POLICY GUIDE LINE S ON CLASSROOM ASSE SSME NT F OR THE K TO 1 2 BASIC E DUCATION PROGRAM (DO 8, s. 201 5) W hat is Classroom Assessment? Classroom assessment is the process of gathering evidence of what a learner knows, what the learner understands, and what the learner is able to do SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Two types of Classroom Assessment FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT F ORMATIV E ASSE SSME NT This an on-going process to provide learners with immediate feedback on how well they are learning. Results of this assessment are documented but not included in computing grades. SUMMATIV E ASSE SSME NT This is used to measure whether learners have met the content and performance standards. the results of this assessment are used as bases for computing grades. Assessment in the classroom is aimed at helping students to perform well in relation to the learning standards F ormative and Summative Assessment can be done : F ormative Assessment may be integrated in all parts of the lesson: before,during and after the lesson. Summative Assessment is used to measure the different ways learners use and apply knowledge, understanding, and skills. There are three components for this kind of assessment Assessment of Learning Assessment Learning Assessment for Learning Assessment as Learning Computation of Summative Assessment for Grades 1 to 1 2 In a grading period, there is only one Quarterly Assessment but several instances that a learner should produce Written Work and Demonstrate what they;ve learned through various performance Tasks Only the results of Summative assessments are used for grading purposes THANK YOU F OR LISTE NING...