DRAFT Goal Team 1 Agenda Second Team Meeting – February 7, 2011 – 9:00 a.m. CJI- room 148 (If time targets are met, this agenda can be achieved in 1 hour and 45 minutes.) Note - The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page: http://valenciacc.edu/strategicplan/strategicplanning2010-11.cfm I. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) Jeff Goltz, Convener, will ask all present to introduce themselves. II. Minutes of First Team Meeting (5 minutes) Jeff will ask the team to review and suggest any edits to the minutes of the first team meeting. (See Attachment A for minutes.) III. Review of the Charge to the Goal Teams (5 minutes) – Susan Kelley Susan will refer to the charge to the goal teams, noting the parts of the charge to be addressed in this second team meeting. (The charge was shared with the agenda for the first team meeting, and may be found on the web page linked at the top of this agenda.) IV. Review of Strategic Issues (20 minutes) The team members will review reports in hand or needed to be drafted on the Goal-related strategic issues. The team will develop a plan to provide any additional updates and finalize information on the selected issues prior to Spring Break, for the purpose of reporting on the issues at the Big Meeting on March 18. V. Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects: (60 minutes) The team will review the list of goal-related initiatives and projects developed at its first meeting, and any updates or reports received. The team will decide on a plan to complete an updated report on each initiative by its third meeting, prior to Spring Break. VI. Review of Assignments and Next Meeting (10 minutes)