Week 8 – Assessment Assessment is “collecting information or evidence on learners and making judgements about it” – Hall, 2014 Purpose of assessment - Monitoring learner progress Establishing level of understanding, knowledge or skills Documenting learner progress Comparing learners Facilitate decision making Screening Diagnostic purposes Enhancing teacher effectiveness Accountability Formative and summative assessment Formative - Supporting learning Monitoring progress Helping students to improve Guides future learning Giving feedback to teachers Usually regular and ongoing Assessment FOR learning The importance – - Black & William 1998: formative assessment is the most effective way to improve achievement Black 2003: feedback comments alone most important Summative - Summing up attainment Measuring outcomes Often occurs at the ‘end’ and/or at pre-defined points Establishing level of achievement Often high-stakes assessment Assessment OF learning Types of assessment - Criterion-reference Norm-reference Class-based assessments Assessment characteristics Reliability - Trustworthiness Dependability Consistency of results over time? Validity - Meaningfulness Does the assessment measure what it is supposed to? Authentic assessment? Why are students tested as individuals, when the world of work requires people who can work well in a team? Why do we test memory, when in the real world engineers and scientists never rely on memory? If they’re stuck, they look things up. Why do we use timed tests when it is usually far more important to get things done right than to get things done quickly? Wiliam (2001), quoted from Hall 2014. Summary - Assessment is an integral part of learning design Helps focus activity: determines what should be learned, how it should be learned, and measures how much learning has taken place To be effective, assessment needs to be designed carefully and appropriately for the course, level and learners. Assessment criteria, marking guidelines and moderation processes help to ensure that assessment is fair and consistent Feedback is a key part of the learning process – ensuring that assessment is a learning activity that informs future performance.