Middle Ages Battleship Q. This system of promises governed relationships between lords and vassals A. Feudalism What does this picture represent? Q. These medieval laborers could not leave their land without the lord’s permission A. Serfs Q. Knights received these pieces of land in return for their military service to a lord. A. Fiefs (rhymes with thief and reminds us of feet) What does this picture represent? Q. A noble who gave land to a vassal in exchange for military service A. Lord Q. He became the new English king and rewarded his knights with large estates of land thus beginning feudalism in England A. William the Conqueror What does this picture represent? Q. What is the name of the large landmass that includes both Europe and Asia? A. Eurasia Q. The people who were most important in spreading Christianity throughout Europe were the ______. A. Popes, monks, and missionaries What does this picture represent? Q. The Viking, Magyar, and Muslim invasions of Europe directly caused the development of the ___________. A. Feudal system or feudalism Q. Which of these descriptions does not apply to feudalism as it developed in Europe? a. Duties and obligations b. Powerful nobles c. Clearly defined roles in society d. Growing power of kings A. Growing power of kings (In other words, kings lost power to the nobles during feudalism.) Q. Why would feudalism have taken hold more strongly in northern Europe than in southern Europe? A. Fewer geographic barriers protected northern Europeans from invasion by enemies What does this picture represent? Q. The Latin word for “Middle Age” A. Medieval Q. A code of honorable behavior for European knights A. Chivalry Q. A long series of wars between Christians and Muslims over the Holy Land A. Crusades Q. This empire asked for help dealing with attacks by Turkish Muslims A. Byzantine (Byzantium) Q. He called on Christians to drive the Muslims out of the Holy Land A. Pope Urban II Q. In the Third Crusade, this Muslim leader was respected for his kindness toward the enemy A. Saladin Q. One reason Christian Crusaders lost the Holy Land was that __________. A. They traveled long distances to the battles (or fighting amongst themselves—desert climate) Q. What was the most important result of the Crusades? A. European kings increased their power. B. Popes increased their power. C. Muslims and Christians gained respect for one another. D. Trade and exchange of ideas between Europe and Asia increased. Q. Religious men who were secluded from society (many spent their lives copying the Bible by hand) A. Monks Q. What church did the bishop of Constantinople create after he was excommunicated by Pope Leo IX? A. Easter Orthodox What does this picture represent? Q. Which of the following had the greatest influence on the lives of most Europeans during the Middle Ages? A. Towns and trade B. Religion and the church C. Universities D. The King A. Religion and the church Q. Jerusalem was considered a holy city for three major religions. Which of the following religions do not claim the city of Jerusalem? A. Buddhism B. Christianity C. Judaism D. Islam A. Buddhism (All three monotheistic religions claim Abraham as an ancestor.) What does this picture represent? Q. The deadly plague that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351 was known as the _______. A. Black Death (or Bubonic Plague) Q. How did life change for surviving peasants and serfs after the plague? A. They began to demand wages for their labor. Q. This document greatly limited the king’s power by stating that even the king had to follow the law. (influenced modern democracy) A. Magna Carta Q. The long conflict between France and England over who should be king of France was called _________. A. The Hundred Years War Q. The young French peasant girl who rallied French troops to win this war was __________. A. Joan of Arc Q. What happened to Joan of Arc after Charles VI became king? A. She was put on trial by the English for witchcraft and heresy. She was found guilty and burned at the stake. Q. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain wanted only Christians in their kingdom. This led to the ___________, an organization of priests that looked for and punished anyone in Spain suspected of secretly practicing their old religion. A. Spanish Inquisition Q. The period of time between ancient times and modern times (500 CE and 1500 CE) A. The Middle Ages