Notes to the financial statements Note 11: Expenses by function(a) General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m 26,526 23,214 26,935 23,633 21,146 21,719 20,976 21,552 3,923 3,999 4,021 4,098 28,468 29,049 28,468 29,047 61,303 61,585 67,012 66,970 131,901 126,760 131,774 126,685 5,278 6,180 5,281 6,179 3,553 3,744 3,552 3,742 5,954 6,462 5,953 6,461 2,407 2,954 2,404 2,950 2,920 2,245 3,015 2,366 5,022 9,129 12,702 15,779 10,631 10,053 10,577 10,129 72,636 70,253 72,636 70,257 381,668 377,346 395,306 389,848 General public services Defence Public order and safety Education Health Social security and w elfare Housing and community amenities Recreation and culture Fuel and energy Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining, manufacturing and construction Transport and communication Other economic affairs Other purposes Total expenses (a) Refer Note 45 for description of each function. Note 12: Net write-down of assets (including bad and doubtful debts) General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m FINANCIAL ASSETS Receivables - bad and doubtful debts Goods and services Taxes due Other Total receivables - bad and doubtful debts 89 5,097 353 5,539 109 3,951 254 4,314 90 5,097 353 5,540 116 3,951 254 4,321 Net w rite-dow n/(reversal) and impairment arising from the revaluation of investments and other financial assets Total financial w rite-dow n and im pairm ent 12 5,551 1,001 5,315 8 5,548 1,003 5,324 417 1 68 309 51 5 376 16 432 115 68 458 53 6 12 136 12 427 16 107 309 557 6 398 16 437 115 69 458 350 6 12 137 13 1,243 1,292 1,836 1,597 6,794 6,607 7,384 6,921 NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS Inventories Land Buildings Specialist military equipment Other infrastructure, plant and equipment Heritage and cultural assets Other non-financial assets Intangibles Investment properties Net w rite-dow n, im pairm ent and fair value losses arising from the revaluation of non-financial assets Total net w rite-dow n and im pairm ent of assets and fair value losses 94 Notes to the financial statements Note 13: Net gain/(loss) from the sale of assets General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m Net gain/(loss) from sale of investments (129) (2,838) (436) (2,266) Net gain/(loss) from sale of rec eivables - - - - (12 9 ) (2 , 8 3 8 ) (4 3 6 ) (2 , 2 6 6 ) 147 (10) 248 (9) 159 (11) 262 (10) less written down value of land and buildings sold (142) (263) (132) (275) Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of la nd a nd buildings (5 ) (2 4 ) 16 (2 3 ) 162 FINANCIAL AS S ETS Tota l ne t ga ins/ (losse s) from sa le of fina nc ia l a sse ts NO N- FINANCIAL AS S ETS Proc eeds from sale of land and buildings less selling c osts of sale of land and buildings Proc eeds from sale of investment properties 5 160 73 less selling c osts of investment properties (1) (1) (1) (1) less written down value of investment properties (5) (156) (45) (157) (1) 3 27 4 35 34 41 46 (4) (2) (4) (2) (54) (42) (65) (67) a nd e quipme nt (2 3 ) (10 ) (2 8 ) (2 3 ) Proc eeds from sale of intangibles 1,484 12 1,485 12 - - - - (2) 1, 4 8 2 (13) (1) (4) 1, 4 8 1 (13) (1) 13 79 13 79 - - - - (13) (79) (13) (79) Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of inve stme nt prope rtie s Proc eeds from sale of infrastruc ture, plant and equipment less selling c osts of infrastruc ture, plant and equipment less written down value of infrastruc ture, plant and equipment sold Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of infra struc ture , pla nt less selling c osts of intangibles less written down value of intangibles Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of inta ngible s Proc eeds from sale of biologic al assets less selling c osts of biologic al assets less written down value of biologic al assets Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of biologic a l a sse ts - - - - Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of non- fina nc ia l a sse ts 1, 4 5 3 (3 2 ) 1, 4 9 6 (4 3 ) Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of a sse ts 1, 3 2 4 (2 , 8 7 0 ) 1, 0 6 0 (2 , 3 0 9 ) 15 12 16 13 1, 3 3 9 (2 , 8 5 8 ) 1, 0 7 6 (2 , 2 9 6 ) Add bac k selling c osts inc luded in expenses from transac tions Ne t ga in/ (loss) from sa le of a sse ts in othe r e c onomic flows 95 Notes to the financial statements Note 14: Net foreign exchange gain/(losses) General Government Australian Government 2013 $m 2012 $m 2013 $m 2012 $m Net foreign exchange gains/(losses) Non-speculative (2,284) 1,001 1,678 766 Net foreign exchange gains/(losses) (2,284) 1,001 1,678 766 Note 15: Net swap interest received General Government 2013 2012 $m $m Australian Government 2013 2012 $m $m Net sw ap interest Net sw ap interest revenue Net sw ap interest expense 387 (371) 462 (499) 472 (427) Net sw ap interest received 16 (37) 45 604 (611) (7) Note 16: Other gains/(losses) General Government 2013 2012 $m $m Fair value gains/(losses) - financial instruments Fair value gains - biological assets Fair value gains - investment properties Net actuarial gains/(losses) Other Total other gains/(losses) 25,113 4 4 (1,546) 114 23,689 96 (17,620) 12 (2,839) 155 (20,292) Australian Government 2013 2012 $m $m 25,298 4 15 (1,546) 114 23,885 (18,765) 12 (2,839) 154 (21,432) Notes to the financial statements Note 17: Advances paid and receivables General Government Australian Government 2013 2012 2013 2012 $m $m $m $m Advances paid Loans to State and Territory governments Higher Education Loan Program Student Financial Supplement Scheme Other less Provision for doubtful debts 2,486 21,593 677 4,641 (24) 2,872 19,400 653 3,917 (25) 2,486 21,593 677 5,349 (30) 2,872 19,400 653 4,528 (31) Total advances paid 29,373 26,817 30,075 27,422 781 3,261 35,533 189 8,762 1,017 3,033 33,100 59 8,033 1,807 3,261 35,521 493 8,421 1,994 3,033 33,060 648 7,274 (2,522) (2,626) (2,538) (2,641) (667) (671) (667) (671) (12,269) (2,773) 30,295 (11,564) (2,882) 27,499 (12,269) (2,773) 31,256 (11,564) (2,882) 28,251 10,942 396 11,338 41,633 71,006 10,685 339 11,024 38,523 65,340 10,942 545 11,487 42,743 72,818 10,685 469 11,154 39,405 66,827 Advances paid and receivables m aturity schedule Not later than one year 36,822 Later than one year and not later than tw o years 26,031 Later than tw o years and not later than five years 1,144 Later than five years 7,009 Total advances paid and receivables by m aturity 71,006 32,910 25,178 1,358 5,894 65,340 38,069 26,102 1,620 7,027 72,818 33,403 25,355 1,808 6,261 66,827 Other receivables Goods and services receivable Recoveries of benefit payments Taxes receivable Other financial assets Other less Provision for doubtful debts - Goods and services and other less Provision for doubtful debts - Personal benefits receivable less Provision for doubtful debts - Taxes receivable less Provision for credit amendments Total other receivables Accrued revenue Accrued taxation revenue Other accrued revenue Total accrued revenue Other receivables and accrued revenue Total advances paid and receivables 97 Notes to the financial statements Reconciliation of the allowance for doubtful debts(a) Movements in relation to 2013 Australian Government Opening doubtful debts balance less Amounts w ritten off less Amounts recovered and reversed plus Increase/decrease recognised in net surplus plus Other movement Total Advances and loans $m 31 2 (6) 7 30 Goods and services and other(a) $m 2,641 75 7 53 (74) 2,538 Total $m 2,672 77 7 47 (67) 2,568 Advances and loans $m 25 2 (6) 7 24 Goods and services and other(a) $m 2,626 70 6 49 (77) 2,522 Total $m 2,651 72 6 43 (70) 2,546 Advances and loans $m 43 3 10 (19) 31 Goods and services and other(a) $m 2,435 63 66 347 (12) 2,641 Total $m 2,478 66 66 357 (31) 2,672 Advances and loans Goods and services and other(a) General Government Opening doubtful debts balance less Amounts w ritten off less Amounts recovered and reversed plus Increase/decrease recognised in net surplus plus Other movement Total Movements in relation to 2012 Australian Government Opening doubtful debts balance less Amounts w ritten off less Amounts recovered and reversed plus Increase/decrease recognised in net surplus plus Other movement Total General Government $m $m Opening doubtful debts balance 38 2,423 less Amounts w ritten off 3 60 less Amounts recovered and reversed 64 plus Increase/decrease recognised in net surplus 10 337 plus Other movement (20) (10) Total 25 2,626 (a) Excludes statutory receivables such as taxes receivable and personal benefits recoverable. 98 Total $m 2,461 63 64 347 (30) 2,651 Notes to the financial statements Note 18: Investments, loans and placements Gold Deposits Government securities Debentures International Monetary Fund quota Defined benefit superannuation plan assets Collective investment vehicles Other interest bearing securities Other Total investm ents, loans and placem ents General Government 2013 2012 $m $m 32,455 28,654 233 314 5,247 4,798 29,498 24,837 31,373 31,518 12,291 8,371 111,097 98,492 Australian Government 2013 2012 $m $m 3,299 4,027 14,942 16,453 86,968 69,773 782 983 9,992 9,157 41 29,498 24,837 31,373 31,518 14,446 10,374 191,300 167,163 General Government 2013 2012 $m $m 33,661 28,640 24,879 20,897 493 500 59,033 50,037 Australian Government 2013 2012 $m $m 34,401 29,349 504 790 34,905 30,139 Note 19: Equity investments Investments - Shares Investment in public corporations Equity accounted investments Total equity investm ents 99