College Leadership Team
October 30, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Claribel Torres, John Kemppainen, Jennifer Kane, John Venn, Jeff Cornett, Candice Carter
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am.
Minutes were approved with minor corrections.
Dr. Daniel, Dr. Lupi, and Linda Sciarratta will meet with the Provost and the Academic Affairs staff on 11/13 to discuss future faculty position funding which will include visiting faculty. Dr. Daniel will keep the CLT informed of these discussions.
Dr. Daniel will talk to Dr. Coleman regarding Advising Office concerns regarding the transition of additional sophomores to the colleges and advising staffing issues which will need to be addressed to accommodate these in-coming students.
The review committee for “Clinical Education Funding” is meeting Friday, November 1 st to review the proposals. Dr.
Daniel should have a recommendation from them by Friday afternoon. Dr. Daniel will also give a progress update on clinical education during Faculty Assembly.
FDOE Site Visit Logistics (CT) The site visit will be 11/17 – 11/19.
Feedback is forthcoming for all the programs and narratives COEHS submitted on September 15 sometime this week.
The off-site reviewers should have reports ready for COEHS to review/evaluate and respond back if needed. Each program may, or may not, have extra work to do before November 17. When the team streamlines their needs, Dr.
Torres will proceed with delivery of a schedule to department chairs. FDOE will be looking at specific programs. The poster session work needs to align with the standards. Dr. Torres asked the CLT for a list of interns/students participating in the poster session; need to be sure departments are not inviting the same students showcasing their work.
There will be a question and answer session on November 4 @ 10:00 – 11:30 and November 13 @ 12:00 – 1:30. Please anyone who needs questions answered is encouraged to attend one of these sessions.
Dr. Torres is asking for volunteers for help with set up etc… on Sunday, November 17. Chairs, please let Dr. Torres know if anyone from the department would like to help out on Sunday.
Performance Based Funding (BOG)
Dr. Daniel will provide the Performance Funding Model of 10 metrics handout from Dr. Coleman.
The three metrics listed below are of particular importance.
Percent of Bachelor’s Graduates Employed and/or continuing their education further 1 year after graduation.
Median average full-time wages of undergraduates employed in Florida 1 year after graduation.
Average cost per undergraduate degree to the institution.
UNF has approximately $2 million of performance based (non-recurring) funding to use toward activities which will help
COEHS achieve BOG Performance metrics. Dr. Daniel will send an email with the attachment from Dr. Coleman today.
Chairs please send Dr. Daniel your ideas by Friday afternoon. (November 1 st ).
Faculty Recruitment and Holmes Scholar Program (LD)
Dr. Edythe Abdullah is looking at ways to increase our ability to reach diverse candidates for recruiting. Dr. Daniel discussed with Dr. Abdullah the Holmes Scholar Program. Dr. Daniel sent Dr. Abdullah a list of the Holmes Scholar institutions and inquired what it would involve to become a Holmes Scholar institution. How would we interface with
the Holmes Program? Dr. Abdullah asked if COEHS could supply her with a list of preferred institutions we interface with, and even beyond where we might receive quality candidates. Dr. Daniel will let Dr. Abdullah know the departments will be responding to her individually.
Teaching Fellows Program Interview with DCPS (LD)
COEHS participated in an “invitation to negotiate” responding to the school district’s request for a university partner including the LSCSM department. COEHS has been invited to engage in the next level of communications during a 25 minute interview. This opportunity will offer a master’s degree program that will allow a person to get certified, include some leadership components to allow persons to have a one year mentored residency by a master teacher, and the promise of a job with the completion of a 14 – 15 month program. UNF is competing against Edward Waters and the
University of Florida.
Visit from Representative Adkins, Thursday, October 31 st . (LD)
This will be a small group attending this meeting.
Deb Gianoulis, Schultz Center, has been working on a draft for teacher leadership funding.
Dr. Daniel will showcase work, and partnerships.
Discussion of Bills 1664 and 1108
State develop relationships with CAEP
Offer our services as research for Representative Adkins.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15am