3C’s Monday Memo March 14, 2016

3C’s Monday Memo
March 14, 2016
Math: We will complete the Fraction Unit this week.
We will have a review day on Tuesday and take the
test on Wednesday, March 16th on the laptops. Please
be sure to check over notes in the math notebook with
your student and go over any mistakes on papers that
come home.
Our class won the beanbag chair for our room for the
Read-a-thon contest! Thanks for all of your donations!
The students are so excited.
Sydney Le won the Chrome book for 3-5 grades.
In addition, we will be working on telling time and
elapsed time on Monday, Thursday, and Friday, with a
quiz on Friday.
Our school is collecting art supplies for Inova Hospital
for Children. Please check the school newsletter for
more information.
Memorizing math facts is very important in 3rd grade.
REFLEX has begun. User name is kfedders and then
students will need their birth date month/date. Also,
Dreambox can be completed at home any day of the
week and allows your child to work at his/her level.
Wacky Tacky Day is this Friday!
Science : We will complete the simple machines unit
for science this week. Test is on Friday. Students will
be bringing home the science notebook every night to
review for the test. On Monday, students will bring
home instructions for a Simple Machines Home
Scavenger Hunt. This activity is due on Wednesday.
Please check with your child to make sure he/she
has glue, a highlighter, room in math journal
notebook – may be almost filled, etc.
Reading: This week’s focus is identifying the main
idea with details supporting your choice.
Your child should have the Reading Log and Raz Kids
log in the homework binder for easy access so you can
monitor progression.
Word Study 2nd week of words – choice on
Tuesday and practice test on Thursday. Test on
Friday. Please check your child’s spelling, have them
correct any mistakes, and sign both assignment and
Writer’s Workshop All reports are typed and it is
time to get our speeches ready. We will complete the
speech outline and notecards in class. Speeches should
be practiced at home and timed to make sure they are
approximately 1 minute. If longer, we will need to
“shave” it down. Hopefully, all of the students have
started on their display boards at home. The Wax
Museum is April 1st and the classroom speech for the
grade will be that week earlier.
Needed: tissues! We have 1 box left. Please consider
sending a box in, especially if your child uses a lot of
tissues due to allergies and colds.
PE is on M, T & TH please be sure your child has
appropriate shoes. Please have your child wear
them to school – changing hasn’t been working out.
If students have any games, performances, meets,
etc. they would like me to attend, please send dates
and times. I would love to see them and will try to
work it into my schedule. : )
If you have read this memo, print out a copy and sign
for your child. He/she will receive an extra sticker for
good behavior chart!!
Mrs. Feddersen
On Lowes Island home page, there are more available
sites to use.