Electricity Card Sort Teaching Guide Background: Many students lack a general understanding of where electricity comes from. They understand that turning on a light switch causes the lights to turn on, but very few understand how that electricity is generated. Students also know that there are various renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, however, they typically are unaware of the process by which electricity is generated from these sources. The AP exam expects that students have an understanding of how various energy sources are converted into electrical energy. Students need to know the following flow of energy Fossil Fuels Nuclear source Turbine is attached to a generator. The generator converts the mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy Burned/reacted to create heat. Heat is added to water to create steam Kinetic energy causes turbine to spin Wind, flowing water, waves,or steam from the ground (geothermal) Materials Print a set of cards one per group/pair. If you have time and resources consider printing each page a different color. Procedure Have students use the cards and colored markers (either on butcher paper or chalk markers on black top tables) to create a flow diagram similar to the one above. They will need to add in arrows and may find that they can add to or expand on particular topics. 88 88 Electricity Card Sort Generator Turbine Steam 89 89 Mechanical Energy Electrical Energy 90 90 Natural Gas Oil Coal Wind Nuclear Energy Tidal Waves Geothermal Energy Flowing Water 91 91