Friday, April 1st, 2016 AP English Language and Composition Mastery Objectives:

Friday, April 1st, 2016
AP English Language and Composition
Mastery Objectives:
SWBAT reflect upon creative elements and forms and
respond in a critical manner, and 2) identify specific textual
evidence from primary sources to support a personal
response to a text.
1. Turn in next iteration of vocabulary.
2. With partner, review purpose and history (if known)
of letters by Hurston, Joan of Arc and Queen Elizabeth;
what is the significance of letters in general? Has that
significance changed throughout history or has it
stayed relatively the same?
3. With partner, review purpose and history (if known)
of letters by Kipling and Mozart; what is the
significance of letters in general? Has that
significance changed throughout history or has it
stayed relatively the same?
4. Complete multiple choice questions on Queen
Elizabeth’s last speech to Parliament; review answers.