Communication Process: Concepts, Types, Functions

The word communication has it origin in the Latin word 'communis' that means 'to make common'.
Communication facilitates sharing of common experiences with others. It involves sharing of an
idea, thought, feeling or information with others, which includes thinking, dreaming, speaking,
arguing and so on. Thus the scope of communication is very wide. Communication is part skill,
part art and part science. It is a skill as it involves certain fundamental techniques, it is an art as it
involves creative challenges, and it is science because certain verifiable principles are involved in
making communication more effective. All this makes communication a complex process.
Different scholars have defined communication in various ways. Some of them describe it as 'the
transfer of meaning', 'transmission of stimuli', 'one mind affecting other' or 'sharing of experiences
on the basis of commonness'.
Communication is not a static act but a dynamic process, which is continuous in nature and vital
for teaching and learning. It involves the usage of a channel. This channel could be signs, symbols
or verbal/written language. For communication to be complete and effective it has to achieve the
desired objectives as intended by the communicator. For example, in a classroom situation, the
teacher has to make special efforts to convey the message to the learners. S/he has to clearly define
the objectives of the lesson and the message has to be conveyed with the help of appropriate oral
and written signs, symbols and body language. Only when the meaning has been understood by
the learners and in the same idiom as intended by the teacher, we can say that the communication
has been successful. Thus, communication can be defined as a process of sharing or exchange
of ideas, information, knowledge, attitudes or feelings among two or more persons through certain
signs and symbols leading to a desired response as intended by the communicator. Even our
behaviour can communicate messages. For instance warmth towards some one or indifference can
be conveyed even without speech or written messages just through gestures, facial expressions and
body language.
Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants
not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning.
Communication is a key element involved in teaching process.
In the classroom context:
Communication is a process of exchanging verbal and nonverbal messages in classroom by teacher
to student and vice versa.
It is also the transmission of a message from a sender (teacher) to a receiver (student) in an
understandable manner.
Communication performs many functions, such as informing and generating awareness, educating,
persuading, motivating, entertaining, etc. Let us examine some of these functions:
1. Sharing of Information: Information is key to progress in any society. Communication plays
an important role in information dissemination related to any form of human activity, such as
social, political, economic, educational and developmental. Regular exposure to information over
a period of time generates awareness on a given issue, problem or matter of concern.
2. Education and Training: Communication results in sharing of information, which in turn
makes people knowledgeable and thus productive members of the society. Right from our
childhood we are taught by our teachers in the school and elders at home and we thus gain various
new concepts and skills as we grow up. However, we do not cease to learn when we grow up as
we continue to learn throughout our lives. In the modern educational scenario, training of
personnel is an ongoing process and communication plays an important role in orientation and
training of teachers and learners. The degree of learning depends to a great extent not only on the
contents of training but also how effectively the information and skills are shared.
3. Socialization: For the well being of the society, nation and culture it is crucial that we are
exposed to different view points so that we understand and appreciate the need for plurality of
ideas and diversity of views. Communication fosters the feeling of oneness in a society by exposing
the various social groups to different views. It develops the need to share and understand the
feelings, emotions, hopes, aspirations and expectations of varied groups in a social system.
4. Entertainment: To break the monotony of human life, we need to be exposed to art, literature,
music, films, dance, drama, sports and other modes of entertainment. Communication provides us
with this necessary diversion. Thus entertainment is an equally important function of
5. Motivation: A motivated individual plays a useful and active role in a society. Communication
motivates and persuades individuals to meet the mutually agreed upon goals.
6. Persuasion: Yet another important function of communication is to persuade. This may be to
influence us towards a new idea, technique or a product and also to persuade us to buy these
7. Preservation of culture: Communication helps to preserve the culture and heritage of a nation
and society. Through communication, stories from the epics, Bible, Koran, etc. are shared with the
younger generation. The transmission of values from one generation to another has been taking
place orally as well as through written texts, over the ages. In the modern world different mass
communication media have taken up this function.
Communication has been broadly categorized into the following four types:
Intrapersonal communication
Interpersonal communication
Group communication
Mass communication.
a) Intrapersonal Communication
The word 'intra' denotes 'within'. When we communicate within ourselves, it is intrapersonal
communication. This can take the form of thinking, analyzing, dreaming or introspecting. Day
dreaming self-talk and memories are all facets of intrapersonal communication.
Intrapersonal communication is a kind of internal dialogue that takes place within an individual
while contemplating, conceptualizing and formulating our thoughts or ideas before we actually
express them. Due to individual differences, the levels of intrapersonal communication may vary
from one person to another. Writers, thinkers and philosophers generally devote more time to
intrapersonal communication.
b) Interpersonal Communication
When two persons communicate with each other, the communication is interpersonal. Our
everyday exchanges, formal or informal, which may take place anywhere, come under this type of
communication. There is certain amount of proximity between the sender and the receiver who
may be able to see each other closely, watch the facial expressions, postures, gestures, body
language etc. or may make them out from the tone and expressions when they communicate
without seeing each other, for instance over telephone. In interpersonal communication, the roles
of the sender and receiver become interchangeable. There are many sensory channels used and
feedback is immediate. It allows you to clarify your views, persuade or motivate another person
more effectively than any other mode of communication.
c) Group Communication
As the name suggests, when people communicate in group situations, this is known as group
communication. This is an extension of interpersonal communication where more than two
individuals are involved in the process of communication. The groups can be both formal as well
as informal depending on the type and objectives of communication but generally they have
common interests and goals.
Group communication is useful in taking collective decision on a problem, an issue or a matter of
common interest. Depending on the quality of group members and leaders, effective decisions can
be made incorporating divergent point of views. However, this is not free from limitations. All
members of a group may not be able to freely participate in deliberations, as some may be dominant
speakers while others too shy or reluctant to express themselves thus affecting a free flow of
communication. All these factors have greater implications in group communication. Classroom
communication also falls under group communication in which these factors play an important
d) Mass Communication
This type of communication is different from all the three types discussed so far. In mass
communication, the communicator is separated from the audience in terms of time and place.
Communication takes place simultaneously with the help of an electronic device, in which an
institution is involved. These electronic devices are known as mass media such as print, radio,
television, the internet, etc. The audience is 'mass' i.e. it has a heterogeneous profile, are unknown
to each other and located in widespread locations. Feedback in mass communication is considered
to be weak and delayed as compared to group and interpersonal communication.
The common process of communication is made up of 4 key components:
a) Sender
b) Message/content
c) Receiver
d) Feedback
e) Medium
f) Context
The communication process is a guide towards realizing effective communication.
The Main Components of the Communication Process
Sender/ Encoder
The source of communication is the sender who has a message to impart. This is the person who
sends out a message in a communication process. The message may be inform of symbols, words,
graphics, visual aids etc. The sender has to decide how to communicate a message, which channel
is to be selected for the message and what type of strategies should be planned so that the message
makes the desired response. The sender provides verbal or non-verbal cues that can be received,
interpreted and responded to by the receiver.
Message is a set of signs and symbols which are given by the source to create meanings for the
receiver. Message is the content which is shared between the participants in the communication
process. To make the message effective, the sender has to understand the nature and profile of the
receiver of the message, his/her needs and expectations and possible response to the message. This
is important in both face-to-face as well as mediated situations.
Channel is the medium used to communicate a message from the sender to receiver. The channel
could be spoken word, printed word, electronic media, or even non-verbal cues such as signs,
gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc. In modern communication parlance, the word
'channel' mostly refers to mass communication media such as newspapers, radio, television,
telephone, computers, internet etc. The selection of an appropriate channel is crucial for the success
of communication.
The sender must choose an appropriate media for transmitting the message otherwise the
message may not be conveyed effectively.
The choice of the message media appropriately is essential for making the message
effective and allows the recipients to correctly interpret the message.
The choice of a media depends on the features of the message being communicated. i.e
The written medium is best to convey messages to literate people.
A visual medium is best choice to communicate to an illiterate population.
Oral medium is best used when spontaneous feedback is required from the recipients.
Communication cannot take place without a receiver for whom the message is meant. We receive
a message, interpret it and derive meaning from it. For successful communication, the receiver
should receive the message in the same way it was meant by the sender. In interpersonal
communication, the receiver shares a close relationship with the sender which gradually gets
diluted in group and mass communication.
The degree to which the decoder understands the message is dependent on a number of factors:
Psychological state of the decoder.
Previous knowledge the recipient had about the message at hand.
Responsiveness of the receiver to the medium used to convey the message.
Relationship the recipient has with the sender.
The response given by the receiver to the message of the sender is known as feedback.
Communication being a two-way process, without the element of feedback any discussion on the
process of communication is incomplete. The element of feedback gets gradually diluted when the
number of participants in communication activity increases.
Noise is distortion in a message which affects the flow of communication. Noise could be due to
internal as well as external sources. Noise creates barriers in communication and it could be of
many types.
Communication is affected by the context in which it takes place. The context may be physical,
social, cultural etc. The sender chooses messages within a given context.
Effective communication depends on media and mode of communication used.
When teachers communicate effectively, they use a variety of media to stimulate pupils to achieve
the lesson objectives.
There are 2 skills that a teacher should nurture to communicate effectively:
The skill of transmission
Ensure that your transmission channel is clear.
Understand your audience i.e learners, colleagues, parents.
The skill of reception
This calls for the teacher to reflect on their teaching.
How is the message received?
Listen to yourself as you communicate, are you making sense to yourself?
Occasionally, invite a partner to listen to you as you communicate, they will give you useful
feedback on how your message was received.
Strategies/Principles for Effective Communication
Clarity of message
In any type of communication, it is important that the objective of communication is well defined;
the level of language is kept simple, brief and clear. It has been found that most of the complex
ideas can be presented simply. Short and simple sentences can express an idea completely,
coherently and cogently. Too many conjunctions make a sentence complex and difficult to
understand. Proper phrasing, punctuation, emphasis, voice modulation facilitates clarity of
message and increases the impact of communication.
Reinforcement of ideas
For clarity of the message, an element of redundancy needs to be introduced. Difficult or technical
words and expressions need to be substituted with simpler expressions and words of everyday
usage. However, care needs to be taken to see that the message does not become repetitive and
boring. The level of audience needs to be constantly kept in mind.
Appropriate channel
Depending upon the type and objective of communication, selection of appropriate channel is
crucial for the success of communication. The use of technology also helps to overcome
geographical barriers. However, for selecting a particular channel, especially the more expensive
one, some questions need to be constantly asked such as why this channel? Is there any specific
need? Will it help to meet the objective of communication? Is it possible to avoid unnecessary
investment? and so on. Many a time, a simple channel may convey a message more effectively as
compared to the more glamorous ones.
Motivation also helps to remove some of the barriers, especially psychological and socio-cultural
barriers. The receivers in the communication process need to be encouraged to express their views,
opinions and doubts. They need to be drawn into the interactive process by persuading them to
pose questions. Appreciation of their (receivers) views increases their self-esteem and builds
Proper environment
Proper seating arrangements, visibility of the source and relatively comfortable environment
facilitate communication. This is especially conducive in overcoming some of the physical barriers
discussed above.
Feedback is an integral component of any communication activity. Regular feedback at appropriate
levels facilitates understanding of the needs and views of the receiver/s. It helps to bridge the gaps,
if any, in the communication approach and improves the process of communication.
The message should be delivered completely for it to be understood.
An effective communication targets specific skills of message.
Understanding of the recipient
Communication is effective when the sender understands the recipient and puts himself in their
Consistency- effective communication is consistent.
Time- should be time conscious.
We have referred to the term 'Noise' while discussing the models and elements of communication
in the previous sections. Barrier or Noise is a term used to express any interference in
communication between source and receiver. A successful communication is the one in which the
message is conveyed undiminished with least distortion. However, it is not always possible as a
number of barriers make the process of communication complex. Some of these barriers could be
physical, psychological, cultural, linguistic (semantic), technical or due to information overload.
Physical barriers: If the source is not visible to the receiver and s/he is not comfortable in the
environment, it may create barriers in communication. Geographical distance may also create
barriers, as people may like to communicate with one another but due to physical distances may
not be able to do so. For example, people may be interested to communicate with an expert in a
particular area who is not available in other areas/regions as there is physical barrier.
- Voice projection etc
Psychological barriers: Due to individual differences, attitudes, interest and motivation levels,
we perceive things and situations differently. Apart from this, the varied levels of anxiety, inherent
prejudices and previous experiences also create barriers in communication. Studies have revealed
that due to the process of selective perception, selective recall and selective retention, we perceive,
retain as well as recall a message selectively thus creating barriers in communication.
In the classroom, a student with personal problems or stressed may be pre-occupied with their
personal concerns and thus may not receive the message.
An angry learner or one who is greatly intimidated may not be receptive to the message being
Physiological barriers
Physiology of the body i.e physically unwell hence not able to learn, hearing or sight impairment,
physical challenges hence unable to take part in processes involving physical movements.
Socio-cultural barriers: In communication process, socio-cultural barriers also operate. Some
issues may be perceived as personal and not fit for discussion outside the realm of family, thus
creating barriers. Some societies are less vocal which may affect their level of communication with
those from other cultures who are more vocal or aggressive in behaviour.
Linguistic barriers: During the process of communication, faulty expressions, poor translation,
verbosity, ambiguous words and inappropriate vocabulary create barriers. Moreover, words and
symbols used to communicate facts and information may mean different things to different
persons. This is due to the fact that meanings are in the minds of people who perceive and interpret
meanings in different ways according to their individual frame of mind.
Technical barriers: While using technology, technical barriers also make the process of
communication complex. When audio quality is poor or video signals are weak, the message may
not clearly reach the target group. Erratic power supply also creates barriers in communication.
Barriers due to information load: At times too much information is imparted which we may not
able to comprehend and assimilate, thus creating a barrier in communication. Hence, great care
needs to be taken while deciding the amount of information in a communication transaction.
Systematic barriers
They exist in the structures and organization of an institution. i.e inefficient and inappropriate
channels of communication thus total communication breakdown.
Lack of the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the people communicating.
Attitudinal barriers
Are perceptions or behaviors that prevent people from communicating effectively. i.e due to:
personality conflict
poor management of learners
learners resisting change
lack of motivation of learners
tribal conflicts in the communication
Environmental barriers
Lack of comfortable learning environment e.g
Lighting (too bright, dim)
Mode of dressing
Wrong choice of media
When wrong channel is chosen, communication is hindered.
Verbal communication
It is a process of sending out a message by spoken words. In the class situation, it is an exchange
of information through spoken words between you and student or other members you are in contact
Non-verbal communication
It is a process where we communicate through signs, gestures, posture and body movements.
Verbal and non-verbal modes of communication are used concurrently when you teach your
Speaking is a procedural aspect of transmitting information from a source like a teacher or
any speaker and its reception and interpretation by the person receiving the message.
This kind of communication is called inter-personal communication process.
Today this mode of communication is supplemented by the media system of teaching and
learning i.e. Tv, Radio, Tape recorder etc.
Verbal communication falls into the following features
a) The Process Feature
Communication is an unending process. Communication between people keeps on changing.
It may have no touchable beginning, middle or end.
In class situation, as soon as you enter even before saying a word your:
Facial expression say something
Your mode of dressing speaks for you
Your attitude towards your class
Your attitude of the subject
b) Transactional Feature
This is where individuals modify their behaviour according to the kinds of messages they
When you get annoyed you naturally modify your behavior and so the way you laugh,
when you become aggrieved or when you are discouraged tells a lot about you.
The content information you impart to your class depends on:
The way you deliver
Resources used
Tone of delivery; may enhance the way the content is understood.
- The feedback you receive from your students/audience helps you to adjust and accommodate
yourself with ongoing teaching process.
c) Symbolic Feature
This is the use of words as symbols representing people, places and feelings. The teacher's ability
to abstract and symbolize knowledge makes the teacher attain tangible means of relating to the
learners. And using the same kind of symbol, the students are able to tell their teacher how much
they have learnt from a given lesson.
d) Multi-dimensional Features
This entails of three aspects namely:
Cultural level- all cultures have different ways of communicating whether it be
language change or social norms. The teacher should be aware of the cultural
background of the learners.
Sociological level- This are the organizations in the communities such as religious
groups, economic development groups and peer groups. The teacher should know the
groups and organizations that the learners identify with.
Psychological dimension-The teacher should consider each learner as a unique
identity although they may be in a group and know how to deal with each learner.
Verbal language enables the teacher to monitor and control the flow of information in the
classroom. It also enables the teacher to define to his learners the relevance and importance of the
information, what the information contains and for this matter it is therefore important for the
teachers language to be related to the students’ experiences and their level.
The teacher should make every effort to make his/her language clear all the time, precisely when
new ideas and concepts are being studied.
To the learners, oral language is the tool for learning. It enables them to listen actively and
passively and understand their teacher and the topic under discussion. It also enables them to learn
by verbalizing, talking, discussing and arguing because language is the means of expressing their
experiences and feelings.
People use body language, postures, facial expressions, eye contacts and boy gestures to send and
receive messages.
Non-verbal communication may include:
Body odor
Body motions
Characteristics of appearances
Use of space and distance
Characteristics of voice etc
Some authorities consider nonverbal signals to be even more important than words. In
experiments testing the communication of feelings (such as approval or disapproval of another
individual), psychologist Albert Mehrabian found that body movements and tone of voice
conveyed 93 percent of a message. The actual words conveyed only 7 percent.
Birdwhistell (1972) observed that in communication situation, 35% of the message is carried
verbally while 65% is conveyed non-verbally.
Forms of Non-verbal Communication
Paralanguage- The way in which a message is spoken is often as important as what is said.
Paralanguage describes the vocal qualities, such as tone, inflection, volume, emphasis, and pitch,
of a spoken message. Although the words are the same, the receiver perceives different messages
when voice emphasis changes. Paralanguage often reveals the emotions, conscious and
unconscious, underlying our words. Dynamic speakers and successful business leaders capitalize
on paralanguage to reinforce their words. Because their voice patterns complement their words,
they avoid sending conflicting messages.
Kinesics— How the Body Communicates. Body Language, the best-selling book by Julius
Fast, popularized the concept of nonverbal communication. It would be inaccurate, however, to
suggest that specific positions and movements are infallible indicators of underlying motivation.
Such simplicity, of course, belies reality. Although we may not be able to catalog every body
movement and indicate its hidden meaning, we should be aware that facial expression, eye
contact, posture, and gestures exert a significant effect on viewer perception.
Facial Expression- Experts estimate that we can make and recognize nearly 250,000 distinct
facial expressions. The most common expressions are interest, enjoyment, surprise, distress,
shame, contempt, anger, and fear. In conversations, facial expressions are a principal source of
feedback. Alert communicators display and interpret facial expressions accurately; they modify
their messages to produce the effect they intend. For example, the appearance of frowns, yawns,
or smirks on the faces of listeners in the audience should signal one to alter his presentation
because he's not obtaining his desired result.
Eye Contact- Often described as the "windows of the soul," eyes are the most expressive
element in face-to-face communication. Among North Americans, individuals who maintain
direct eye contact are usually considered to be open, honest, and trustworthy. "Shifty" eyes
suggest dishonesty; and a downward gaze may be interpreted as a sign of submission, inferiority,
or humility. In this culture it's difficult to have confidence in a speaker who is unable to "look
you in the eye." It must be remembered, of course, that the interpretation of much nonverbal
communication is culture dependent.
Posture - The way you stand and hold your body also sends messages about your self
confidence. Stooped or bowed shoulders may signal that you are burdened, self conscious,
lacking confidence, submissive, beaten, guilty, or afraid. A straight back with squared shoulders
typifies strength and responsibility. Hunched shoulders suggest anxiety or weariness.
Gestures- Some hand gestures are recognized and easily interpreted. For most North Americans
a circle formed with the index finger and thumb signals satisfaction, shaking the index finger
indicates a warning, and showing the palm symbolizes a peaceful greeting. Other gestures are
not so easily translated. Do crossed arms mean "I will not let you in"? Does rubbing the nose
with a finger represent disapproval? Does patting the hair mean approval? Does forming a
"steeple" with the fingertips indicate superiority? The interpretation of these gestures and others
depends greatly on the situation and also on the culture.
Image—How Appearances Influence Communication. The image an individual projects and
the objects surrounding that person can communicate nonverbally. Clothing, for example, tells
a great deal about an individual's status, occupation, self-image, and aspirations. Appearances
definitely affect perceptions. In addition to clothing, a person's possessions and ornaments send
Proxemics—How Space Influences Communication. Proxemics refers to the amount of space
that individuals naturally maintain between each other. Sociologists report four territorial zones:
intimate space, personal space, social space, and public space. When our territorial space is
invaded, we resent and resist the intrusion. Business conversations may take place in personal
or social space, but never in intimate space. Meetings are usually conducted in public space.
Although effective communicators probably could not name these four zones, they instinctively
understand and observe spatial requirements.
Manipulation of space illustrates another form of nonverbal communication. The arrangement
of furniture in an office, for example, communicates a variety of information about the occupant.
Richard Snyder, human resources director, places a visitor's chair close to his desk, suggesting
that he is open, approachable, and genuinely interested in getting to know his visitors personally.
On the other hand, Victoria Santos, branch manager, places visitors' chairs across the room from
her desk and keeps a coffee table in front of the chairs. The nonverbal message is that she is
distant, aloof, and uninterested in visitors.
Haptics- Think of how touch has the power to comfort someone in moment of sorrow when
words alone cannot. This positive power of touch is countered by the potential for touch to be
threatening because of its connection to sex and violence. To learn about the power of touch, we
turn to haptics, which refers to the study of communication by touch. We probably get more
explicit advice and instruction on how to use touch than any other form of nonverbal
communication. A lack of nonverbal communication competence related to touch could have
negative interpersonal consequences; for example, if we don’t follow the advice we’ve been
given about the importance of a firm handshake, a person might make negative judgments about
our confidence or credibility. A lack of competence could have more dire negative
consequences, including legal punishment, if we touch someone inappropriately (intentionally
or unintentionally). Touch is necessary for human social development, and it can be welcoming,
threatening, or persuasive.
There are several types of touch, including functional-professional, social-polite, friendshipwarmth, love-intimacy, and sexual-arousal touch. A handshake, a pat on the arm, and a pat on
the shoulder are examples of social-polite touching. A handshake is actually an abbreviated
hand-holding gesture, but we know that prolonged hand-holding would be considered too
intimate and therefore inappropriate at the functional-professional or social-polite level. At the
functional-professional and social-polite levels, touch still has interpersonal implications. The
touch, although professional and not intimate, between hair stylist and client, or between nurse
and patient, has the potential to be therapeutic and comforting. In addition, a social-polite touch
exchange plays into initial impression formation, which can have important implications for how
an interaction and a relationship unfold.
Vocalics- We learned earlier that paralanguage refers to the vocalized but nonverbal parts of a
message. Vocalics is the study of paralanguage, which includes the vocal qualities that go along
with verbal messages, such as pitch, volume, rate, vocal quality, and verbal.
Pitch helps convey meaning, regulate conversational flow, and communicate the intensity of a
message. Even babies recognize a sentence with a higher pitched ending as a question. We also
learn that greetings have a rising emphasis and farewells have falling emphasis. Of course, no one
ever tells us these things explicitly; we learn them through observation and practice. We do not
pick up on some more subtle and/or complex patterns of paralanguage involving pitch until we are
older. Children, for example, have a difficult time perceiving sarcasm, which is usually conveyed
through paralinguistic characteristics like pitch and tone rather than the actual words being spoken.
Adults with lower than average intelligence and children have difficulty reading sarcasm in another
person’s voice and instead may interpret literally what they say.
There are at least four main distances that are used during educational and social relationships.
They include:
Intimate Distance (0 to 18 inches)
This is a distance where a person is kept at an arm’s distance during a conversation
Personal Distance (18 inches to 4feet)
This is the normal distance between acquaintances or business relations. This is a person known
slightly but not a close friend. This is used by people who trust each other e.g. family and friends.
Making of faces, gesturing, shaking hands can easily be done in this zone.
Social Distance (4 to 10 feet)
This provides the most comfortable distance to begin a conversation for people who are not very
familiar with each other e.g. strangers. Newly enrolled students would use this zone when
interacting with a teacher. After knowing the teacher more, they become more confiding with
him/her. It is a recommended distance zone during teaching learning process or situation which
can involve sitting/ standing positions. The teacher may be standing as he/she teaches or the reverse
can also happen.
Public Distance (10 feet to infinity)
This is the distance used by teachers or public figures to establish space or barrier between
themselves and the audience. e.g A teacher in a lecture hall. Sometimes the students might feel
one is aloof or cold most especially when there are many students. This is because the teacher
stands in a podium indicating dominance. The audience also doesn’t feel intimidated by the
speaker. People don’t feel jittery when observed from this distance. Shy students are usually more
relaxed when they are amidst the general school population in a school hall.
There are various dimensions in the verbal and non-verbal relationship
a) Substitution relationship
This is where a nonverbal cue is used in place of worded statements. i.e when I am busy
working on something, a student might approach me and ask for permission to go to the
bathrooms so I just nod to signify ‘permission granted’. I find it an efficient and quick way of
multi-tasking and handling distractions.
b) Complementing relationship
This is where nonverbal is used to elaborate or reinforce the verbal message being sent. Asking
students to give a clap for one their mate who has given a good answer to a particularly tough
question would fall in this relationship. Body language can also repeat what is said verbally
i.e. when you point in the direction/when instructing on the direction one has to take.
c) Conflict relationship
The physical movement may sometimes conflict the verbal message. For instance, a student
may approach a teacher to ask a question but the teacher just look at the watch and walks away.
Or the teacher may oblige with a yes, but instead of paying attention, he may go ahead putting
away his teaching resources and packing his bags.
When actions conflict with verbal messages, people tend to rely on non-verbal messages.
d) Accenting relationship
This is where non-verbal activities lay emphasis or stress parts of the verbal message. For
example, a teacher may instruct students to run and at the same time tell them to keep quiet by
showing a ‘shss’ sound with one finger on his mouth.