3C’s Monday Memo

3C’s Monday Memo
April 4, 2016
Math: We will be working with standard and metric
measurement to the nearest inch and ½ inch. There
will be a check point quiz on Friday.
Memorizing math facts is very important in 3rd grade.
REFLEX has begun. User name is kfedders and then
students will need their birth date month/date. Also,
Dreambox can be completed at home any day of the
week and allows your child to work at his/her level.
Social Studies: We will continue the economics unit.
This week we will be reading and discussing the pages
in Our World. Students will also complete a decision
tree activity. The test will be next week, April 12th.
Reading: This week’s focus is identifying the
elements of fables and porquois. Students will be
reading, discussing, and comparing various versions.
Your child should have the Reading Log and Raz Kids
log in the homework binder for easy access so you can
monitor progression. Some students have already
completed the reading log!
Word Study 2nd week of words – choice on
Tuesday and practice test on Thursday. Please check
your child’s spelling, have them correct any mistakes,
and sign both assignment and planner.
Writer’s Workshop: Thanks for all of your help with
memorizing of speeches and designing of display
boards! The Wax Museum was a huge success. We
will now be back to business fine tuning our writing
skills. Our next writing project will be drafting a
fractured fairytale. This is usually the students’
favorite unit, and I know it is mine!
Hello! Bonjour! Shalom! Kon’nichiwa! ¡Hola! On
April 12th the SCA is hosting a multicultural dress up
day where students can also participate in the
Multicultural parade from 8:00-8:15am. Students are
asked to wear clothing that celebrates their heritage.
For example this can be traditional clothing, team
shirts, shirts with a country flag, or accessories like a
Hawaiian lei. We look forward to seeing students
dressed for the occasion!
College might seem a long way off, but in the blink of
an eye your children will be heading off to college. If
you have been thinking about saving for your
children's education, or wondering if you are saving
enough money to send 1, 2, 3 or more children to
college without bankrupting your retirement, then
please join us on April 5 @ 7:00 pm -8:30 pm for an
informative and timely workshop. Learn strategies
you can employ now while your children are young.
Lowes Island is proud to host The College Funding
Coach®. To RSVP: Click here or visit our website
www.thecollegefundingcoach.org and look for
upcoming classes in your area.
This year’s field trip is in May. We will be touring the
Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum on the 11th. More
information to come.
PE is on M, T & TH please be sure your child has
appropriate shoes. Please have your child wear
them to school – changing hasn’t been working out.
If students have any games, performances, meets,
etc. they would like me to attend, please send dates
and times. I would love to see them and will try to
work it into my schedule. : )
If you have read this memo, print out a copy and sign
for your child. He/she will receive an extra sticker for
good behavior chart!!
Mrs. Feddersen
On Lowes Island home page, there are more available
sites to use.