The Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Democracy AP Notes Chapter 11

The Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Democracy
AP Notes Chapter 11
What were the circumstances of the election of 1800 that led to the 12th Amendment?
Why is the election of 1800 referred to as the “Revolution of 1800”?
What areas of the country supported the Federalists?
Democratic Republicans?
What was Jefferson’s mission as president?
Compare Jefferson’s philosophy as a Democratic Republican to the reality of his presidency
in the following areas:
Inaugural address:
Changes in etiquette:
Alien and Sedition Acts:
Hamilton’s fiscal policies:
Acquisition of territory:
How important was establishing the principle of judicial review? How did Marshal’s decision
in Marbury v. Madison differ from the position taken by Jefferson?
The failed attempt to impeach Samuel Chase is significant because:
Who was Aaron Burr? What was his role in the Jefferson administration?
What was his role in U.S. expansion and foreign policy?
Why did Jefferson send a navy to fight at Tripoli?
How were our neutral rights violated?
Orders in Council
Chesapeake Incident
Napoleon’s response:
Jefferson’s solution:
What were the consequences of the Embargo of 1807?
How did U.S. policies concerning neutral rights change under Madison?
Non – Intercourse Act of 1809
Macon’s Bill No. 2
Why did war between Britain and the U.S. become inevitable?
War Hawks in Congress – Henry Clay
Indian threat on the frontier – Tecumseh and the Prophet
British impressments and blockade practices
American disunity?