University Technology Committee MINUTES April 11, 2011

University Technology Committee
April 11, 2011
Members Present:
Lance Taylor (Chair), Deb Miller, Dee Baldwin, Katharine Brown,
Cathie Christie, Dale Clifford, Cynthia Jordan, Marsha Lupi,
Gerald Merckel, Julie Milich, Trey Gowdy, Len Roberson,
Bobby Waldrup, Marianne Roberts, Jim Owen
Others Present:
Jeff Durfee, Steve Lyon, Kathy Hughes,
Justin Begle, Fred Sudler
1. January minutes
 With no corrections noted, the January minutes were approved.
2. Announcements
 Administrative Rights – Jeff Durfee
 This is set to go live April 12. Discussion included ways to
communicate the process for requesting administrative rights to the
campus. The committee agreed to sending an email to
Deans/Directors on April 12 and posting it on Osprey Update the week
of April 18.
 Skype Test – Steve Lyon
 Skype is currently being tested in the residence halls. Impact to the
campus network at this point is minimal. The testing will run until the
end of the semester and will likely be turned on for the rest of the
campus at the beginning of the summer semester. This will be
announced in an Osprey Update in May.
 UPS and Power Distribution Systems – Chair Taylor
 The campus has reached capacity on its UPS and power distribution
systems. An upgrade is needed and will take 3 days of solid
downtime. No services will be available including payroll,
Blackboard, student services, e-mail, etc. The time period currently
being discussed is during the break between the fall and spring
semesters. The committee is asked to share the information with their
constituents and send any feedback to Lance. It was suggested that the
website have a bounce-back announcement available for those trying
to access the UNF website during the downtime.
 FL DL Consortiums Quarterly Meeting – Deb Miller
 UNF will be hosting the Florida Distance Learning Consortium’s
Quarterly Meeting on May 5 and 6 in the COEHS Conference Room.
Those interested in seeing the agenda can visit
3. Future Meetings Schedule – Lance Taylor
 To improve attendance at UTC meetings, Chair Taylor made a couple of
suggestions – amend the bylaws and agree to meet less frequently or amend
the by-laws to lower the number of members present to constitute a quorum.
Currently there are 18 members. Ten members currently constitute a quorum
for a meeting. After discussion, the committee agreed to lower the number for
a quorum to eight members.
 ACTION – Chair Taylor asked for a motion. Cathy Christie made the motion
to amend the by-laws to state that eight members present at a meeting will
constitute a quorum. Marsha Lupi seconded the motion and the motion was
passed unanimously.
4. Strategic Planning Update (Taylor)
 Chair Taylor thanked all of the people involved on the academic committees
and the administrative committees. An expansion of scope has been identified
for the infrastructure team. This deals with items that may not have been
addressed by the other two committees (e.g., the campus telephone system).
5. Report: Distance Learning Committee (Roberson)
 The next meeting is on April 25.
 The committee will participate in a ½ day Strategic Visioning/Planning
Session to develop a conceptual framework and a concrete plan for going
 The committee has been working on revising some of the DL ISQ questions
and is also working with ITS to make changes to the online evaluation process
to seek a higher return rate similar to that of other higher institutions.
6. Report: Campus Technology Committee (Jordan)
 The Campus Technology Committee met on March 9 and will meet next on
April 13. Faculty Association President Patrick Plumlee will be speaking
about the Faculty Portal on myWings.
 The committee is currently looking at a new tool called “Turn It In.” A
meeting is scheduled in the Library Administrative Conference Room (room
405) on Wednesday from 11:30-1:00.
7. Report: Blackboard (Miller)
 A service pack has been applied to blackboard that has resolved some of the
issues that some faculty were experiencing.
 Some Bb team members have been working with the Help Desk managers,
creating and sharing documentation so the Help Desk can better assist
students with their Blackboard issues.
8. Report: IT Security Action Team (Durfee)
 No report
9. Report: Internet Presence Committee (Sudler)
 The IPC is currently engaged with COAS and Student Affairs. A revised
target date for completion should be available at the next meeting.
 The Library and One Stop are currently the next departments scheduled to
migrate to CMS.
10. New Business
 None
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. The next meeting will be held on May 9, 2011 at 10:00
a.m. in the Student Union 58W/Room 3806.