Resolution 2 1 A RESOLUTION to revise Article II Section 1 of the SGA bylaws to include the 2 responsibility of Senators who represent a specific college having to meet 3 with the Dean of that college at least once a semester. 4 5 Whereas, the purpose (Article II of the SGA Constitution) of the SGA at APSU 6 is to connect “students to other students, faculty, staff, and administration in 7 order to improve the quality of student life and strengthen the APSU 8 community” 9 10 Whereas, it will promote a more active relationship between faculty and SGA 11 12 Whereas, it will encourage SGA senators who represent specific colleges to 13 write legislation directly impacting that college 14 15 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE 65TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 16 THE AUSTIN PEAY STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT 17 ASSOCIATION THAT: 18 19 Section 1: Upon passage of this Resolution, the Student Government Association 20 Bylaws under Article II Section 1 will read: “Who represent specific colleges, 21 shall be responsible for meeting with the Dean of that respective college at 22 least once each semester of their term of office.” Submitted by: Senator Taylor, Senator Marler