Deming’s 14 Points for Management - By improving quality, companies will decrease expenses and increase productivity and market share Then say: As an example, Toyota & Sony (Japanese car companies) applied deming’s 14 techniques and saw great success. To start with, Number 1: Create Constancy of purpose the answer to the question WHY? Operational definition of customer needs is essential if we are to meet those needs and expectations at a price customers are willing to pay. And also plan for quality in LONG TERM instead of short term solutions (Example: talk about Restaurant… burgers) & always have a goal of getting better. “today’s short-term measures have long-term impacts.” Number 2: Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age, created by Japan. Why? What’s wrong with the old philosophy? The Japanese attention to TQM principles has created a new economic age: the age of continuous improvement and systems thinking. The new age centres on the statement: “Higher quality costs less, not more.” Explain Number 3: Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Uses statistical control methods (not physical alone since they are costly and unreliable) on the whole process. We need to eliminate all the defects together not only the defects in the final done products. (Build the quality from A to Z and give example on the burgers and restaurant). Number 4: End the practice… ya3ne supplires lezm ykono partners in quality and we should one supplier for every one item TO REDUCE VARIATION. ( already one supplier is risky enough how about more than one??? ) + Use statistics to comply between suppliers & Quality standards.. Number 5: Constant improvement,,, Educate & train workers to minimize variations so everyone do their job better and equally. Number 6: Institute training on job,,, Similar to number 5 inorder to encourage staff to learn from one another and build TEAMWORK. Number 7: Improve leadership Its not only about supervision but rather support the staff to help them do their best. Managers and supervisors should be coaches not a policeman Number 8: Drive out fear,,, Allow people to perform at their best by ensuring that the staff are not afraid to come to work or to say any complaint. And also they can feel valued and appreciate it .. And achieve the main goal which is high quality all together. Number 9: break down barriers … must work as a team to foresee problems of production and build a shared vision… use cross-functional teamwork to build UNDERSTANDINGG ben l departments. Number 10: Eliminate slogans … Let people know exactly shu badda l company don’t make them guess. Be effective in leadership w ma nkhalle l phrases l good sounding replace hal effective leadership and also outline what do u expect from eachone. Number 11: eliminate work standards on factory,, Deming is not telling us to manage without numbers! Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate management by numbers, numerical goals. Substitute leadership. Number 12: remove barriers that rob workers…. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from stressing sheer numbers to quality. Remove barriers that rob people (including those in management and engineering) of their right to pride of workmanship…. (give example) Number 13: Institute a vigorous problem … What an organization needs is not just good people; it needs people that are improving with education. Advances in competitive position will have their roots in knowledge. Deming is, first and foremost, an educator. 'WE'RE NOT HERE TO LEARN SKILLS; WE'RE HERE FOR EDUCATION— (LEARN THEORY) Number 14: Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation… it is not enough that top management commit themselves for life to quality and productivity. They must know what it is that they are committed to: that is, what they must do.( By using kel l points l 13 li fo2) - JURAN TRILOGY: Quality Planning: Quality by Design) The design process enables innovation to happen by designing products (goods, services, or information) together with the processes—including controls—to produce the final outputs. Quality Control: (Process Control & Regulatory) Compliance or quality control is the second universal process in the Juran Trilogy. The concept was to broaden the approach to achieving quality. For a few decades, the word “control” had a broad meaning, which included the concept of quality planning. Then came events that narrowed the meaning of “quality control.” What is Breakthrough Performance? Improvement bseer kel yom bl companies. Improvement is the only way a business survives. It is a continuous activity that is incrementally chipped-away at, day after day. It is different than breakthrough improvement, however. Achieving breakthrough improvement requires taking a step back and analyzing your situation a little closer. Overall, breakthrough results in significant cost reduction, customer satisfaction enhancement, and superior results that will exceed customers’ expectations Quality Improvement: Project by project improvement, Take every project alone and improve it. Continuous Improvement using Lean methodologies and Six Sigma. Removing all failure points is the purpose of quality improvement. Ishikawa: dakhal l training wl statistics metel deming to achieve continuous improvement and quality. ( EXplainn) Philip Crosby: should have zero defects The definition of quality is conformance to requirements. The system of quality is prevention. The performance standard is zero defects. The measurement of quality is the price of non-conformance. + ekhir slides on paper written