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Versailles Treaty: WWI Worksheet & Notes

American History: Versailles Treaty Notes
PPT: WWI Treaty of Versailles
Name: __________________________ Period: __
Answer the following questions using the PPT, “WWI – Treaty of Versailles” For any blank
line, “______” fill in an answer on that line.
1) Why was the Peace Conference held at Versailles, France?
2) Who were the leaders of? Britain ________________________, France _________________,
the USA ______________________________, and Italy _______________________________.
3) Wilson wanted “Peace without _______________” and proposed his 14 ________________.
4) Wilson also wanted an international organization, called the: _______________________.
5) France (Clemenceau) wanted to _______________________.
6) Britain’s Lloyd George set a middle course between the USA & France and helped work
out many of the _____________________ in the Treaty.
7) A fun acronym to help remember Germany’s punishment at Versailles is BRAT.
a. Blame: __________________________
b. Reparations: ________________________
c. Army Limits: ______________________
d. Territory Loss: ______________________
8) France took back the provinces of ___________________ & __________________ , which
France had lost to Germany in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.
9) Germany lost ALL of her _______________________.
10) Summarize the German losses from slide #31:
11) The new nations of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia were carved out
of the former _______________________________.
12) Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Montenegro will be joined to create
_____________________ , which will then dissolve in the 1990’s in the Bosnian War.
13) The ______________________ Empire was also broken up, with some parts becoming
colonies of Britain and France.
14) Russia lost land to Poland and the Baltic Republics of __________, ____________,
___________, as well as the Nordic country of _______________________.
15) Although President Wilson successfully created the ________________________ , the
USA never joined it.
16) The US Senate did not approve the Treaty of Versailles because of the League of
Nations Clause. The Senate feared Congress would lose its Constitutional right to
declare __________ , and also feared the US would lose power it claimed under the
Roosevelt Corollary to the ________________ Doctrine.
17) Japan was angry with the Versailles Treaty because Japan wanted more land in
18) China was angry with the treaty because Japan had been given _________________.
19) Ho Chi Minh was angry because Vietnam was not granted independence from
20) Actually, the Treaty of Versailles, rather than establishing a lasting peace, helped set
the stage for __________________________ just 20 years later.
21) Which aspects of the Versailles Treaty angered Germany and helped set the stage for
World War II?