2006 IEAA Spring Association Meeting March 3, 2006 Springfield, Illinois

2006 IEAA Spring Association Meeting
March 3, 2006
Springfield, Illinois
Meeting was called to order at 10:25 by Ellis. Those in attendance included: Dale Baird, Ed
Billingsley, Robert Bellm, Dennis Bowman, Larry Casey, John Church, Aaron Dufelmeier,
Stan Eden, Dennis Epplin, Stu Ellis, Pete Fandel, Dave Fischer, John Fulton, Ruth Hambleton,
Russ Higging, Rick Keim, Don Meyer, Jim Morrison, Brenda Roedl, Mike Roegge, LaDean
Scheurer, Justin Sexten, Marion Shier, Martha Smith, Jay Solomon, Ellen Trainor, Lynn Weis,
Keith Worner, Elizabeth Wahle, and Tom Ward.
Minutes from the 2005 Fall Meeting were distributed for review. Bellm moved and Billingsley
seconded that minutes be approved.
Treasurer’s report distributed for review. As of October 31st, IEAA had 42 paid active members.
Bellm moved and Morrison seconded that treasurer’s report be approved as distributed.
1991 Fund & Scholarship Report: Weis distributed 1991 Funds treasurer’s report for review.
Move $70,000 to Champaign area into 1, 2, and 3 year CDs, rolling over into 3 year CDs as they
come due. This gives a stable location over changes of treasurer, providing continuity. Members
of committee: Stan Eden, Don Meyer, Ed Ballard, Jim Endress, and Lynn Weis. Remain status
Standing Committee Reports:
Program Recognition-awards announced in county agent. March 15 due date (Jim Morrison)
Professional Improvement (Church) subject matter particularly Center educators.
Resource and Program Development Council-do bylaws need to be addressed regarding
replacement of executive committee member? Discussion resulted in the decision to leave in
hands of Policy Council.
Life Member Committee (Casey). No known passing of life members. Next meeting 3rd
Thursday in August (Springfield) (Casey coodinating). Giant City in October. April 7 in
Oregon (Stan Edan coordinating)
Old Business:
2007 AM/AC Michigan: Welcome basket Sunday arrivals (on hold)
News in Cincinnati-(facility fee just like Florida) ~250.00.
Change in hospitality suite
-- corkage fee $3/bottle $75 first hour. No alcohol in rooms.
Bellm moved and Shier seconded to ratify Russ Higgs as president elect for 2005-06.
Bellm moved and Meyer seconded to ratify Ed Billingsley as vice president for 2005-06. Motion
New Business:
Nominating Committee Report: (Bellm) Candidates to be elected in spring and installed in
September at Fall Association Meeting.
Russ Huggin to be elected President.
Ed Billingsley to be elected President-Elect
Rhonda Feree to be elected Vice President
Lynn Weis to be elected Secretary
Nominations closed , motion by acclimation by Bowman and second by Meyer. Motion
Suggestions for Hall of Fame: Bill Peterson, Kent Mitchell, Lowell Hill, Martin Carboneau.
Suggestions for Friend of Agriculture: Chris Anderson and Lowell Lenschow.
Agriculture Legislative Day. Call Ellis with any questions. JCEP is sponster, have 5 tickets
looking for 1 other interested party.
Hoard Memorial (Epplin) $2,258.00. (Education) Move contributions in Alec and Wills 529 fund
through Cindy Hoard-IEAA will make up to $2500. Moved by Weis, seconded by Wahle.
Membership dues timetable encouraged (Smith). January 1st .
Fall Meeting-Plans moving forward. Date: September 13, 14. request Ellis approach Farm
Bureau for continuing support ($500).
4-H National Meeting (MO/IL) in St. Louis 2011 has requested money and manpower.
Fultan motioned and Fischer seconded a letter stating our intent of support.
Advisory Board Report:
SA and check-off board. Next meeting March 27-28.
Pork Producers-Best annual meeting in recent times-getting use to large producers.
Wheat-reorganized-1st meeting.
Beef-Cliff Schutte new president $4,000 to Animal System Team.
IL Ag in the classroom-reorganization of structure (Meyer is on the third tier advisory)
Forage (Morrison) successful forage institute for horses (well received). Next meeting in the
Belvidere area.
Committee Assignments (Higgins) head start on next year. Ruth Hambleton will serve as
alternate in Cincinnati
District Director Reports:
East Central-April 26th meeting with Mike Rahe (JSOA) set up donated land as White Farm. Don
Meyers is Jr. Director
West Central-telenet in January-3 educational programs in the works
Southern-Next April 21, followed by June 30
IEAA officers:
President-Farm Bureau Board going through the back door to support the DSAC, gone to the
legislature to get special funding.
President Elect- NC JCEP 1st day program --improving legislative contacts, effective
programming. Second day was state report. Russ will produce a summary.
Additional Reports:
Newsletter and Extension in Action: Article to Higgins, important to show impacts and diversitys
Field staff-next meeting March 15.
Website in reorganization, make sure IEAA site is not lost
Additional information-Crops system in Macomb off has been made Linda Ortiz (Purdue).
Next spring meeting: Discussion on expanding spring meeting.
Meeting adjourned 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Wahle
IEAA Secretary