Big Picture Assessment

Thinking about assessment…
 Think of a positive
assessment experience.
 Think of a negative
assessment experience.
 WHAT elements define
the difference between
these two experiences?
 As a high school student…
 How were you assessed?
 What role did you have in assessment?
 What did assessment do for you?
 What parts of this practice would you keep? Delete?
 How does this compare to athletics/music/etc?
What is…
 Assessment for learning?
 Assessment as learning?
 Assessment of learning?
Assessment for Learning
Nature of Assessment
Use of Information
The process of seeking
and interpreting
evidence for use by
learners and their
teachers to decide
where the learners are
in their learning,
where they need to go,
and how best to get
Diagnostic – occurs
before instruction so
teachers can determine
students’ prior knowledge
and skill
It is used by teachers and
students to determine what
students already know and
can do with respect to the
expectations, so teacher can
responsively plan and help
students set goals.
Formative – occurs
frequently in an ongoing
manner during
instruction, while student
are still gaining
knowledge and practicing
It is used by teachers to
monitor students’ progress
towards the expectations, so
that teachers can provide
timely and descriptive
feedback to students;
scaffold next steps for
instruction and assessment.
Assessment as Learning
Nature of Assessment
Use of Information
This focuses on the
explicit fostering of
students’ capacity over
time to be their own best
assessors, but teachers
need to start by
presenting and modelling
structured opportunities
for students to assess
Formative – occurs
frequently during
instruction and in an
ongoing manner during
instruction, with support,
modelling, and guidance
from the teacher. It helps
determine the next steps
in learning.
It is used by students to
provide feedback to other
students (peer
assessment), monitor
their own progress (self
assessment), make
adjustments in their
learning approaches,
reflect on their learning
and set goals.
Assessment of Learning
Nature of Assessment
Use of Information
It confirms what students
know and demonstrates
whether or not students
have met curriculum
Summative – occurs at or
near the end of a period
of learning.
Information is designed
to provide evidence of
achievement to students,
parents and educators.
OF Learning
FOR & AS Learning
 Assessment
 Summative (after)
 Judging
 Diagnostic (before) &
Formative (during, ongoing)
 Assigning grades &
reporting on achievement  Coaching
 Providing feedback to
students & teachers to
make decisions about next
steps in learning
Planning with the End in Mind
What do I want
them to learn?
How will I know
they are learning
How will I
design the
learning so that
all will learn?
How will students demonstrate
their knowledge and skills while
they are learning?
How will we monitor their
Exit cards, journal entries,
observation, conversations,
How will I plan with DI in mind?
What instructional strategies are
appropriate for the learners in my
Planning with the End in Mind
What do I want
them to learn?
How will I know
they have
learned it?
How will I
design the
learning so that
all will learn?
How will students demonstrate
their knowledge and skills when
they have finished learning?
What evidence will be produced?
• Products
• Observations
• Conversations
Assessment Strategies
Informal observation
Anecdotal records
Observation checklists
Rating scales
Scoring guides
Performance assessment rubrics
Tests and quizzes
Daily work
Student Conferences
Graphic Organizers such as concept webs
“Keep Behaviour in Report Cards”
 Reading Strategy: Set the Purpose for Reading
You support or negate the author.