fa’atulou atu i lau faigamalo Tutuila ma Manu’a, i le afio o lau afioga
i le Kovana Sili, lau Tofa Lolo Matalasi Moliga ma lou tausi. Afio fo’i le
afioga i le Lutena Kovana Lemanu Peleti Mauga ma lou faletua, o le aotelega lava lea i le nofo i matagaluega ‘ese’ese ma ofisa o le faiga malo a
Amerika Samoa.
Tulouna lau afioga i le Peresitene o le Maota Maualuga ma le mamalu o
afioga i Senatoa; tulouna le Fofoga Fetalai ma Faipule Tofia o le atunu’u i
le Maota o Sui, o pa’ia lava ia o le Fono Faitulafono a Amerika Samoa.
Tulouna fo’i lau afioga i le Fa’amasino Sili, le vasega o ali’i Fa’amasino ma
le ofisa o Fa’amasinoga, tulouna lava
Ona ou tu ai lea i fatifatiga ma ou matamata i uluvao tetele, i le tapua’iga
mamalu i le usoga i a Tumua ma Pule -- i le afio o lau afioga i le Ao o le
Malo o Samoa: lau afioga Tupua Tamasese Efi ma lau Masiofo; lau afioga i
le Palemia; le mamalu i le Malo o Samoa, ma ona tagata nu’u uma. O le
paia lava lea i Aiga ma a latou Tama, o Tama ma o latou Aiga, Itu’au ma
Alataua, Aiga i le Tai ma le Va’a o Fonoti. E ui ina ta vao ‘ese’ese ia ta
faiga-upu-fai fa’a-malo, ae o ta’ua lava o le uso tu’ofe. Tulou, tulouna lava.
Tutuila e ma Manu’a, Aunu’u ma Olohega, ma Samoa atoa…le mamalu i
‘auauna paia a le Atua i so’o se fata faitaulaga, tama ma tina matutua,
tupulaga lalovaoa o le atunu’u, ae maise o le au fai tatalo: Ua outou seu i
le vateatea lupe o matagi, lea ua to’a malie ai peau lagalaga. Ua mou atu
fo’i galu tau ma galu fesoua’i, ona ua tali mai a outou tatalo fa’atauanau i
le Atua mo au, a’o apulupulusia i tofaga ma fala efu lo’u nei tagata
fa’atauva’a. Ua o’o ifo i le ta’ele o lo’u agaga le mafanafana o lo outou
alofa, ona o a outou talosaga mamana. O a outou tatalo na avea ma
lamepa i le pogisa, i taimi na mu itiiti ai le fa’amoemoe, i le luluti o le
apulupulusia o le tino-ma’i ma le sapo-tu-vale o le manava. A’o ai ea lenei
tagata noa ua e manatu mai pea lava i ai?
Paga lea, ua le tasi ae ua atulasi lo outou agaga faitama fa’apito mo a’u. Ua
le lilo lo outou alofa i sa’u upu, pe lanu fo’i lo outou agalelei i so’u
manatu, aua o a’u lava ua na o se auauna vaivai ma le fa’atauva’a. E ui ina
tata fa’alau fesilia’i, a’o lea ua to’a peau taulaga, ina ua lafo le malu, ona o
le agalelei ma le alofa o le Atua, e ala i le mamana o a outou tatalo.
Fa’afetai, fa’afetai, fa’afetai tele .
Ua le lava upu o le gagana e sula ai lou alofa ae maise o au talosaga
mamana Tutuila ma Manu’a. E fai fo’i o lena, ae i le taimi a’o o’u tauavea
le tofi o le atunu’u i nei tausaga e tele. Talofa e, ua e taoto lava i le
mageso o le ta’ata’a, ma e tofa i le gaoa ma le pefu o le ala, ona o lau
fa’aeaea i lo’u nei tagata vaivai. Ae o le a ‘ea se ‘auala ou te toe taui atu ai
lenei fa’aaloalo faifai pea ua matua’i maualuga?
Tutuila e, ma Manu’a: Ua lagona le toe fa’afouina o le mafaufau, le agaga,
fa’apea le malosi o le tino ona o le alofa o le Atua. Ona osofia ai lea o le
manatu tumau pea ia te a’u, e le mavae le fia tautua tuavae pea mo oe e
ala i le tofi i Uosinitone mo le isi lua tausaga o lumana’i, pe a tusa ai ma
lou finagalo. E ui ina o le a ou toe tagi-sa fo’i ia te ‘oe, ae pau lea o le
‘auala e mafai ai ona aoga lo’u fa’atauva’a, e tali ma fa’afo’i atu ai lou
agalelei ma lau fa’aaloalo mo a’u. O a ni aso o totoe o lo’u nei ola, ta te
fia aoga ai pea e asu vai ma molimoli lou finagalo i le Laumua i
Uosinitone, aua lava se manuia o si o tatou atunu’u, ae maise le lumana’i
o Amerika Samoa.
Tau ia ina ou fa’apea atu ma le agaga maualalo lava: malo le tiu, malo le
fili fetu’una’i, ua malie le pale; malo le fatu, ua malie le ula i lau teu
fa’atupu ma au fa’aaloaloga fa’atamali’i. Tutuila e, ma Manu’a, afai lava sa
i ai se mea na pona i lau silasila ma lau fa’afofoga i le tele o nei tausaga o
o’u tauavea le tofi o le atunu’u i Uosigitone, ou te tatalo atu ma le agaga
maualalo, ia natia fa’amanu-gase ma ia fa’amagalo mai se sese o le
Ou te fa’afetai i le afioga i le Maluolefale-o-le-Alataua, lau afioga Faiivae
Iuli Alesana Godinet ma le faletua i a Ilaisa. Ua oulua sautia ma timu’ia
pea lava pea e ala i lo oulua agalelei ma la oulua lagolago mo a’u i nei
mau tausaga e tele. E momoli fo’i la’u fa’afeta tele i nai o’u aiga uma, o
uo ma e masani, o pa’aga ‘ese’ese ua le mafai ona ou taea i le taimi nei,
fa’afetai tele lava.
I le mamalu o sui tauva uma mo le tofi o le atunu’u i Uosigitone i lenei
faiga palota. Fa’amalo atu le finau, fa’afetai le agaga fia fai mea lelei ‘aua
Amerika Samoa ma lona lumana’i. Ia tatou maua pea le fa’atamali’i a o
tatou alo faiva i le fa’amoemoe, ma ia manuia lava le palota.
O la’u tatalo i le Atua: Tutuila e ma Manu’a, Aunu’u ma Olohega, ia tumau
pea Lona alofa ma Ana fa’amanuiaga i totonu o ou pa, ia si’omia ai ou
maota ma ou laoa, ma ia lau usiusi pea le tamaoaiga o ou laufanua, aua
ou tupulaga fai a’e i le lumana’i. Ia manuia le Malo Tele o le Iunaite
Setete, ma ia manuia fo’i le faiga malo a Amerika Samoa le atunu’u pele.
Totogia e le komiti mo le toe filifilia o Eni Faleomavaega i le Konekeresi
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014 Page 11
It is with profound humbleness
that I offer my sincere fa’afetai tele
and fa’amalo to the people of
Tutuila, Manu’a, Aunu’u and
Olohega; and also the people of
Samoa for their prayers and wellwishes for me during my time of
illness. Like in every sickness, there
is nothing more desirable and more
welcoming and encouraging than the healing power of prayer. I was
always uplifted and spiritually comforted because I felt your prayers
and well-wishes all along, and they were always soothing and
comforting in my moments of infirmity.
I thank the various denominations and churches; servants of God
and all the prayer groups; families, relatives, friends, individuals,
and the countless of those whose kindness, love and faith I can
never ever hope to repay. Thank you all from the bottom of my
heart. I have recovered and am ready to serve the people of
American Samoa again, God willing.
And so it is with this renewed health and refreshing spirit that I
humbly seek re-election as your representative in the United States
Congress. I respectfully ask for your vote for me for the United States
Congress for the next two years in the November 4 Elections.
Thank you and God bless,
This ad is paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Eni Faleomavaega for Congress
Page 12
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
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Ni isi o le fanau ma latou saini ina ua fa’alauiiloa i le afiafi o
le aso Faraile na te’a nei i le Malaeoletalu i Fagatogo, e fa’ailoa
atu ai lo latou le lagolagoina o le fuafuaga e faatatau i le palota
o le mataupu o le ‘Veto Override’. Sa i ai fa’atasi ma nai fanau
nei ni isi o tagata matutua o latou aiga, o i latou fo’i o tagata
[ata: AF]
palota i Amerika Samoa.
➧ LOMU: Afai e le o malepe…
Mai itulau 1
ai i tua, ua mafua ai ona naunau le Fono Faitulafono e fai lenei
suiga i le Fa’avae ae o lea fo’i ua lagolagoina e le alii kovana”.
“Ta’ita’i e o le atunu’u, aua tou te vaavaai na o outou mo le
taimi lenei, silasila mamao i le lumana’i o fanau o lo o tutupu a’e,
afai ua outou manatu e fai se suiga i le Fa’avae, ia lava se taimi
tatou te nonofo ai i lalo ma talanoa, ae le o le una’i fa’afuase’i
mai i lenei taimi pumoomoo, matou te le o malamalama pe i ai ni
a’afiaga o lenei suiga i le lumana’i”, o le isi lea saunoaga Lomu.
Na taua atili e le faletua e fa’apea, e o ia ma ni isi o lona
aiga aemaise ai uo ma paaga o lo o latou lagolagoina lenei
fa’amoemoe, e le tete’e i latou i taumafaiga e fa’aleleia le faigamalo, ae tatau ona matua malamalama le atunuu aemaise fanau
ma tupulaga, i le mafua’aga ua ala ai ona a’e se finagalo i le
Fono Faitulafono ma le kovana, e fai lenei suiga i le Fa’avae, ma
tu’u atu ai le malosi i le Fono Faitulafono latou te liliuina ai se
fa’aiuga ua faia e le kovana e teena ai se tulafono.
“Afai na manatu tuaa ua tofafa mai Tiasa e tuu pea le malosi i
le kovana na te teena ai se tulafono e pasia e le Fono Faitulafono,
ma tu’u atu le mataupu e aumai e le Initeria le fa’aiuga pe afai
e tete’e ai le Fono, lona uiga e i ai lona mafua’aga”, o le isi lea
saunoaga a le faletua o Lomu.
O le lagona fo’i lea na fa’aalia e le susuga a Tavita Mapu,
o se tama matua ua malolo litaea mai i le faigamalo a Amerika
Samoa sa i ai fo’i i le fa’amoemoe lava lea i lea afiafi.
“Ou te le mana’o e tu’u atu le malosi i le Fono Faitulafono
latou te liliuina ai se faaiuga ua uma ona faia e le Kovana e
teena ai e tulafono, o le faaiuga lava ua faia e le kovana, o le
faaiuga lena a Amerika Samoa uma, aua o le kovana na filifili e
le atunuu, ae o le Fono Faitulafono o sui o Itumalo”, o le isi lea
saunoaga a le susuga a Tavita.
“Mo se fa’ataitaiga,, o le tulafono e faaopoopo ai le ta’i
$10,000 i alauni a senatoa ma faipule lea o lo o vavao ai le
atunuu, afai nei e teena e le kovana le tulafono lenei pe afai ae
pasia e le Fono, e ono mafai e le Fono pe afai e tuuina atu i ai le
malosi lenei ona latou liliu le faaiuga lea a le kovana ae fa’apasia
loa le latou tulafono lenei, ona fiafia ai lava lea o latou i a latou
siitaga ae safa ai lava tagata totogi lafoga, o i latou na o lo o
maua mai ai le tupe lea e fa’atupe ai le 100% o le paketi a le
Fono Faitulafono,” o le isi lea saunoaga a Tavita.
E talitonu fo’i Lomu, o le a tele le tupe e alu e totogi ai pasese
ma nofoaga e nonofo ai sui o le Komiti lea ua faamoemoe e
malaga i Hawaii ma Amerika mo le tau fa’amalamalamaina o le
mataupu lenei i tagata palota o lo o i ai, ae ana aumai tupe nei
e fa’aleleia ai atina’e a le atunuu, sii ai totogi o faiaoga ua alu
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014 Page 13
Tusia: Akenese Ilalio Zec
Vaega: 91
Fa’atalofa atu i le maleifua mai o le atunu’u
i fanuga lelei o lenei aso fou, o se aso e
fa’aopoopo i lou soifua fa’apea ma si o’u nei
ola vaivai. E ao ai ona o tatou fa’apea ifo, “Le
Ali’i e, foa’i mai i a i matou le loto fa’amagalo,
ina ia mafai ai ona o matou fa’amagalo atu i e e
agaleaga mai i a te’i matou, ona tele ai lea o nisi
fuafuaga lelei e mafai ona o matou faia, i Lou
fa’atasi mai, ae ia fo’i atu lava i a te Oe le vi’iga
e fa’avavau lava, Amene.
Ia manuia le alo faiva o le atunu’u i lenei
aso, ae alo maia, o le a toe fa’aauau atu la tatou
tala mo lenei aso. Fai mai ua na o le nofo o
le toeaina o Paulo ua le tautala i lea taimi, ua
fa’asolosolo ona mafaufauga i le tulaga o lo’o
ta’oto ai nei lona aiga, e moni lava o lo’o sologa
lelei mea uma, ae o mea fa’apea e tula’i mai
i totonu o se aiga, o lona uiga, ua fesiligia le
tulaga ma’oti o lona aiga. O le isi itu na manatu
i ai le toeaina, ma tu’u fesilisili pepa i lona
mafaufau, pe i ai lava se auala e sili ona lelei
ma faigofie, e foa’i ai le fa’aitauli lenei, ina ia
‘aua ne i o’o i le Fa’amasinoga. O le mea lea, e
le i iloa e lona to’alua o Eseta ma ona uso, ona i
lona lava manatu fai to’atasi, o a lava mea uma
e tutupu i totonu o aiga, o le aiga e lava le tofa
ma le fa’autautaga, ia fofo lava i tua mea uma,
ia ‘aua ne i aliali i luma o le Fa’amasinoga. E le
i iloa e le lo’omatua manatu ma mafaufauga o
lo’o nofo ma le toeaina o Paulo, aua ua iloa lelei
lava e Paulo, o Eseta, e leai se ki taofi, na o le ki
saoasaoa uma loa ma mea uma.
Manatua, o lea lava e saofa’i Misi, a’o le
aiga o Solo lea na fa’auluina le tagi i le fanua o
Alava’a lea ua fai mai latou o o latou ‘ele’ele.
“Paulo, fai le mea lea, loto tele ma tu’u atu lou
loto i le Ali’i, e au mai e le Ali’i le tali moni
o mea uma nei. Aua e te fa’avaivai, se o latou
iloa ai, tiga ona iloa e le o ni o latou ‘ele’ele ae
fai lava, mea a ia e leaga ai aiga, fai le mea lea,
tatou o i le Fa’amasinoga, afai e te le mafaia,
ona lafo mai lea i a te a’u, ua uma lava ona e
iloa e leai lava se tagata na lavea ai lima nei.”
Ua ma’oga le ‘ata a Misi i lea taimi, ae ua toe
tilotilo ane i a Paulo, ma le tilotilo ane o Misi, o
lo’o tau pupuni fo’i le ‘ata a le toeaina.
Na matua’i ta’afilifili Misi ua gula ina ua
uma ona ‘ai le fa’alifu talo ma le luau ‘ulo na fai
e Petelo, a’o lea la ua talatalanoa nei ma Samuelu. Manatua fo’i, o Samuelu, e le fa’atafa lava
i se tagata, ae o lo’o tapena mai e Petelo le koko
Samoa e salani ai le lua’u ‘ulo ma le fa’alifu i le
afiafi. O le mea ua tupu ua mao le tala a Misi i a
Samuelu, “E Samuelu, va’ai oe, na ma momoe
ma Solo i lona fale, ae o’u te’i ane i le isi taimi
ua leai se isi, a’o lea ua ou iloa nei, na alu i le
fale o Losalia i le po a lea.”
Ua nofo Samuelu ma lona loto tiga i lea
taimi, ae na taumafai atu lava se tala e tali ai le
tala a Misi lea ua fai ane i a te ia. “E a ali’i Misi,
oi ai e toe mana’o Solo e uma le sau o lona gutu
ma lona isu, ae ua toe ‘aisi mai fo’i i lo’u lima
taumatau a ea?” Ua le tali Misi i lea taimi, ua
toe mafaufau, ua se se le tagata lea e fai i ai lana
tala. Na toe fa’aopoopo atu nei Misi e fa’apea,
“Samuelu, e leai, e pei lava e se se a’u, na o se
tala na ou fa’alogo i ai, ae e le i fa’amaonia.”
E faia pea…
➧ Eseese finagalo Faipule fa’atatau…
Mai itulau 6
fo’i ona i ai se manatu o le komiti e fesiligia ai isi sui e toalua ua tofia e le kovana, aua o le isi o
i laua o le alii senatoa ma ua silafia uma e le maota o sui, ae o le isi sa tautua muamua i le Fono
Faitulafono, e tele foi tausaga na tautua ai i le faigamalo a Amerika Samoa.
Na fa’ai’u le saunoaga a Atualevao i lona talosagaina o le komiti, e sili pe a faa faigofie le
latou galuega, ae avatu uma loa sui e toafa e palota i ai le maota i le aso e sosoo ai, peita’i na toe
fa’auilavea ni isi o faipule ina ia lagolagoina le mau na faatula’i e Fetu e lava na o sui e toalua e
ave i luma o le maota e palotaina, peita’i na finau atu fo’i isi faipule i le latou mau e sili pe a aumau
uma sui e to’afa o le komiti na tofia e le alii kovana e palota i ai le maota.
Na tau fa’ai’u puta felafolafoaiga a le komiti ina ua vaaia le tau tula’i i fafo o le afioga i le alii
faipule ia Atualevao, mafua mai i le nunumi fa’asolo atoa o lona finagalo i le mau lea ua sauni le
komiti e palota i ai, ma fa’ai’u ai loa i le lagolagoina e le komiti o le mau, e aumai uma sui e to’afa
e palota i ai le maota, ae na avea lea ma itu na saunoa ai le afioga a Fetui e fa’apea, “Kigaiga lava
e kau fa’amamalu aku kakou mea kou .... ae kou ke fa’akamaiki lava”.
I le fa’aiuga o le palota a le maota o sui i totino e toafa o le komiti o Femalagaaiga, na pasia ai
na o Timusa e 14-0 lana palota ma Fagaima e 12-2 lana palota, ae o teena Tuiaina ma Matagi i le
palota e 4-10 mo Tuiasina ma le 10-4 mo Matagi.
➧ Emerging Pacific Leader’s…
Continued from page 3
Secretary of the American Samoa Association of Paddlers and is an active member of the United
States Coast Guard Auxiliary. She is the daughter of Lauatua’a Va’atuia and Wendy Brooks
Malepeai of Faga’itua.
Zena Iese is an entertainer, filmmaker, and entrepreneur and is the sole proprietor at Navigator
Island Pictures, responsible for the comedy feature film Seki A Oe: A Crazy Samoan Love Story.
Iese co-produced and directed the first feature length film about of American Samoa entitled Heart
to Heart: Fatu O Le Alofa.
This intensive, exciting and intellectually demanding program will bring together 120 individuals to examine, discuss and report on current strategic issues across the Pacific region.
Lealasola and Iese departed on Monday, October 13 and their EPLD 2014 participation will
take them to three islands of the Pacific, starting out in Noumea, New Caledonia. Following the
initial convergence in Noumea, study tours will take Iese to Fiji and Lealasola to Papua New
Guinea before the event closing in Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Successful applicants were identified through an intensive selection process involving country
and territory selection panels that identified mid -career men and women who are assessed as
likely to be appointed to senior levels of leadership and influence in their respective organizations
over the next five to ten years.
Participants in this year’s EPLD include prospective leaders from American Samoa, Australia,
Cook Islands, East Timor, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Northern Marianas, Palau, Papua New Guinea,
Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Wallis
and Fortuna.
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Tafuna Industrial Park
P.O. Box 1269, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Tel # 684 699-1854; Fax # 684 699-2869
Email: hr@ghcreid.com
Inventory Analyst
Successful applicant will be responsible for the
following areas:
Daily inventory counts
Stock receipts
Stock transfers
Prepare daily, weekly and monthly reports
Reconciliation of inventory discrepancies
Position Requirements:
Must have 2 years work experience in
similar environment
Must have excellent communication skills
Must be willing to work after hours or
Working knowledge of computer
Please submit your resume / application to Ms
April Gray at our office in Tafuna Industrial Park.
Deadline to apply: 10/27/14.
An Equal Opportunity Employer and maintains a Drug
Free Workplace Program hence applicant will be
required to go through a drug test
Page 14
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
Oct 27 - Dec 18, 2014 (8 Week Semester)
(First Day of Instructions is Oct 27, 2014 - 5:00pm to 7:30pm)
Oct 21 - Oct 24, 2014
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Workforce Development:
TTD Office or Participant Sponsor (Employer)
TTD Office (Non-Traditional Students)
Registration Fee:
$25.00 (Non-refundable)
$60.00 per CEU ($240.00 per course)
Workforce Development:
Adult Education Literacy & Extended Learning
Must be employed in the respective area
Must be High School graduate or equivalent
A participant may be placed in a required English & Math Course
pending Placement Test results. English & Math Courses are FREE
courtesy of the AELEL Division (Adult Education), ASCC.
ADT 800
Introduction to AutoCAD (Architectural Drafting)
AST 800
Introduction to Automotive Technology Services
(Auto Mechanic)
CON 802
Walls and Ceiling Framing
ETP 800
Basic Electrical Theory
ICT 840
Computer Networking I (Computer Technology)
Pre-requisite ICT 800/Experience
WLD 840
Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding I (Welder)
Pre-requisite - WLD 800/Experience
ACR 800
Introduction to Air Conditioning & REfrigeration
(Air Conditioning & Refrigeration & Technician)
Automotive Engine Performance & Driveability
(Auto Mechanic) Pre-requisite - AST 800/
BPR 810
Blueprint Reading
(Construction/Architectural Drafting)
ICT 800
Intro to Computer Literacy
(Computer Technology)
AST 802
WLD 800
Welding Fundamentals & Metallurgy
For more information please contact TTD Apprenticeship Coordinator, Fred Suisala at
699-9155 Ext. 353 or TTD Administrative Assistant, Juliet F. C. Pen at 699-9155 Ext. 472.
➧ Solar company “false advertising”…
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014 Page 15
Continued from page 1
contracts respectively. I have not seen the contract, but telling the locals of ‘Free Solar’, ‘Free
Installations’ and etc. is ethically wrong, misrepresentation, false advertisement and sending the
wrong messages.”
He also told Hamilton, “I strongly suggest to inform your local representatives to STOP all
contacts and the signing of the people because of the inaccuracy of the information given to them.”
The TEO Director said that TEO and the American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA) under the
umbrella of the American Samoa Renewable Energy Committee (ASREC) that was created by
Executive Order by the Governor of American Samoa “wholeheartedly request to cease all current developments/actions that are misleading.”
“As I mentioned in our phone conversation, La O Samoa can be and will be one of the 5 companies that are already approved and part of the SP [Solar Project] taking in consideration of its
Hamilton responded to the TEO Director via email on October 12, 2104, saying, “We take your
and all American Samoans input serious but this Email even more, and are seeking input from our
friends & counsel. This being a holiday weekend here, that is difficult but we will reply as soon
as is possible.”
Earlier in October, Hamilton also told Sotoa in an email that they “are only in American Samoa
to see if we can help the people, so there we have complete agreement. Working out the details is
just the process of business, that I’m sure we can work things out.”
Hamilton also noted in his email that their American Samoa operations director is Eti Lauatua’a.
Emails to Hamilton and their counsel, Marcellus Talaimalo Uiagalelei were not immediately
However, in response to Samoa News queries over the weekend, Help U Solar LLC CEO Joel
Peck MD confirmed that La O Samoa is a Division of Help U Solar LLC operating in American
Samoa with a mission to help bring Solar Energy and reduced electricity costs to the people and
working as local independent contractors to help determine interest in solar for the people.
Samoa News asked for an explanation on the project that has been advertised on island by the
La O Samoa staff, in which “free solar and free installation” is alleged to be offered.
Peck said that is a “misrepresentation” and further stated that the accusation that La O Samoa
is advertising the company’s Solar Project as “Free” or “free for all” is absolutely inaccurate. “To our knowledge, no member of our staff is promoting or advertising our solar project as
“free” or “free for all”, he said. “Of course we have had to try out several people in an effort to
find the right mix to train our people, as any business.”
The company’s CEO added that “this goes against all of the training and materials we’ve provided for our staff and field personnel, as well as the content of our discussions with members of
the government and the American Samoa Power Authority.
“Furthermore, the word ‘free’ does not appear AT ALL in the broker agreement we offer. If
we discover that a member of our staff is disregarding their training and instructions, and promoting the project as ‘free’ we will act swiftly to correct such misstatements,” he said.
Peck also explained the concept of “Zero Down”, and how this is not at all to be confused with
“Free”, and seemed to suggest this is where the confusion is occurring.
“We are all familiar with paying for large items over time — whether it’s a car, a house, or
furniture — where you pay something initially, and then make payments over time until you’ve
completed the purchase. You’re familiar with the terminology “10 down” or “20% down. ’Zero
Down’ is where many businesses offer a payment plan that requires no initial money down, or no
initial out of pocket costs. This does not mean ‘free’.”
He also pointed out that it requires a strong negotiating position with the provider of solar
panels to get a payment plan with no money down – “It is for this very reason that we seek to
sign up as many home owners as possible — we believe that with the support of the people of
American Samoa, La O Samoa will have the strong negotiating position necessary to bring in the
best available options to many homeowners, not just the few.
He reiterated, “solar panels are not free — they must be paid for, in some manner.”
Peck told Samoa News that “this is a very complex area of finance, which is why you need an
organization to bring this to a reality.”
He further explained, “the benefit to the consumer is that purchasing the electricity from the
Solar Entity is less expensive than continuing to pay current rates.”
Peck also pointed there is a federal program that provides for solar tax credits, which can be
applied towards the expenses for solar, and points out that they are trying to bring it to American
Samoa, — it’s set to expire 12/31/2016.
“That means if we don’t accomplish our goal of rapidly bringing residential solar to the homes
in American Samoa, the people will lose the opportunity to have 30% of the cost shouldered by
this federal program,” the CEO says, adding: “If the 12/31/16 deadline passes, any homeowner
not yet having solar may miss the opportunity” and nobody knows at this time if the Federal Residential tax credit program will be renewed.
According to the website: La O Samoa; their goal is to significantly reduce the overall electric
power bills paid by the average Samoan homeowner.
We will harness the power of our local communities and nation employing Samoan labor,
American equipment, and utilizing monies available from the federal government,” the website
➧ Off duty policemen - not arrested…
Continued from page 1
Acting Commissioner. However numerous
efforts to obtain comments were not immediately successful.
Samoa News also contacted the Assistant
Chief of Police, Lavata’i Ta’ase Sagapolutele,
who also oversees CID, but he declined to comment as he was unaware of the incident.
The Commissioner’s Special Assistant,
Fuega Saite Moliga confirmed with Samoa
News that an incident occurred involving two
detectives that were off duty at the time, and a
complaint has been filed and they will look into
this matter. Asked if the officers were arrested,
Fuega said no, but declined to comment as to
why they were not arrested.
Intended Publication Date(s): Monday,
October 20, 2014.
AS, Samoa News [S_Monday_Update to
Publish or Proof] 4" X 2"
Produced: 2:30 PM ET, 10/16/2014
101614023011 Regal 865-925-9554
scene and the man was taken into the police
vehicle. (It is not clear if the man who punched
the bouncer is the same one who threw the beer
Samoa News understands that the off duty
officers were not arrested and this has been
confirmed by Correction Officers at the Tafuna
Correctional Facility. Because charges have
not been filed, Samoa News is not running the
names of the officers involved, nor the name of
the night club where the incident took place.
Samoa News understands Commissioner
William Haleck, is off island attending a Police
Commissioner’s conference in New Zealand,
while Chief of Police, Vaimaga Maiava is
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Page 16
samoa news, Monday, October 20, 2014
Scientists make recommendations
to WestPac Fishery Mgmt Council
Congressman Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin greeted his family
members with a siva (traditional dance) when they welcomed
him home with ulas, at the Pago Pago international airport,
Friday night. This is his first visit since he was medivaced to
[photo: JL]
Honolulu, Hawai’i last year.
RELEASE) — The Western
Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council’s Scientific
and Statistical Committee
(SSC) concluded its 117th
meeting this past Thursday in
Honolulu and has passed on
its recommendations to the
full Council, which meets this
week. The recommendations
are based on acceptable biological catches (ABCs) and
these figures will be used to
develop the 2015 annual catch
limits (ACLs) for the fisheries.
In its meeting the Council
will consider the recommendations of the SSC, plus its other
advisory bodies and the public
on the following issues:
* non-pelagic & pelagic
* management of fisheries in the expanded Pacific
National Monument;
BUSINESS HOURS: M-F: 9am-5pm • Sat: 8am-2pm
the American Samoa longline fishery for South Pacific
* and establishment of
a market delay for the sale of
MHI Deep 7 bottomfish should
the fishery close after reaching
its ACL at this week’s meeting.
The catches specified for the
bottomfish fishery in American
Samoa, Guam and CNMI for
2015 are the same as 2014
— 101,000 pounds, 66,800
pounds and 228,000 pounds,
respectively. The SSC noted
that there was no significant
change in the fishery or the
management of this fishery and
there is no new scientific information to change the existing
limits. A new assessment is
scheduled for 2015.
Regarding main Hawaiian
Islands Deep 7 bottomfish,
consisting of a complex of
six deep-water snappers and
one grouper, the SSC reiterated that the 2014 draft stock
assessment has not been independently peer-reviewed and,
considering the best available
science and public comments
on the matter, again set the
ABC at 346,000 pounds for the
current fishing year.
Regarding coral reef fish,
crustacean and MHI nonDeep 7 bottomfish, the SSC
reviewed its approach to analyzing the risk of overfishing
and scientific uncertainty used
to specify the ABCs and made
a minor technical correction
for Saganidae (rabbit fish) in
American Samoa and Guam
for 2014. The ABC in American Samoa increased from 191
to 200 pounds, while the ABC
for rabbitfish in Guam dropped
from 19,500 to 18,800 pounds.
The SSC addressed the
overfishing and overfished
status of Western and Central
Pacific Ocean North Pacific
striped marlin. It recommended establishing an overall
limit of 457 metric tons (mt)
and establishing a limit of 434
mt of striped marlin applicable
to the Hawai’i longline fishery
(i.e., 95 percent of the 457 mt
limit). In the event that the
434 mt limit is reached, the
Hawai’i longline fishery would
not be allowed to retain striped
marlin. There were no striped
marlin restrictions recommended for other Hawai’i fisheries (e.g., troll and handline),
which account for less than 5
percent of total commercial
striped marlin catch.
The SSC also discussed
Hawai’i yellowfin and bigeye
tuna commercial size limits,
which are currently regulated
by the State of Hawaii at 3
The scientists said it
is undetermined whether
increasing the size would have
a positive effect on the Hawai’i
yellowfin stock, which is considered healthy. They recommended research on yellowfin
harvest rates, utilization and
socio-economic issues related
to catch, and market flow of
small tuna in Hawai’i.
The majority of the SSC
recommended no change in
the current minimum size until
further information is obtained.
The SSC member from the
State of Hawai’i did not support the majority recommendation, noting that the State plans
to hold public scoping sessions
and meetings to discuss modifying the State’s minimum
size for commercial catch of
Management recommendations made by the Council
are transmitted to the Secretary of Commerce for final
approval and implemented by
the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) and the US
Coast Guard.