IEAA Spring Meeting March 7, 2003 Forsyth, IL. Meeting called to order at 9:45am by president Dennis Bowman. Dennis presented a memento to Jim Morrison in appreciation of Jim’s leadership as IEAA president during the past year. Secretaries report- Minutes were passed out from the fall meeting. Addition/correction was that Ron Cornwell administered the oath of office at the fall meeting. John Church moved to accept corrected minutes, Ed Ballard seconded, motion passed. Treasurer’s report- Rhonda reported a balance of $8656.73 in checking account. We have 57 total members for 2003 (6 are new, 1 is reinstatement). Stan Eden reported on 1991 balance, at present the balance is slightly over $78,000. Stan Eden moved and Jim Morrison seconded to accept treasurer’s report. Motion passed. Standing Committee Reports Program Recognition Council- In a letter from Ruth Hambleton, Dennis reported the DSA winner from Illinois would be Dennis Bowman. The AA winner would be Jay Solomon. Extension Development Council-Dennis Epplin suggested their committee would like to hear input from any members expressing concerns that should be addressed by their committee. Resource and Program Development Council- Jim Morrison asked that if there are concerns that need addressing, please pass them on. Last year this committee drafted a set of by law changes that were voted in by membership. Life Member Committee- Larry Casey reported that the number of retirees is fewer. He gave a short rundown of recent events of some members. There is a concern from those who utilize Federal retirement in some recent proposed changes that would affect retirement income from those who also participate in social security. Election of Officers Jim Morrison gave a list of officer candidates the nominating committee had drawn up. Lynn Weis was nominated for treasurer. She gave a short bio on her career in Extension. Dennis Bowman asked for nominations from the floor. Ed Ballard moved that nominations be closed and Lynn elected by unanimous ballot. Paul Merriman seconded the motion. Motion passed. Stu Ellis was nominated for Vice president. Stu gave a short bio on his career in Extension. Dennis Bowman asked for nominations from the floor. Ed. Ballard moved that nominations be closed and Stu be elected by unanimous ballot. Paul Merriman seconded the motion. Motion passed. Lynn and Stu will take office at the fall meeting. Old Business Green Bay Breakfast- Pete commented that organization is complete, we will work with Kansas. Lots of help is needed by members, spouses, children to clean, bus tables, etc. Discussion on clothing for those helping with the event to help identify Illinois. Pete will check on cost of shirt with U of I logo and IEAA logo attached. It was decided that individuals would purchase shirts rather than IEAA. Will those helping be able to attend tour? Pete will check. Most likely not. Therefore he may attempt to arrange for a separate tour for those interested. Robert Bellm moved that we accept Pete’s recommendation on shirts and that he proceed by addressing issues necessary to arrange for ordering, cost and delivery. Jim Morrison seconded, motion passed. Attracting new members- Horticulture professionals- Rhonda and Dennis described their attempt to recruit new members from the horticulture professionals within Illinois. They had some success but not as hoped for. From the letter sent out and other contacts, the result was one new member. As a method to expand relations with the Hort industry, Elizabeth Wahle will work towards securing an IEAA advisory member on several statewide horticulture boards (Horseradish Growers, Specialty Growers, etc.) Green Bay Talent Review- North Central states are to submit videos of prospective 4-H groups to Green Bay for their consideration. Bill Million worked with IEAA to send Green Bay info to Illinois counties and to past participants in the state fair talent review to attempt to recruit talent. Dennis has one tape to send on and the possibility exists for a few more to be sent. New Business Dennis discussed the nomination of Orion Samuelson for the NACAA World/American Agriculture Award. Robert Bellm and Marion Shier had discussed this nomination with delegates at the North Central JCEP, and had talked to Wisconsin about jointly nominating with Illinois. Wisconsin indicated they would help, but felt Illinois should lead the effort. Dennis had discussed with Denny Campion, who supports the nomination. Dennis will proceed with the nomination process. Orion is invited to attend the opening session so will be at the Wisconsin meeting. Jim Morrison mentioned that the Farm progress show is Sept. 23-25. We need to avoid these dates for the fall meeting as well as the last week in Sept., which is held for regional meetings. Discussion on the Strategic Agenda was held. It was reported that Illinois JCEP leadership met with Denny Campion to discuss implications of report. Apparently the “cost recovery” document is close to being finalized. At NC JCEP discussion from several states on similar experiences of cost recovery (Iowa, Purdue and Mississippi State). Suggested that we seek input from these states as to their experiences in working in this environment. The question was raised on IEAA action/activity towards “cost recovery”. Discussion led to formation of group to investigate opportunities to work with this system/environment. Suggestions on how to better understand and work with cost recovery included: set up informational workshops/meetings; PDO for unit leaders and Ag professionals; fall association opportunity to perhaps work with Iowa staff; telenet could be utilized. John Church, Jim Morrison, Stu Ellis volunteered to work on this concern. It was suggested Bob Frazee be included. Newsletter- Robert Bellm asked that articles include pictures of activities when appropriate. Advisory Member Reports Elizabeth Wahle discussed opportunities to have IEAA representation on statewide hort boards. Several possible boards to ask, including Specialty Growers and Horseradish Growers. Elizabeth attends these meetings and would volunteer to serve in that capacity. Jim Morrison moved and Pete Fandel seconded to have Dennis Bowman contact these organizations and seek to have an IEAA representative to sit on their boards. Motion passed. Soybean Program Board- Ike Leeper is retiring and we need to replace him on the board. Matt Montgomery’s name was mentioned as a possible replacement. Corn Marketing Board- The board recently received a $500,000 grant to work with Novecta on a producer certification program for IP grains. Several Educators have been contacted by the corn growers to work with them. Forage and Grassland Council- Jim Morrison mentioned that this years forage expo would be held in the Macomb area. No date or location yet. Wheat Association- Tim Laatsch reported on Bob Frank’s retirement. The board hired Jim Quinton as replacement. The winter forum was held on Feb. 22. Dates for the fall and next spring’s forum are tentatively set. Beef Association- Ed Ballard reported strong membership in the organization. The major commodity groups in Illinois (FB, Corn Growers, SB, etc.) have all forged a united front to improve animal agriculture. They all realize the importance of livestock as a major user of commodities and are working together to keep this market available to growers. District Director Reports Stan Eden- North- invited members to retirement gatherings, which are held with the district meeting. Tim Laatsch and Marion Shier- EC- Meeting are set for spring and fall. Mike Roegge and Pete Fandel- WC- Meetings mostly set for summer and fall. Preparing for fall meeting. Robert Bellm- South- Meetings set for the year. Additional Reports Field Staff- Pete reported that most of the items from the recent field staff committee had already been discussed previously during our meeting. Illinois JCEP- Jim Morrison discussed the Ag Legislative Day. He mentioned the format of the IEAA spring meeting, which is conducted during JCEP annual meeting the past several years. He asked if this was working or if there were any suggestions on changes. Officer Reports Treasurer- Rhonda mentioned that scholarship applications are due by June 1st. There is $400 available. Secretary- No report. VP- Robert mentioned that he and Marion attended NC JCEP. All states experiencing some degree of economic hardship. Ag Legislative day is April 26th in Springfield. Robert and Dennis will attend. Robert indicated that NC NACAA would support the 2008 Galaxy Conference as long as the conference includes all activities of NACAA (sons/ daughters programs, spouses program, etc.). Marion Shier reported several NC vice chair positions are open. Contact Marion if you have interest. Dennis Bowman reported he presented the Strategic Agenda to the IAA Board for their review. Also, Bill McNamara is now a life member of NACAA. Other Items Paul Mariman reported that the AgriBility organization is funded 50% by Extension and 50% by Easter Seals. They are continually seeking new clients with disabilities. Contact Paul if you know of potential clients. Robert Bellm moved and Larry Casey seconded that the spring meeting adjourned. Mike Roegge, Secretary, IEAA Attendees: Robert Bellm Dennis Bowman Marion Shier Jim Morrison Lynn Weis Larry Casey Pete Fandel Mike Roegge Rhonda Ferree Elizabeth Wahle Rick Keim Kevin Brooks Paul Mariman John Church Ed Ballard Tim Laatsch Dennis Epplin Stu Ellis Wes Winter Stan Eden Ellen Trainor