MIAMI-DADE COLLEGE Professor: Office Hours: e-mail

Dept. of ESL and Foreign Languages
EAP Reading 0420
Office Hours:
Sequence #:
Days ,Time
and Room #:
Semester dates:
Angela Bronsburg
By appointment only
Tuesday & Thursday 6:30 – 9:50 pm.
Room: 9118
May 11th – June 19th
Interactions 2 Reading
Pamela Hartmann and Elaine Kirn
Course Description:
Students continue to develop academic reading abilities including text on contemporary
and literary topics with an emphasis on extensive reading and enhancement of critical
reading skills.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EAP 0320 or equivalent proficiency
Competency 1: The student will read a variety of texts of varying lengths on
contemporary and literary topics with some fluency and speed emphasizing vocabulary
Competency 2: The student will distinguish between main ideas and supporting details
in simplified and / or authentic texts at the high intermediate level.
Competency 3: The student will use a variety of textual clues, e.g., sentence connectors,
signal words, and pronoun reference to understand and discuss the meaning and structure
(i.e., patterns of organization) of a text.
Competency 4: The student will enhance the ability to apply the following critical
thinking skills when reading:
 Draw conclusions from stated information.
 Make simple predictions.
Relate reading to personal experience.
a. Understand the meaning of new vocabulary through:
1. Context clues, e.g., synonyms, antonyms, examples, definitions,
and restatements, etc…
2. Roots and affixes.
b. Analyze text, e.g., simple outlining and note taking, summarize, draw
conclusions, apply information to personal experiences.
c. Recognize facts and opinions.
Competency 5: The student will identify common cultural references.
Teaching Methods may include: video; class discussion; computer assisted learning;
collaborative activities; dictations; tapes and cds, lecture, other.
Course requirements:
In addition to your class time, you are required to complete all assignments before
coming to class, for these are part of your participation grade. You will also be required
to complete 15 hours of Lab work. (1 hr. per week) The Mosaic 1 Reading program is
available at the Lab.
Attendance and Attendance rationale:
Because practice and performance are the keys to learning a language, you are expected
to attend all classes. Please come on time. If you are late, enter quietly and try not to
disturb the class. Turn off cellular phones, beepers and pagers. If you miss class because
of an emergency, please email your instructor. 2 unexcused absences are allowed. You
must provide a legitimate written excuse for all other absences, i.e.; doctor’s note, travel
itinerary (not vacation related), garage bill, accident report, and / or verification
concerning bereavement, etc. A written excuse from home is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Unexcused absences will result in a deduction of points from the overall final grade. 3
points per unexcused absence. Points will also be deducted for repeated tardiness.
Classroom policies:
*Cell phones MUST be turned off during class. If you answer the phone in class, you
will be asked to leave which will count as an absence, i.e. -3pts.
*Textbooks must be brought to every class meeting.
*Assignments will be collected on the day they are due.
*Assignments must be submitted typed, double spaced, on letter size paper.
*Students are expected to conduct themselves properly with respect for the instructor,
other students and themselves. Any student who repeatedly disrupts the class will be
asked to drop the class.
*If you have to be absent, contact a classmate to share notes about what you missed in
Grading Policy:
Make-Up Test: There will be no make-up tests.
Incompletes: No incomplete grades will be assigned.
Scale: A
Students who earn a “D” must repeat the course and earn a
“C” or better before advancing to the next level.
Below 70%
Tutoring is available in the lab in room 6237 for students who have a paid registration to
use the lab.
Student code of conduct: The college policy on the Student Code of Conduct is located
at Please familiarize yourself with it.
Academic dishonesty: The department affirms its commitment to treat cases of
academic dishonesty according to Miami-Dade Community College Procedure No. 4074.
Students are forewarned that academic dishonesty in any form will be penalized
according to this procedure. The instructor has the option to award a grade of “F” for the
course. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty may also result in the student’s
being placed on academic probation, suspended from school, or dismissed from the
College. The College policy for dealing with Academic Dishonesty is located at
Course Drop: It is your responsibility to drop this class within the time available. The
College academic calendar is available at
Breakdown of final grade:
5 tests @ 15% each = 75%
Participation = 25%
Tentative course schedule:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Chapter 1: Education: A Reflection of Society
Test 1
Chapter 2: A City That’s Doing Something Right
Test 2
Chapter 3: Banking on Poor Women
Test 3
Week 4:
Week 5:
Chapter 4: Changing Career Trends
Test 4
Chapter 5: Trendspotting
Test 5