Functions PP

Functions PP
You will be selecting stories that represent each function. You can select a story that has more
than one function. The key is to explain how that story meets the function you say it does.
You will need to:
1. Include the title of the article, the date, the author, and the news organization
2. Summary of the article (please don’t read this to the audience word for word)
3. What function that article is serving and HOW YOU KNOW THAT.
a. Example: This story is marketplace because it is telling the buyer why they should
stay away from LG tvs and why they should buy Samsung.
4. Again, some articles could potentially represent more than one function – I’m fine with
that – but you need to be able to explain each function of that article.
All functions, and required article info – 5 points for each:
_____Watch dog
_____Record Keeping
_____Agenda setting
_____Witness Bearer
_____Sense maker
_____Watch dog
_____Forum Organizer
_____Role model
_____Community building