IEAA Board Meeting January 4, 2002 Teleconference 9 to 11 a.m.

IEAA Board Meeting
January 4, 2002
Teleconference 9 to 11 a.m.
Jim Morrison called meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
Ruth Hambleton appointed to take secretary notes in absence of Gray Bretthauer.
Thirteen attending: Jim Morrison, Robert Bellm, Joe Schwarmberger, Larry Casey, Marion
Shier, Ruth Hambleton, Dennis Bowman, Pete Fandel, Rhonda Ferree, Mike Roegge, John
Fulton, Jay Solomon, Mark Hoard.
Reviewed new agenda.
Corrections to minutes made by Jim Morrison. Corrected copy will be e-mailed back to Gary
Treasurer’s Report:
Rhonda Ferree reporting from Macomb Center. (Balance to be reported later)
Forty members have paid for 2002. E-mails and newsletter have been very effective. Another email with list of paid members will be made. New members are Susan Meeker, John Pike, and
Omar Koester.
A special e-mail will be sent to potential new members. District Directors need to be included in
this effort as an initial contact. This would be followed up by a second contact from the Board
either by letter or by an attachment to an e-mail. Names were shared.
Southern Region: Amy O’Leary, Harold Hunzicker, David Bobel, Ron Duncan.
Western Region: Shawn Evans, Christy Janicke, Jody Tate, Martha Smith
East Central Region: Clay county Unit Leader. Bruce Paulsrud, Ryan Hobson.
North Region: Gregg Clark, Kyle Cecil, Mark Madick, Rich Knipe, David Feltes, Dan Jennings,
Barb Larson, Ellen Phillips, Renee Bell.
District Directors use informal approach and make initial contact. Board should use a uniform
formal letter with application attached to an e-mail or direct mail.
Morrison shared “welcome letter” to new members.
Checking to see if Kevin Brooks was ever inducted.
Outstanding bills:
Life member newsletter postage $34.00 from Robert Bellm
Standing Committee Reports:
Program Recognition Council: Ruth Hambleton reported on DSA, Achievement Award, and
Action Award (State award, can award up to five.) DSA and AA due Janaury 15.
Professional Improvement: No report
Extension Development: No report
Resource and Program Development Council: No report
Life Member Committee: Good Fall retiree meetings at Ryans at Springfield and Giant City,
over 30 attending.
New dates for 2002 Retirees: April 12 in Ogle County, Aug 22 in Ryans in Springfield this Fall,
Giant City October 18th. Dates to be included in next IEAA newsletter.
Old Business:
1. Life member dues paid for Stan Eden, Bill Whiteside, Bob Harris.
2. County Agent Magazine: Morrison has extra copies of October issue of County Agent
magazine. Those members not getting the magazine can contact Scott Hawbaker about adding
names. His e-mail is
Regional Directors should be getting their copy of County Agent. Should department heads in
ACES also get copies at $10 per head? General consensus is to not include them. Suggested to
send newsletter to department heads and Regional Directors. Mark and Ruth will get department
head list and share at the next board meeting. Another possibility is biannual Extension in Action
3. John Church and Mike Plumer will get 25-year award from IAA. This will be presented at the
Fall 2002 meeting when the Southern Region is hosting.
4. John Church to represent IEAA on Wisconsin Ag Association Education Committee for 2003
5. 1991 NACAA AM/PIC “Reserve Funds Oversight Committee” Stan Eden currently keeps
track of these funds. He supports adding committee support for administering this account.
Motion: Jay Solomon moved that a three-person (treasurer, senior member and junior member)
committee be appointed by IEAA president (Morrison.) to help oversee 1991 funds. Second by
Pete Fandel.
Motion carried.
6. Jay Solomon reported that IFEC is reorganizing. Will contact them at appropriate time.
7. Can IEAA letterhead be posted to the IEAA web site? Dennis Bowman will work on design
and Solomon will post to web site.
8. December Newsletter – Very impressive looking. Next Deadline is Feb 1 for Feb 8th
publishing. Get district news items to Robert Bellm.
9. Ag Legislative Day in Springfield-March 20, 2002 Does IEAA want to do something specific?
In the past the joint council has paid the $150 listing fee and listed all associations. Will discuss
this at March meeting with Joint Councils. Include the Extension in Action Newsletter in the
10. Rewrite of updated bylaws due to membership 30 calendar days prior to March 6 meeting.
Ron Waldrop and immediate past presidents, Epplin and Fandel will handle the updating of
IEAA constitution.
New Business:
1. February newsletter- articles due to Robert Bellm by February 1
2. Date of Officer, Director, and Committee Chair election and installation needs to be
coordinated with NACAA. Offices would be elected in the spring and installed in the fall.
In the past slate of IEAA officers offered in the spring and voting takes place in the fall.
Questions about bylaw change. At spring meeting, pass by law changes first and then
conduct election.
Moved by Fandel to have Morrison appoint nominating committee for new officers for spring
meeting in March in Peoria. Second, Jay Solomon. Motion carried.
3. New member recruitment (see discussion under Treasurers Report)
4. NACAA Card Directory 2001-2002 is available from Morrison. Already distributed to
officers, district directors, and committee chairs.
5. Friend of Agriculture nominees needs to come from District Directors for board
consideration in March.
6. Hall of Fame nominees also needs to come from District Directors for board
consideration in March.
7. Ag Legislative Roundtable, January 16, Bloomington at the IAA building. Group
discussion for that day: Livestock issues, infrastructure, building demand for IL Products,
state issues. Morrison has to get list in to IAA.
Advisory Member Reports:
- Soybean Program Operating Board .........................................Ike Leeper No Report
- Soybean Association ............................................................ Terry Griffin No Report
- Corn Growers Association ................................................... Mike Plumer No Report
- Corn Marketing Board……. Pete Fandel-CMB may be accepting an idea to offer patents
to new farmer cooperatives.
- FBFM ............................................... FBM Educators-Looking for more cooperators.
- Forage & Grassland Council Ruth Hambleton-IFGC cooperating with other groups also
interested in forages. Next board meeting is January 10.
- Pork Producers ................................ John Fulton-Trade Show is January 30 & 31 in Peoria.
Checkoff dollars are now split from Pork Producers. Organization is struggling.
- Sustainable Ag Society ....................................................... Gary Letterly No Report
- Wheat Association ....................................................... Harold Hunzicker No Report
- Beef Association ......................................................................Ed Ballard No Report
- Ag Literacy Coalition ……………………………………………….Don Meyer No Report
- Illinois Electrification Council ………………………………………See discussion above.
District Director Reports:
Northern ......... Joe Schwamberger-Interesting tour on Dec 7 at Richardson Wildlife Refuge. Next
meeting Feb 8.
East Central . . . . . . . .Meeting schedule Apr 5 in Jasper County at Prairie Chicken Sanctuary
June 7 meeting, Nov 1 in Coles County for IP soybeans.
West Central........... Jay Solomon, Next meeting Feb 22 touring a food wholesaler facility.
Southern . . .Robert Bellm Next meeting January 11 touring Pioneer seed processing plant in
Officer Reports:
President ........................................ Jim Morrison attended IAA meeting in December in St. Louis.
President Elect ............... Dennis Bowman putting NC region report together for Feb 3-5 meeting.
Vice-President…….Marion Shier working with Bowman on report. Some suggestion made for
report. Morrison will send past reports.
Secretary .................................................................................... Gary Bretthauer No Report
Treasurer ........................................................................................................ Rhonda Ferree
Past President …………………………………………………………………..Pete Fandel
Additional Reports:
Extension in Action newsletter ………………………………………………Russ Higgins
Reported by Morrison. Link on IEAA website to get to that newsletter. Make sure there is
something ag related in newsletter.
Field Staff Executive Advisory Committee ………………………………….Pete Fandel all unit
offices will be asked to increase their allotment of funds for computer support persons. All unit
offices go to TI lines. No major decisions coming from campus. Send items to Pete. He submits
them anonymously.
Illinois JCEP (Joint Council of Extension Professionals) ……………………Pete Fandel, Jim
Morrison, and Dennis Bowman. Meets Jan 4 via teleconference.
Joint Association Spring Meeting, March 6-7, 2002, Holiday Inn Brandywine, Peoria
Next board meeting May 3 telenet from 9 to 11:00 a.m. Access code 4322 password 7625
Meeting adjourned at 11:08.
Submitted by Ruth Hambleton on behalf of Gary Bretthaurer