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Renewable Energy Resources: Info Sheet

Information sheet: Renewable energy resources
Energy resource
Biomass energy
Animal manure and rotting
plants can be put in a digester
tank to make methane gas which
can be burnt to produce heat.
Fast growing trees can be burnt
to produce heat.
The heat produced can turn
water to steam, to turn turbines
to turn generators.
Solar energy
Some of the Sun’s energy can be
converted into electricity in a
solar cell
Solar cookers and solar panels
use the heat from the Sun
If the right fuel is chosen, it can
usefully use natural waste products.
You can grow more plants and fast
growing trees.
The Sun’s energy is free.
In theory, solar cells, solar panels and
solar cookers can be used almost
Soot and other pollutants can be
formed from burning fuels
It doesn’t work so well in cloudy
You may need a fairly large area of
solar cells to produce enough
electricity. They can be expensive
Geothermal energy
Water is pumped deep into the
Hot rocks inside the Earth heat
up water into steam.
The steam can be used for heat
or to turn a turbine.
The energy is available day and night.
The energy from the Earth is free.
No fuels need to be burnt.
It is only possible to use Geothermal
energy in certain parts of the world
where the hot rocks are not too deep
Hydroelectric energy
Water that is falling downhill
could turn a water wheel,
attached to a generator, creating
A turbine and generator could
also be attached to the dam of a
reservoir in a high up location.
When water is allowed to flow
out of the reservoir, electricity
could be generated.
As long as it rains and there is a way
to store the water high up on a hill
then this energy resource can be
No fuels need to be burnt
It cannot be used in flat (non-hilly)
Building a dam across a river may
cause environmental damage and
flooding of the nearby areas if it were
to rain too much at any point.
Tidal energy
The tides cause movements
within water.
If the water is allowed to pass a
turbine (as it moves) then
electricity will be generated.
Wind energy
The wind can be used to turn a
turbine, which turns a generator.
The wind can also be used to
turn windmills.
Wave energy
The wind causes waves on water.
These waves can be used to
move floats on the surface of the
water, generating electricity.
The tides are predictable
No fuels need to be burnt
Whenever the wind blows there will
be electricity.
No fuels need to be burnt.
As long as there are waves, electricity
will be generated.
No fuels need to be burnt.
To be most effective, it needs to be
used in an area where large tidal
variations are seen.
It works best in windy places.
Many turbines would be needed to
be used to get electricity
It works best with big waves.
You may need a lot of floats to get a
useable amount of electricity.