Name: _______________________________ USVA History Chapter 6.3 – Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Chapter 6.3 – Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course
Main Idea – The Revolution of 1800 brought the _________________________________ Party
into power, which led to a changes in the national government and expansion in the West.
Jefferson Wins Presidential Election of 1800
______________________ – Adams (Federalist) vs. Jefferson (Dem.-Repub.)
o Jefferson and VP candidate __________________ tied in electoral college
o Hamilton convinced House of Representatives to vote for _____________
o SIG – Revolution of 1800 – first ________________________________
from one political party to another political party in American history
John Marshall and the Supreme Court
John Marshall (Federalist) = Supreme Court _________________ for 30+ years
o His decisions consistently strengthened the power of the ______________
government at the expense of the power of ______________ governments
________________________________________________ (1803)
o Background: John Adams had appointed several Federalist judges just
before leaving office = _____________________________________
o William Marbury, a midnight judge, sued the government for his position
according to the provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1789
o Marshall ruled that the part of the Judiciary Act that gave the Supreme
Court the power to order Madison to award the commission to Marbury
was unconstitutional
o SIG – established the principle of ___________________________ – def.
the Supreme Court has the power to declare an act of Congress
The United States Expands West
__________________________________________ (1803)
o The Louisiana Territory was owned by France (Napoleon)
o Jefferson wanted to purchase the port of ___________________ to protect
western farmers by ensuring their use of the Mississippi River
o U.S. purchased Louisiana Territory from France for __________________
o SIG –
 _____________________ the size of the United States – more land
for western farmers
___________________________________________ (1804-1806)
o Jefferson hired Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the
Louisiana Territory from St. Louis (on the Mississippi River) to the
Pacific Ocean
o Goal – to gather _____________________ information on plants, animals,
geography, and to learn about Native Americans living in the West
o ____________________ = female Native American guide for the journey