EDUC 205 (Assessment in Learning) INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILO) At the end of this session, students should be able to: Distinguish among measurement, assessment, and evaluation Explain the meaning of assessment FOR, OF and AS LEARNING Motive Question: WHY DO WE NEED ASSESSMENT IN ALL ASPECT OF LEARNING? WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING? Assessment is a key component of learning because it helps students learn. When students are able to see how they are doing in class, they are able to determine whether or not they understand the course material. Assessment can also help motivate students. If students know they are doing poorly, they may begin to work harder. What is your concept on assessment, measurement and evaluation? THREE BASIC CONCEPTS 1. MEASUREMENT Measurement is the process of determining or describing the attributes or characteristics of physical objects generally in terms of quantity. When we measure, we are actually collecting quantitative information relative to some established standards. To measure is to apply a standard measuring device or tool to an object, group of people, events or situations according to procedure determined by the one who is skilled to do so. In the field of education, for example, knowledge of the subject matter is often measured through standardized test. TYPES OF MEASUREMENT Measurement can therefore be objective or subjective. Tests produces OBJECTIVE measurements While, expert’s own preferences or judgement provide SUBJECTIVE measurement Objective measurements are more stable than subjective measurements However, there are certain facets of the quantity or quality of interest that cannot be successfully captured by objective procedure, but which can be done by subjective methods e.g. aesthetic appeal of a product or project of a student, student’s performance in a drama etc. 2. ASSESSMENT The term assessment is derived from the Latin assidere which means “to sit beside” Assessment is the process of gathering evidence of students’ performance over a period of time to determine learning and mastery of skills. Examples: dialogue record,journal/ written work, portfolios, research papers, essays, story written, test results and others. The overall goal of assessment is to improve student learning and provide students, parents and teachers with reliable information regarding student progress and extent of attainment of the expected learning outcomes. ASSESSMENT Assessments use the levels of achievement and standards required for the curricular goals appropriate for the grade or year level. Assessment results show more permanent learning and clearer picture of the student’s ability Assessment of skill attainment is relatively easier than the assessment of the knowledge, understanding and other mental ability. WHY DO YOU THINK SO? Ex: dance , art, music, drama Skills can be practiced and are readily demonstratable either the skill exists at a certain level or it doesn’t. 3. EVALUATION Evaluation originates from the root word “value” and so when we evaluate, we expect our process to give information regarding the worth, appropriateness, goodness, validity or legality of something for which a reliable measurement has been made. Evaluation is a process designed to provide information that will help us to make judgment about a situation. The result of evaluation is to adopt, reject or revise what has been evaluated. Two broad categories FORMATIVE EVALUATION: A method of judging the worth of a program while the program activities are in progress . This type of evaluation focuses on the process. Example: Reading comprehensions or evaluations The results of formative evaluation give opportunities to the proponents, learners and teachers how well the objectives of the program are being attained. Its main objective is to determine deficiencies so that appropriate interventions can be done. SUMMATIVE EVALUATION It is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of the program activities. The focus is on the result. The instruments used to collect data for summative evaluation are questionnaire, survey forms, interview/ observation guide and tests. Summative evaluation is designed to determine the effectiveness of a program or activity based on its avowed purposes. TYPES OF EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF Learning This activity entails determining teaching and learning process. This activity entails selfassessment by learners. This will provide information about learning achievement. The assessment information can be used to plan the instruction, select student activities and diagnose learning strengths, difficulties, and causes. Assessment as learning is when teachers will be observing students by answering questions and reflections on their tasks and learning progress. Ex. Quizzes, pretest and posttest Ex. Self-check, peer assessment, collaborative assessment Student’s performance is graded and certified, passing or failing. It is typically administered at the end of the unit or grading Ex: periodic test, unit or summative test, ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING This activity entails determining teaching and learning feedback. The assessment information can be used to plan the instruction, select student activities and diagnose learning strengths , difficulties and causes. Information can be oral or written feedback. Actions were taken o improve teaching and learning. ASSESSMENT AS LEARNING This activity entails SELF-ASSESSMENT by the learners. Assessment as learning is when teachers will be observing students by answering questions and reflections on their tasks and learning progress. Teachers provide students with feedback based on student selfmonitoring. They will judge their work or will let their peers assess their work. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING This will provide information about learning achievement. It will certify to what extent does the domostration of accomplishment reach. Students’ performance is graded and certified, passing or failing. This is were a student’s ability to perform tasks was classified according to the degree of performance. According to Bhasin (2018) Assessment is defined as a proper collection, interpretation and use of information in regards to learning. He also stated that it gives the teacher a better awareness of peoples’ knowledge and their understanding and what learning experiences are also about their skills and personal characters and capabilities. 6 Assessment types according to function (Bhasin, 2018) 6 Assessment types according to function (Bhasin, 2018) QUIZ TIME! BRAINSTORMING EVALUATION ASSESSMENT MEASUREMENT M TEST Explain the relationship of Test, Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation through Concept Mapping. Question Explain Assessment OF, Assessment FOR, Assessment AS and give other examples Discuss the role of assessment in making instructional decision Enumerate: 3 things you have learned 2 things you still want to learn 1 question you have for the topics Answer Assignment: “Reflective Journal” A. Formative assessment is “when the cook tastes the soup” while summative assessment is “when the guest tastes the soup”. Do you agree? Why or why not? B. “All tests are forms of assessment, but not all assessments are tests: Which definitions of assessment given in B support this statement? A. Your impressions about me (Student’s feedback) THANK YOU! See you again nextweek…