CPC Goal Team 3-1 Agenda Third Solo Meeting March 21 2011

Goal Team 3.1 Agenda
Third Team Meeting – Monday, March 21, 2011 – 2:00 p.m.
(If time targets are met, this agenda can be achieved in 1 hour and 20 minutes.)
Note - The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at the
bottom of this page:
Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes)
Angelique Smith, Convener, will ask all present to introduce themselves.
Minutes of Second Team Meeting (5 minutes)
Angelique will ask the team to review and suggest any edits to the minutes of the
second team meeting, held on February 8.
Review of Strategic Issues (20 minutes)
The team will review reports developed by members (or that remain to be drafted
if any reports are not yet available) on the objective 3.1-related Strategic Issues,
as noted in the minutes of the second meeting.
The combined report on issues from all teams, from last year, can be accessed at:
where it is listed under the third section, Goal Team Reports on Issues and
The team will develop a plan to provide any additional updates and finalize
information on the selected issues by the end of March, for the purpose of
contributing to a new combined report on the issues, from the 2010-11 teams, to
be distributed in May, prior to the Big Meeting on June 2.
Review of Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects: (30 minutes)
The team will review the list of objective 3.1-related initiatives and projects
developed at its second meeting, and any updates or reports received from
members on the initiatives.
The team will plan to complete an updated report on each initiative by the end of
The report on initiatives from last year’s team can be accessed at:
where it is listed under the third section, Goal Team Reports on Issues and
Baseline Data – (10 minutes)
The team will review the baseline data received to date related to this objective,
noting any remaining data to be gathered. Baseline data are being posted to the
Goal Teams web page at
To date, no baseline data have been posted for objective 3.1
Review of Assignments and Next Meeting (10 minutes)
The team will seek volunteers to complete reports on the Strategic Issues and
Initiatives, and to submit those by the end of March.
Also, the team will seek volunteers to obtain any additional baseline data it wishes
to include, by the end of March.
At the next meeting (the fourth meeting), to be held before finals week, the team
will review all of the reports received on Issues and Initiatives, as well as the
baseline data.
Based on that review, the team will answer these questions that will be included
in the team’s annual report:
1. To what extent has progress been made toward objective 3.1? What evidence
do we have of that progress?
2. Do the current and planned activities in the Strategic Initiatives reports show
promise of “moving the needle” on objective 3.1 by 2013?
3. Are there significant challenges or opportunities related to objective 3.1 that
should be noted?
4. Have we learned anything that we are currently using or that we might use to
improve the success of future efforts toward achieving objective 3.1?
5. Does the team have any recommendations regarding the objective or the
measures being used to gauge progress (as developed by the 09-10 team)?
After the team discusses and answers these questions and submits all reports on Issues
and Initiatives, the information will be combined into a formal report from the team to the
The team may opt to review that report electronically, and edit/approve it via email
vote, rather than calling a fifth in-person meeting in May.
All members of the team will attend Big Meeting on June 2 on West Campus, if at all