Electricity is actually the flow or movement of electrons through a material. Electric generating plants typically produce electricity using magnetic conduction. This happens when a large coil of wires are spun around inside a magnetic field, causing electrons to move (i.e., electricity to flow). First, the fuel is burned in a giant furnace to release heat energy. Heat from the furnace then flows around pipes full of cold water. The heat boils the water in these pipes and turns the water into steam. The steam flows at high-pressure around a wheel that's a bit like a windmill made of tightly packed metal blades. It is called a turbine. The blades of the turbine start turning as the steam flows past. These blades are attached to a pole-like shaft. When the blades inside the turbine begin to turn, the shaft (or pole) turns which causes a coil of wires to turn. The container with the coil of wires and the magnet is called a generator. This flow of electrons is electricity. The electricity travels out of the generator to a transformer nearby. Wires coming from the generator are used to conduct the flow of electricity out to a neighboring switchyard so that it can be sent to customers.