
10 tips for writing an analysis (In my class. Who am I? Exactly.)
What is the significance of the title?
What is the significance of the first line?
What is the significance of the last line?
If the author uses the word “Us,” “we,” or “I”, who is she referring to?
Which specific words reveal the audience or the claim? You must base all your
conclusions on specific lines, words, phrases from the text.
6. Do not say, or believe, that the intended audience is “everyone.”
7. Find exact line or lines that reveal the claim. Cite it in your analysis or
paraphrase it.
8. Contradict yourself, argue against the point you are making, just to see the full
context of a point you are making.
9. Abuse the text: underline, highlight, circle words and phrases as you read.
10. Write some lines, especially if you think you are lost. Your only enemy is the
blank page. It is very, very hard to have sympathy for someone who does not at
least try.