Waves, oscillation and optics Linear response Allanodiable Oman dynamic anac a A . ra ↳ cause Force Effect Displacement I Tamp. Heat Prevure fluid flow stres (Newton] COhmT v flow strain Non-linear NLOC NS Hooky mii=-Rx ↳ linarity c spring + wix 0w = constant eq"). (Recall Laplace en: x Longitudinal astien waves longitudinal wor = m en + w there as To Trans-sling a RCA-90) = T x(l = - mi Fn = u(1 a) = = - w, 33) Transverse - small i ain - wj 25a = - - q) if 10<1. 2sinc == 2 oxcillation i a = + a = s) - alternative An i E = x p =- z SDS 6.2 z= E SHO. (r) = () (si ↑ Mz I = of w-x - M analysis = n -1 D = = M A TrM - Det (M) SD5z = stE DSE = F bu = -> Wilt= ebitwst Linear ↑ analysis T z 312 M Mz = R = M S D5 - D: = = ME T = w 05z Sz = = i d,W; For SHO. 312- eM WCt = = b = d I ,(w 5) = ebitWi(s] W,(t) "Dies out" (Note: diag(),,62) SDSE E - C021)2: Trcor = = Run-away Oscillatory IWo I+ DWCH) n+ H... > wx = R eP*N(Ol) = f(n + f(x) 8x) = 5xf'(x) + + (Sn f"Ine-- LeMon)fMT = - generator of 2) Note that (special 3) wo FAmp. for SHO Equation. Sine-Gordan ii-u + 1) since ii+ sinu = To ignore i (x) = - 0 = (u(x,t) 0) = 0 I [x ... ] - 1 = translation. 1x1<> (l Tram-gordon is no ear Damped mix 3 i kx + = SHO + xx w = c 0 subs. eft,x ax,x = = wi 25wox + 21 wC 3 - = SHO + 0 f 1) L NOTE critical PAMPING 4 = happens what X(t] WC+) x(t) &+E Ale A,e*xt = = = + = damping 9=7 +Aet at z = * 97/ 1? (t) w(+)X.(t] * = X(t) co Coe*+ Citeft cit = of ANSATZ cx = Pumping d ↑ -- I x(t) 29at = Direct sol Method 1: -x+ = ... 24Wox + wix + x t 0 = A,ex+ = + (% + Pz)y*+ x HT 4 * at for e Solution & =1 433 Method #2: (wizquoJ = 31 (E E = (n) 5 = + 2 2 wo[-] = Point 1) g ii) 0 = 470 to sol" same note: 61 = = = 61 - XC) = e 15Wo =-woG WoYE IWORT [AeNotT + iwotT] AoE x 2qwox + For critical + zwox * (x + wix) w-x + 0 = point: wix + = 0 (Wox + + (x + w,x) + w(x w,x) j For y woX) + 0 = me - y 0 = y woy + or y 0 = -Not xtWoX=0: =) 0 = AetWot -y: 0 = X = qe - ↑2 solution A " ANSAT2. For critical of AerWit y: we at be - and infinity, acompond into this sol is But that x+Wox-o tempted x,x -0 "may" repruent a to therefore integrable sol", if square is our this claim true?? somewhat It's that this sol sperposition also without -Not [to might derived K+WoX=Ae =) observation: . damping of can normal be modes, oscillatory. check claim is true... It's Fowler transform in by apply awning -x(+) 6 x(a) = eiwdw (aculiweintaw +(aculwoeiNdw= Ae-Not Sacwl ejt(iw +Woldt JA'et s(w-iw.)dt - = n(W) RTW f x(t = + A No) (xcreiw+dw = Gwiwa = x(t) S(w-Two) g-Not A = giwado - Wo-wo sol" to :For trivial sol our exist. finite A70, For any x + wX ..can not of Two i) ii) - de = oscillating solving ze-Not sons corresponding integrabl non-square into linear to superposition sols features of these 2 point sol's critical discaving be zero, which is must is decomposed be key iNot A about soM). nature page: without of ANSAT2. solis) specially General I-dim flour preview o ⑭== = = Wo = stationary point i r(1 r] = - ↑ ↑ * * ⑧ xE1 n0 = = Limitcycle 612 oscillators: 2* M I = - nz = . . - # 4.... ... 4I * Atypical manifold ast - - trajectory as 0. asymptotically to, and z rA - I, # - approaches approaches the A the stable unstable manifold Analysis Regions I e> 0 ( D= DEIR , É) ' di _ conclusions C. Phase space) ↑→ ,z=E÷P c- I Rt Unstable node II 2>0 ' Dee , , 2=1%101 ☆ Unstable spiral II D= 2=0 En 2<0 ☒ a. i. :- , = -1-956 SHO ! D. C- G- - ←⑧→ Hunters I K1±z ⑧ ' stable spiral I D= 0 Damped 22=41 Kfwb d "z= } s - Doanaapig# Ho # DEIRI 2CO, x1,2 = 121 - - D I - - C 2 LO ) u A +xz 0 = ARED 121 = dxz (0,2) = w,H) I I thi (Unstable ( etwpLOD = Stable. V) A <0 D: 61 = EDI, D 2 Saddles Superposition of MÑa¥ F, 4- 7 V1 - = Fct ] -1 94,11-7-1 BEAT = = CY inhomogeneous Egns ÷ Wiman 4, PER , 4144-7-1 pYzCt) Miu that check = - satisfied is cult F . Critically damped " exceptional points " ↳ critically damped ↳ Band theory ↳ Liouville supper operator ( open ouantum Generalised E MX = 2) - you ✗ = - - DI )ᵈ . system 7 Mxs . = a degeneracy Generalised 0 " ✗ form . o define CM XI)ᵈXd CM theory gordon canonical appears with d Then 1) of V s xx C- d 3) tf - SHO # 0 " d " Eigenvectors CGEVI XD by het d=z ( di , did ] 1) LM -2372×2--0 2) CM - DI )Xz= ✗ , ↳ to actual eigenvector . this apply hits / yes DSHO ) [ Wi din z±F 1 ° M= -24W - = = d =L , = - Wo compute hit 's (M - CM 4=2 Gtvs gwo±(F two . . AIT ✗ 1=0 - @+ @ - xéxz too # = × , (two ) = 1×2--1!w ) : :) -11=1 ÷ :o) / I. % E(9) . . T :( A) 7- 5- ( 1 - - w. F'MT o s = " ) two - !) w XD Go: :) É Forced it , damped SHO , 24wixtwix-fg.ws @ ↓ É complex f -124W Trial . " Ét Wiz = g. eiwt Sol ? -2--3 @ iwt - t) w @ Zo + a -12174W its > Zo = ◦ = 22-0 WZO two ' % Em @ 5- WI b = 24 Wow zi-r-o-mcaa-IY-r-mr-E-n.EE?Jzm=fF-bT a- = cos 8 bz-m= -2m 2-◦ = FMZM 2- G) = [ coss - ¥gmeiwᵗ→ sins isins ] ] ✗ It > = !n=¥coscwt - s] ✗ In 24 wow + Soil i. -87 Fm÷gmwslwt = SS it is Wix Fo_ wswt = linear a Coslwt full a Im t combination s) - not is so cannot of + 97th MZM Whare 4cm VIN i. our forced is dies out system damped Ict ) it 24 Wow % two ✗ som of . both is doing steady 0 Transient't -1 ✗ p n = - - - so1 ✗ sit ] e- ✗ state _ É _ - . . damped and MHZ ✗ Ct] = in = damping . if V-X.sc?s.t-MltIXssCt)-- ✗ft ) of because = 0 XTraniemts Xo (t) = XssH] + L A,eb+ 2)( t A + -eb.t b 1 = us 320 Thingstonote: 1 differentfrom Freg of transientsol" w. w,z is was - = SS. w s.s moves at DRI frequency. 27 superposition Handle 3) Xss(t) solutions. FCT) [C(0) = F = cluz 20 at - (wit) 5) = Xs(t) MpCr = >M. awt to twin to his state sol d) Steady was A(W) A(W 0) == = K A(W = W.) = -(r 0) = = 224W." wwf A(W Amax + = 0) < - - 0 -dA 0 = drco Amx (W) ACUma) = Cmax = wo -. ↳ ACWmex) I AG wo e [1 + 5] &-factor Beats (BVZ 41 & Feynman. A cosuct = A coscit = Y 4 4z = + cosQUct]cos(mt) IA = Wc = WH ws 3 W- Wm= + - 2 - Modulated waves m was. carrier Wc mu B ↳Wm w We - n100 5 for radio waves. Wm ↳since C = x + p 2m f yf, 4 IACOSWCt = coscict 2 COSWmt Coswet[1+ A(COlwstmit COS(W>-wmSF) + = \ LOWER ④ I SIDE -> a RC D BLUE 1 ↑ t wawm Scan sideband UPPER BAND wc wm 7 + w fat may be ↳penualized Parseval's energy. theorem: dGl fdwI (4) E(m(n) = (n 2= < R14) = say we need S.t.U(U) 1bn) = STn16u> 14): (414) 18SIcu = a new bain ↑(H,t) d 7"[f(n3] 7 * + Ockeinn xx(z) f(-n] = 9dwIn = e Energy = theorem Wiener-Khinchin + (X*(+) = Then jet = Sxx(W) to related - (n)I f() f a (n()1 = v · r0> # 4(n,0) = Sxx(w) X(t - z)] Fw [vxx (z)] = spectral density - > oxcillators: Non-linear Nos I -> C symmetric IDEAL ·Physical Approxim L systems Real i twoN = S f(aw *) + (weX, ↳ f f(w,w* e.g. phase invariant i X ( e = f (w,w*) 1WTW. = clNTw 9,w + = PINLO's we 4jp i9,z = aj + write W Reid = a i 3 a = IR R t ↑(R C,B503) =7<in> 0, for 9,z 1zzR2 = + ↳w. - finiteradius can 0 Y 4.R N = = - seeing phased the BOGOLIUBOV - X(t) a()ca = i But = - x= - x X Demand - acoid-acid (1 +i(+) = coso-a rsin o 0 = asino asinp-acost(1 4] i NF(x,x) a cod atint + = = + at Demand - a(t) sin (6()) => x - - ano = is . - itis +1) (( actcos(PCT) - if averaging KRYLON = = as but it isn't. oscillator, x like itlooks asino - i so = NT . . . (iis harmonic = - F aq - NF .. = a NF sino = i = - (ii) Fcso - (F(X,x) x(X 1) = = asind(acoid 1) - - BK a Averaging do N = a sinoCao-1 da a (a se = B Pikofski - du do anzo Caoioof the mari-Harmonic Vap coupled 1 mode Particle a. - Oscillator spectroscopy IR · Landau oscillators: I normal · Stuart ) physics computing knin-gordon eg · wave eq" - dynamics Uncoupling I x x - 1xx L tr # K ! O u rO M m w, . - ↓ ! noun fro = amnimb k M(x = xx, - Mx = - k.(x, - xxy - = = - Xz) k'(xu xi) - XI x,IX x - w,X uncouples x = + mom, Mx 1 + = i vi = - timar w"X: w=X - small ose = o omy k - - I 1/ + k -I approx triatomic molecules i( 1 otomon:re · k,2 112 = - k,2 o MX=iπ - 123 X (n i) = DSTnormal ma to Hamiltonians Relationship N v(q) & > v(q) V(%) = VCH): nij + 8qi + q Vsqsein, + *oscillation of *continuum theory nas particles Rin-Gordoneg", *In: eq Wave Csec 3.s Berkeley) D... 1 l " · I Z Min = - Mw;Yn +k(Yn ↳w5 Take the - +1 continum defined limit = + = OurI(M as + + P(z -a,t) P(2,t) = = -W (z,t = - K(4n 4n ) - - = Yu (#) P(z a,t) P(2t) Pm(+) Yn) - Nult) -> T(z,t) ar+anc.e at auzu.ee + parzye + ↳ equation. klein-gordon kaz a- = a = (dimensionally) Ij=-w54+ jpll Notice: wo soi" . gives o -> wave equ arats Y(z,t) A(Z) COS(WE +9) = i= - A"(z) F w [w. w") A(z) - 1 = 22 -1w4lYe Case 1:w>Wo n'(z): COS(qZ) A(z) a = Case 2:W Bain(qZ) + = W0 wFw" i 12 = - - Attenuation number v = att skin - Reactive a(2)2 A(z) Dispositive. m WI z I > = number depth. Tummeting distance = w w=[R E> = 0 Dispersive Reactive Example: = I(((yu) wp = ↳ (plasma = - relation] ionosphere Earth's w [Dispension momentum e sulation relate Dispension En 05+9" frequency) 47 manx=gfnD NGAXar=Nadae = dro dig = - 4+Nqr =- Nale ↳N." e w fog w. carical in CTunnelling physics) adodo / 1 0000-w L 200 = w,:g 11 m 000 W>w > W, & Tunnelling mu