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Early Republic
1. One similarity in the foreign policies of
Presidents George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, and James Monroe was that
(1) favored France over England
(2) promoted colonial expansion
(3) came to the defense of Latin American
(4) sought to avoid involvement in
European political struggles
2 Conflicts between Jeffersonians and
Hamiltonians during President George
Washington’s first administration led
directly to the
(1) end of the Era of Good Feelings
(2) decision to replace the Articles of
(3) addition of the elastic clause to the
(4) start of the first political parties
3 What economic change resulted from the
transportation revolution before the Civil
(1) The Northeast became better
connected to the western section of the
(2) Trade between the United States and
Europe was sharply reduced.
(3) The system of slavery on southern
plantations began to disappear.
(4) The federal government began to
regulate new businesses.
4 The Articles of Confederation and the
theory of nullification were both attempts
(1) strengthen the national government
(2) form new political parties
(3) protect states’ rights
(4) strengthen the presidency
5 How did President George Washington
react to the conflict between France and
England in
(1) He used the opportunity to begin the
war for American independence.
(2) He declared the neutrality of the
United States.
(3) He aided the French because they had
supported the American Revolution.
(4) He negotiated a peace settlement
between the warring nations.
6 A loose interpretation of the
Constitution was applied when
(1) George Washington appointed John
Jay to the Supreme Court
(2) John Adams signed the Alien and
Sedition Acts
(3) Thomas Jefferson purchased the
Louisiana Territory
(4) James Monroe delivered his State of
the Union message
7 One reason James Madison and Thomas
Jefferson objected to Alexander
Hamilton’s financial policies was that they
(1) the establishment of a national bank
was unconstitutional
(2) a laissez-faire policy would not help
the country’s economy
(3) the government should encourage
industrial development
(4) high tariffs were needed to protect
America’s economic interests
8 Which proposal was included in
Secretary of the Treasury Alexander
Hamilton’s financial plans in the 1790s?
(1) incentives to encourage agricultural
(2) creation of a national bank
(3) direct taxes on the states to support
government operations
(4) free trade with other nations
9. President George Washington’s
principal reason for issuing the
Proclamation of Neutrality (1793) was to
(1) repay France for help in the
Revolutionary War
(2) protect United States interests in the
Caribbean area
(3) safeguard the newly won independence
(4) punish the British for failing to
withdraw from American territory
10. The Supreme Court decision in
Marbury v. Madison (1803) was important
because it
(1) established the principle of judicial
(2) led to the reelection of President
Thomas Jefferson
(3) showed that the states were stronger
than the federal government
(4) proved that the legislative branch was
the most powerful branch of government
11. During the first half of the 19th
century, the construction of canals and
roads led to the
(1) expansion of trade between
farmers and eastern merchants
(2) growth of plantation agriculture in
Texas and New Mexico
(3) severe economic decline of the South
(4) bankruptcy of several railroad
companies in the Mississippi Valley
12. Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander
Hamilton’s plan to create a national bank
primarily because the plan would
(1) weaken the nation’s currency
(2) increase the national debt
(3) promote the interests of farmers
(4) depend on a loose interpretation of the
13. “ ’Tis [It is] our true policy to steer
clear of permanent alliances with any
portion of the foreign world. . . .”
— President George Washington, Farewell
The United States was able to follow this
advice from President Washington for
several decades primarily because of
(1) industrial and agricultural selfsufficiency
(2) strong support from other Western
Hemisphere nations
(3) geographic isolation from Europe
(4) peaceful relations between the
European powers
14. The completion of the Erie Canal in
the early 19th century aided the economic
development of the United States by
(1) supplying water for the irrigation of
western farms
(2) lowering the cost of shipping goods
from the Midwest to the Atlantic coast
(3) providing a shipping route for cotton
from the South to Europe
(4) supplying waterpower for running
factories and mills
15. Which action during Washington’s
administration led to the Whiskey
Rebellion in western Pennsylvania?
(1) passage of a new excise tax
(2) establishment of a presidential cabinet
(3) creation of the Bank of the United
(4) ban on slavery in the Northwest
16. The foreign policies of George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James
Monroe were similar in that they each
(1) supported wars against England
(2) failed to acquire new territory
(3) attempted to avoid involvement in
European affairs
(4) aided the French in return for their help
during the Revolutionary War
17. Acquiring New Orleans as part of the
Louisiana Purchase was considered
important to the development of the
Mississippi and Ohio River valleys
because the city
(1) provided protection from attacks by the
(2) provided migrant workers for river
valley farms
(3) served as a port for American
agricultural goods
(4) served as the cultural center for the
18. One major reason that Alexander
Hamilton proposed a national bank was to
(1) improve the economic position of the
United States government
(2) help state governments collect taxes
(3) make loans available to owners of
small farms
(4) reduce foreign investment in the
United States
19. A major foreign policy success of
President Thomas Jefferson’s
administration was the
(1) purchase of the Louisiana Territory
(2) support for the Alien and Sedition Acts
(3) victory in the war of 1812
(4) passage of the Embargo Act
20. The Supreme Court decisions in
Gibbons v. Ogden and Northern Securities
Co. v. United States were based on the
federal government’s power to
(1) issue patents
(2) control the stock market
(3) regulate interstate commerce
(4) encourage technological development
21. How did Alexander Hamilton’s
financial plan affect the economy of the
United States during
the 1790s?
(1) National tax revenues decreased.
(2) High tariffs increased foreign trade.
(3) Treasury policies contributed to
widespread inflation.
(4) The newly created Bank of the United
States helped stabilize the economy.
22. One result of the purchase of the
Louisiana Territory (1803) was that the
United States
(1) acquired California from Spain
(2) gained control of the port of New
(3) ended border conflicts with British
(4) annexed Florida
23. The decision in Marbury v. Madison
(1803) was significant because it
established that the Supreme Court
(1) had limited powers over state courts
(2) had the power to choose its own
(3) could declare a federal law
(4) could impeach the president and other
government officials
Base your answer to question 24 on the
passage below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
… Europe has a set of primary interests
which to us have none or a very remote
relation. Hence she must be engaged in
frequent controversies,
the causes of which are essentially foreign
to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must
be unwise in us to implicate [connect]
ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary
vicissitudes [changes] of her politics or the
ordinary combinations and collisions of
her friendships or enmities
— President George Washington, Farewell
Address, 1796
25. According to the passage, President
Washington believed that the United
States should
(1) seek financial aid from European
(2) end all existing European friendships
(3) avoid involvement in the political
disputes of Europe
(4) discontinue commercial relations with
26. Many critics of the electoral college
system point
out that it
(1) penalizes the states with the smallest
(2) encourages the formation of minor
political parties
(3) grants too much influence to the
United States Senate
(4) might not select the candidate with the
largest number of popular votes
27. The establishment of judicial review in
Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave federal
courts the authority to
(1) decide whether a law is constitutional
(2) create lower courts
(3) approve foreign treaties
(4) appoint judges to lifetime terms
28. A major reason for purchasing the
Louisiana Territory (1803) was to
(1) gain access to the Ohio Territory
(2) remove the British from the borders of
the United States
(3) secure control of the port of New
(4) open the Rocky Mountains to miners