Spring IEAA Meeting March 17, 2000 Bloomington Illinois

Spring IEAA Meeting
March 17, 2000
Bloomington Illinois
IEAA President, Dennis Epplin called the spring association meeting to order at 8:04 a.m.
at Jumers Lodge in Bloomington Illinois with the following persons present:
Bill Brink, Ruth Hambleton, Jim Endress, Trent Torrance, Jim Morrison, Pete Fandel, Stan Eden,
Stuart Hawbaker, Don Meyer, Tom Ward, Dennis Bowman, Bob Edgar (and his wife Georgia),
Charles Willman, Ron Waldrop, Dennis Epplin, Dan Barkhard (NACAA Vice-Chair from Iowa),
Jeff West, John Fulton, Danny Kuipers, and Marion Shier.
Minutes of the September 28th meeting were distributed and reviewed. Ruth Hambleton
moved and Ron Waldrop seconded the motion to approve the minutes as distributed. Motion
The treasurer's report was given by President Epplin, on behalf of our treasurer who was
unable to attend. According to the report, we have almost 50 members this year.
Dan Burkhart (substituting for Tom Hampton from Indiana) gave the NACAA report. He
conveyed that we still have some North Central NACAA Vice-Chair and committee openings
and inquired to see if there was interest from any of the Illinois NACAA members to seek these
positions. (Arm twisting was conducted with little success.) Dan was also trying to recruit
potential candidates for an open staff position in Iowa.
Standing Committee Reports
Program Recognition Council: Janeen Emory was ill and unable to attend so the
applications will be forwarded to her.
Professional Improvement Council: Lynn Weis also was unable to attend. However,
Jim Morrison encouraged everyone to consider submitting an entry in the NACAA Crops area to
give an in-service training presentation at the national meeting this year. The North Central
Region is responsible for providing several of these presentations.
Extension Development Council: John Church also was not able to attend.
Resource and Program Development Council: Ruth Hambleton briefly discussed some
of this council's responsibilities.
Life Member Committee: Bob Edgar summarized the successes associated with the
efforts to provide health insurance coverage for surviving spouses of Federal Retirees. We
should all send a thank you note to our state legislators thanking them for their support of this
needed legislation.
Bob also corrected the dates and locations for the life member meetings for the rest of
this year.
It was announced that the 2000 recipient of the DSA Award will be Ron Waldrop and
the AA Award winner will be Pete Fandel. These awards will be presented at the national
Old Business:
IEAA Newsletter: The IEAA newsletter distribution was very timely and very much
appreciated. We all need to remember to forward appropriate information to our newsletter
editor, Robert Bellm.
ILJCEP: There is no formal structure/bylaws at this time. The chair and secretary at
these meeting are rotated so that no individual is over burdened with additional responsibilities
for too long. The secretary at one meeting becomes the chair at the next meeting and this
process continues repeating. It seems to be working very well to date. Good discussion
Membership: Membership eligibility requirements were discussed at length. This was
prompted by a request for consideration by Kathy Reiser that ACE members be allowed to join
in the ILJCEP and or ESP. After lengthy discussion, it was determined that non-extension
persons can and do belong to ACE as compared to the fact that the other organizations that are
included in ILJCEP and ESP are only and exclusively extension staff. It was decided that IEAA
would invite University of Illinois staff members that are ACE members to join IEAA, since
IEAA supports the communications process and has communication awards within our
NACAA Leadership Opportunities: Several NACAA leadership opportunities were
discussed and persons were encouraged to pursue them.
IEAA Web Page: Jeff West shared some initial web page work that he and Jay Solomon
have been working with. They are still making improvements and soliciting ideas. If anyone has
ideas or suggestions, please contact one of them. Looks good guys!
IEAA Fall Meeting: The fall IEAA meeting is being worked on and is tentatively
scheduled Monday and Tuesday, September 18th and 19th. One possible location is Starved
Rock, but other spots are still being discussed. Please reserve September 18th and 19th on
your calendar so the dates will be available for you to attend.
IL Ag Legislative Day: The date is March 25th and the decision was made to include
ILJCEP in the program booklet with the four other organizations listed below. IEAA paid for
the entry in the booklet and hope to be reimbursed by the other organizations at a later date.
1991 NACAA Funds: Stan Eden distributed an update of the 1991 Fund balances and
investment summary. Copy attached. Jim Endress discussed the 1991 First Timer (attending an
NACAA Annual Meeting) fund balance is accumulating nicely, and inquired if it should
continue to grow or if the carryover should be rolled back into the overall balance.
New Business:
IEAA Friend of Agriculture: Several possible names were discussed including: John
Huston, Tom Ewing, Mike Adams (Farm Broadcaster), and Ken Bolin. The discussion then
centered on whether Ken Bolen, (retired former IL Extension Agricultural Adviser, and former
state Extension Director in Nebraska and elsewhere) was eligible for Friend of Ag or if he
could/should be recognized as a Hall of Fame recipient.
John Fulton moved and Stu Hawbaker seconded the motion to recognize John Huston as
the 2000 IEAA Friend of Agriculture recipient. Motion carried.
Stu Hawbaker moved and Don Meyer seconded the motion to recognize Ken Bolin as the
2000 IEAA Hall of Fame recipient. Motion carried.
After further discussion, Ron Waldrop moved and Dennis Bowman seconded the motion
that we recognize John Huston as a 2000 IEAA Friend of Agriculture award winner and
Marshall McGlamery receive the 2000 IEAA Hall of Fame award winner, and that Ken Bolen be
awarded either the Friend of Agriculture Award or the Hall of Fame Award, which ever is most
appropriate. This determination will be made after checking the award rules and regulations.
Motion carried.
NACAA Agronomy/Pest Management Presentations: Jim Morrison reviewed the
opportunities available for presentations to be made at this years NACAA Professional
Improvement Conference. Stu encouraged Pete Fandel to submit an entry. Everyone is
encouraged to consider this opportunity. Interested persons need to send application materials to
Jim Morrison asap.
Travel compensation: Stu Hawbaker reviewed the travel compensation adjustment that
will change to 32 1/2 cents per mile this year.
Advisory Member Reports:
IEC: No report
Soybean Program Operating Board:
No report
Corn Growers Association: In Mike Plumer's absence, Pete Fandel made a few
comments concerning the amount of influence that we can and do have because of our
involvement with these groups and organizations. Everyone who has one of these assignments
should make every effort to participate regularly.
Soybean Association:
Bill Brink gave a brief update.
4-H Foundation:
No report
FBM: The FBM Educators, (Ruth Hambleton and Jim Endress) shared some of the
activities and efforts underway and the challenges we all face in agriculture.
Corn Marketing Board: Pete reiterated his earlier remarks and that we can and do make
a difference. He is an excificio (sp) board member.
Forage and Grasslands Council:
Ruth Hambleton updated us with some fiber
Pork Producers: John Fulton shared that he is now a full fledged Ad Hoc Pork Producer
Board Member. State membership is down about 30% in the past 18 months and the IL Beef
Association will be co-locating with the Pork Producers soon.
Sustainable Ag Society: No report
Illinois Wheat Association: No report
Beef Association: No report
District Director's Reports:
The West Central District will meet on April 14th.
Officers Activity Reports:
Pete Fandel will be attending the PILD conference.
Other officers skipped reports due to the need to adjourn to travel to the IAA Office for a
We had a very good/informative tour and discussion at the IAA Office with several IAA
Staff members and became better aquatinted with some of the workings at IAA. If you were not
in attendance, you missed a good tour.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Marion Shier, IEAA Secretary