DRAFT AGENDA Goal Team Two: “Learning Assured” First Solo Team Meeting 2:00 p.m., December 11, 2009 East Campus, 3-113 (If time targets are met, this agenda can be achieved in 2 hours, including a 10-minute break.) Note - The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page: http://www.valenciacc.edu/strategicplan/StrategicGoalTeams.cfm I. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) Convener Randall Gordon will ask all present to introduce themselves. (See Attachment A for list of Goal Team members.) II. Review of the Charge to the Goal Teams, Team Principles and Roles (15 minutes) – CPC Co-chair Susan Kelley and Randall Gordon Susan will review the charge to the goal teams, and the “five questions” that each team will address. (See Attachment B for the charge and the five questions.) Randall will lead the team in reviewing and finalizing the principles that will guide their work and the roles they wish to have filled by team members. (See the Nov. 10 meeting notes, which include the list of principles and roles, at this web site: http://www.valenciacc.edu/strategicplan/StrategicGoalTeams.cfm.) III. Review of Notes from November 10 Joint Meeting (10 minutes) Randall will ask the team if any entries need clarified or if anything was missed that should be added to the record. (See the Nov. 10 meeting notes at this web site: http://www.valenciacc.edu/strategicplan/StrategicGoalTeams.cfm.).) IV. Review of Strategic Issues (20 minutes) Randall will ask the team to review and discuss the Strategic Issues included in the 2008-13 Strategic Plan, note those that have relevance to the goal, and suggest any strategic issues that have emerged that the team suggests be added, if any. (See Attachment C – Strategic Issues List from 2008-13 Plan.) The team will discuss how it will update information on the selected/added issues for the purpose of reporting on the issues at the Big Meeting on March 19, using an issue brief format that will be provided to the team. V. Developing the List of Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects: (60 minutes) There are three tasks: 1. A list of goal-related initiatives and projects developed by the Senior Staff on December 1 will be reviewed. (Following that, the team may wish to take a 10 minute break.) 2. The team will be asked to identify any missing initiatives (remember that we are aiming for major initiatives and projects – short list rather than an exhaustive list.) 3. The team will decide on a means of gathering current information about the initiatives for the team’s review at its second meeting. Based on the initiatives and projects that comprise the major work under the goal, the team will decide what to recommend that the College measure to gauge project toward the goal. This will take place at a later meeting. VI. Review of Assignments and Next Meeting (10 minutes)