MINUTES University Technology Committee February 10, 2008 Members Present: Lance Taylor, Chairperson Michael Biagini Peter Braza Katharine Brown Dale Clifford Richard Crosby Michael Kucsak Albert Loh Marsha Lupi Jerry Merckel Deb Miller Tom Van Schoor Lucy Trice Bobby Waldrup Others Present: Rick Buck Jeff Durfee Kathy Hughes Jennifer Kane Doug Leas Steve Lyon John Sharp Fred Sudler Tony Turrin Chairperson Taylor called the University Technology Committee meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in Bldg. 15 Room 1105. Approval of Minutes - December 10, 2007 Chairperson Taylor asked if the UTC members had any changes, additions, or corrections to the Minutes from December 10, 2007. No changes were noted and the Minutes were approved as submitted. Announcements Taylor introduced Bobby Waldrup from the Coggin College of Business. Dr. Waldrup is replacing Jay Coleman on the committee. John Sharp presented the "work at home" rights currently provided under our Microsoft Campus Agreement. In the past, faculty and staff would request a diskette and pass code from the c-tech to take home and load on their computer. Now in order to be in compliance with Microsoft's licensing codes, the university will no longer provide a diskette. Individual unique pass codes will now be used through a 3rd party vendor, E-Academy. Later this week, their website will have a link under the MyWings portal staff channel along with instructions for accessing this service and ordering. Any interested UNF faculty and staff can purchase the listed software products for a nominal charge and have the items shipped directly to their home address. The campus community will be notified of this link later this week after the portal committee meets. Sharp noted that there are limited quantities of the software and it can be used on personal computers at home. Update: Blackboard Performance Issues Tony Turrin stated that BlackBoard will be visiting campus in the near future to review their recommendations that we put in place and also the resources that were applied to this system. Currently we are not seeing any major performance issues and have experienced only minor problems to date. He reminded the group that the entire BlackBoard environment was reconfigured along with additional servers being purchased and installed. Deb Miller agreed to supply information on the service providers used by people that experienced earlier connectivity problems. Update: Content Management System Kathy Hughes informed the group that there has been a delay in the "go live" date. The new date for the first fourteen (14) pages is set for March 18, 2008. The delay is due in part to a perceived requirement to adhere to stricter ADA compliance issues. Hughes noted that we passed ADA Section 508, but our UNF compliance officers would like us to go to the W3CAAA guidelines compliance. She noted that every attempt is being made to meet these guidelines, but there is not a current UNF policy in place. Hughes stated that the intensive technical training session for the .net programming developers was completed and now they will begin having user training every month beginning this month. Report: Campus Technology Committee Katharine Brown stated that several of the guest speakers for the CTC's last meeting were out sick. Dmitriy Bond did attend and spoke about the UNF MyWings portal redesign. Report: GOT No report. Report: IT Security Action Team No report. Report: Campus Information Display Action Team Jeff Durfee stated that the team met last week and they are continuing to discuss potential solutions for campus information software and hardware (kiosks, information portals, television, etc). The team has resumed a regular meeting schedule and Durfee will report any recommendations at future UTC meetings. Report: Portal Committee Scott Bennett was out of town and unable to attend the UTC meeting. A few of the issues brought up by the committee included: not user-friendly, non-intuitive, items not easy to find, the BlackBoard toolbar is not a fully functional navigation bar in the portal, there was not an accurate communication plan with consequences clearly stated (e.g. lost bookmarks), unnecessary double login, and not enough useful tools and information on portal in order to draw more users. Taylor encouraged anyone with portal issues to please forward these concerns/comments to Scott Bennett via email. New Business Marsha Lupi requested that the issue of additional Distance Learning Programs be addressed. This issue includes support being needed with Information Technology Services and other units, more server space, additional streaming storage, investigation into media streaming and technology issues. She stated that open communication, resources, finances need to be addressed as soon as possible. Taylor requested that the Distance Learning Committee (DLC), the Center for Instruction and Research Technology (CIRT), Gang of Technology (GOT), and the Faculty Association (FAC) all look at these issues and report back to the UTC. Deb Miller said she will take this request/information to the DLC meeting scheduled for tomorrow and will ask them to recommend a procedure. She will report back any possible suggested formalized procedures to the UTC. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.