Woodland Hills High School Lesson Plans

Name: Doreen Tabb
Content Area: Entrepreneurship
Woodland Hills High School
Lesson Plans
Date: 11/24/2014
Length of Lesson: 3days
Stage I – Desired Results
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor):
Big Ideas: Developing the first three parts
Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening:
of the Business Plan: Management Team
15.5.12.A Analyze personal choices
NBEA- Entrepreneurship I -Entrepreneur Opportunity
Description, Product and
15.5.12.D Create a business plan
Choose a National Standard:
Service Plan
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
make journal entries in Microsoft Word as their warm-up
Take guided notes as a summary for class concepts
Create an electronic folder, save and retrieve files
Edit a document in Microsoft Word
Write essays about entrepreneurial concepts
Essential Questions: What are your
management team qualifications for
making the venture a success? How wil
your experiences help you run a small
business? Who will you hire to help run
your business? What is your business
concept, goals, and objectives? What
product or service will you provide?
Understanding Goals (Concepts):
Journal entries as warm-up activity
Comprehending entrepreneurial and business
Developing first three parts of the Business Plan
Vocabulary: Literacy Week 2-3 Vocab
business plan, CEO, CFO, COO,
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task: Guided Notes, Using the computer as a learning resource, Keyboarding Practice, Editing a document in
Microsoft Word, Research using internet
Other Evidence: teacher
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources: Computers, MicroType software, Syllabus, Parent Letter
Formative Assessment(s):
#4. Student Monitoring
#5. Graphic Organizers
#6. Peer Tutoring
#1. Pre-Assessment
#2. Summarizing Key Concepts
#3. Summarizing New Skills
CONTENT AREA READING: Hightlight important steps or key terms
Instructional Procedures*: (includes mini-lessons) Lecture / Guided Notes
Active Engagements used:
#1. Note-Taking
#2. Graphic Organizers
Others: Using
the computer, software and
internet as learning resources
Scaffolding used:
#1. Guided Notes
#2 . Build Vocabulary
Others: Build
on prior knowledge
Describe usage:
Describe usage:
 DO NOW: Literacy Journal
Entry" In you had a
product to export, what
country would you export
to and why?
 Instruct on Business Plan
 DO NOW: Literacy Journal
Entry "In 5 lines discuss the
effect languages other than
English have on an
entrepreneurial venture. "
 Instruct on Business Plan
 DO NOW: Literacy
Journal Entry "What
are some currency
issues that make
international ecommerce complex?
Project: Management
Team Plan, Company
Description, Product and
Service Plan.
Project: Management
Team Plan, Company
Description, Product and
Service Plan.
 Complete Do Now
 Continue working on The
Business Plan. Complete
Management Team Plan,
Company Description,
Product and Service Plan.
 Complete Do Now: Literacy
Vocab Journal Entry"
 Continue working on The
Business Plan. Complete
Management Team Plan,
Company Description,
Product and Service Plan.
 Instruct on Business
Plan Project:
Management Team
Plan, Company
Description, Product
and Service Plan.
 Complete Do Now:
Literacy Vocab Journal
Entry "
 Continue working on
The Business Plan.
Management Team
Plan, Company
Description, Product
and Service Plan.
I updated my teacher website.
I updated my grades on edline.