MICHAEL BOWLER 305 298 2052 TEXT FOCUS ON GRAMMAR 4 Syllabus EAP 0460, Grammar Level 4, Reference # Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer, Year Instructor: BOWLER Email: MBOWLER@MDC.EDU Mailbox located in room 6237 Instructor is available for help outside of class by appointment. Text: FOCUS ON GRAMMAR 4 BY FUCHS & BONNER. Textbooks are available in Campus bookstore. Important Dates this semester: (Academic calendar: http://www3.mdcc.edu/academic_calendar/calendar.pdf ) Last day to drop with a “W” : Last day of class: Final Exam date: Course Information EAP 0460 - Grammar Level 4 Course Description: Students develop the ability to use intermediate-level grammatical structures appropriate to classroom discussion, oral presentation, and writing of more sophisticated academic paragraphs with an emphasis on increased accuracy. 3 credits Prerequisites: EAP 0360 or placement as determined by score on ACT/ESL Co-requisite: None DEMONSTRATION OF PROFICIENCY Competency 1: The student will demonstrate proficiency when using the grammatical structures from Levels 1 - 3 (See competencies for these levels). SENTENCE STRUCTURE, CONJUNCTIONS & CLAUSES Competency 2: The student will use a variety of sentence structure patterns (including questions) appropriate to the level and containing grammatical forms covered in this and previous levels. Also: a. Either/neither/so/too b. Restrictive and non-restrictive adjective clauses with relative pronouns (who, whom, which, that, whose) PARTS OF SPEECH (N. PN, ADJ. ADV. PREP) AND PHRASES Competency 3: The student will use the following grammatical forms in appropriate word order and context: a. Gerunds and infinitives after verbs b. Past participles c. Comparative, superlative, and equatives d. Intensifiers (e.g. very, too, etc. VERBS (Tense, Aspect, Voice, & Mood) Competency 4: The student will use the following verbs in affirmative, negative, and question forms as indicated by the context of a passage or conversation: a. Present perfect b. Present perfect progressive Teaching methods: video; class discussion; computer assisted learning; collaborative activities; dictations; tapes and cds, lecture, other Course Requirements: In addition to your class time, you are required to keep a journal of assigned homework that is not in the text.___ (example: read a pre-approved book and write a short review; take dictation from 5 audio-books; prepare an oral presentation; etc. Attendance Policy: You should come to every class in order to obtain the most complete educational experience. Participation in this class is only possible if you attend class. Absences: Students may be absent from one class with no penalties. Students who are absent _3___ times will see their final grade lowered by one letter grade. Students who are absent __6__ times will see their final grade lowered by two letter grades. Students who are absent __8__ or more times will be asked to drop the class, or the instructor will drop them or assign a grade of “F”. Tardiness: If you are late, please enter quietly and join in the class activities. For every _3__ times that you arrive late or depart early, this will count as one absence. Exceptions may be made if you provide documentation which demonstrates that you had a serious illness, injury or court appearance. (Note: reword this to fit your own preferences.) Course Policies: Make a statement here about your expectations in class (cell phones, gum, beepers, food, drink, laughing at other students, talking out of turn). CELL PHONES MUST BE ON VIBRATE. GUM MUST NOT BE PUT UNDER THE DESK. Student code of conduct: The college policy on the Student Code of Conduct is located at http://www.mdc.edu/pdf/procedures/4071.pdf. Please familiarize yourself with it. Academic dishonesty: The department affirms its commitment to treat cases of academic dishonesty according to Miami-Dade Community College Procedure No. 4074. Students are forewarned that academic dishonesty in any form will be penalized according to this procedure. The instructor has the option to award a grade of “F” for the course. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty may also result in the student’s being placed on academic probation, suspended from school, or dismissed from the College. The College policy for dealing with Academic Dishonesty is located at http://www.mdc.edu/pdf/procedures/4074.pdf Course Drop: It is your responsibility to drop this class within the time available. The College academic calendar is available at http://www.mdc.edu/academic_calendar/ Grading: The final grade for this course will be based on the following: Tests Workbook Assignments Lab Assignments Homework Attendance Participation Final Exam Extra Credit Presentations Portfolios Group Project Other 50% 0% % % 20% 20% 10% % % % % % Make-Up Test: There will be no make-up tests. Incompletes: No incomplete grades will be assigned. Scale: A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D F 60-69% Students earning a “D” must retake the class and earn a “C” or better before advancing to the next level. Below 59% Tutoring is available in the lab in room 6237 for students who have a paid registration to use the lab. Tentative Class Schedule: (This section shows what material will be covered each week, when you plan to schedule tests and quizzes, and when other requirements must be met by the student). Week One PAGE 1- 80 VERB REVIEW Week Two Week Three Week Four 88-152 QUESTIONS GERUNDS INFINITIVES Week Five Week Six Week Seven 158-225 PHRASAL VERBS ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 225-270 MODALS 270- 308 PASSIVE Week Eight Week Nine Week Ten Week Eleven Week Twelve Week Thirteen 314-367 CONDITIONALS Week Fourteen Week Fifteen 367-413 INDIRECT SPEECH EMBEDDED QUESTIONS Final Exam week SEE WEB PAGE FOR ADA COMPLIANCE STATEMENT.